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Found 3 results

  1. All, randomly I see some of my devices bahving strange. First TZ75 roller shutter occasionally, w/o any pattern would either open or close the blinds without any scene or other user interaction. Then recently my garden gate would open (Nice engine with IBT4ZWAVE module) though not requested through script or any other user action. Worst so far, my irrigation, managed with an FGS2x3 (Fibaro device) would just switch on, not even sending a proper signal back to the HC2, so it seemed switched off although it was actually switched on. Some additonal information - IBT4ZWAVE - I can see the action in the HC2 log, but it's certain that no scene or user request was triggering the action (remotes were at home, we were on vacation, no scene related to gate was active) - TZ75 - Most of the times there is a log entry with multiple values added e.g. open 70% or close 100%. Funny thing is that I don't have a scene requesting to open by only 70% - FGS2x3 - The most scary one as neither in the log file nor in the Yubii application would state that the switch is off, although it's running Happy for any advice. Let me know what else you need to know. Setup: HC2 ver 4.620
  2. Some of my devices are randomly becoming dead nodes and will not communicate. I have tried reconfiguring the z-wave network for neighbors but no luck. Any suggestions? I am on HC2 running the latest software update (it happened before I updated to the latest update)
  3. Hi, I have some scenes that; for debugging reasons, contain also an action to send an e-mail. Normally I should be able, judging from the date/time this mail was sent to check if my scene is working correctly. If necessary I can compare the mail with the log. If the log says that sensor A saw movement at 3:30 in the night and then the lights went on, then there probably is no problem. The mail then has the content , for example "Scene 13 just triggered", and was sent at 3:30 in the night. But... I DO get these correct mails that prove that the scene is working correctly, from the type in the example mentioned, but at an other hour, completely at random, I get AGAIN the same mail and now without any trace in the log of a triggering event for the scene. So the scene was NOT triggered but the mail was sent anyway. Anybody else having this problem or a reason for this behaviour ?
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