I explain, in summer, i put my heat controllers in summer mode.
For that i execute this commands:
1. api.post("/devices/"..id.."/action/setThermostatMode", {args = {"ManufacturerSpecific"}})
2. api.put("/devices/"..id, {parameters = {{id = 2, value = 0, size = 4},{id = 3, value = 1, size = 4}}, useTemplate = true})
3. api.post("/devices/"..id.."/action/setProtection", {args={"2"}})
4. api.put("/devices/"..api.get("/devices/"..id).parentId, {properties = {pollingInterval = -1}})
5. api.put("/devices/"..id, {properties = {saveLogs = false}, enabled = false, visible = false})
(1) I set my heat Controllers in Manufacturer Specific, but after few hours, he return to Heat parameter. For summer, the heat controllers must be fully open.
(2) I change the parameters for deactivate OpenWindow notification and other. This command work, but the informations displaying in the HC3 not refresh data... Have a idea for force a "refreshStates" command to HC3 ?
(3) It's the same with point (2), he work but not refreshed on HC3.
(4) Copy this command normally sended by HC3 when i change the properties of the device. (I don't know what this command is for.)
(5) Disabled heat controllers for be sure not be changed by the HC3 in the futur. But after few hours, the heat controllers return to Heat mode...
Have you a idea, why heat controllers return to Heat mode after few hours and why when i change the parameters, the HC3 not refresh display data ?
P.S. In my script, for be sure the HC3 not interfer with heat Controllers, i have deactivate the climat zones:
Thanks for your help !