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Found 7 results

  1. I am trying to install a double switch Fibaro FGS 222, and it works, but the security level is set to "none" while it should be set to S2A. I already have a few of those relays in my network and they are on S2A. I have already factory reset the relay a few times, but that doesn't help. Anyone have an idea? I found the answer the FGS 222 is not S2A I will buy a FGS 224, or is there a better option? This is used to control a heating boiler.
  2. I want to control my garage door using Z-wave. I’m thinking about a Relay Switch combined with a Door/Window sensor. I have two wires coming from my garage door opener today. I guess I need a power supply for the Relay Switch. What kind of specification do I need for this? I have a standard wall outlet nearby which I can plug into.
  3. Hi, I can`t understand differance between this actors Single/Doubl Relay Switch and Single/Double Switch 2... Can you explain me ? Thanks !!!
  4. Witam wszystkich, jest to mój pierwszy post Chciałbym zapytać o możliwość podłączenia relay switch na włączniku schodowym. Wiem że ten temat przewijał się przez to forum, ale nie znalazłem układu, który zbliżony byłby do mojego, dlatego pozwalam sobie założyć nowy wątek. Otóz mam w mieszkaniu oświetlenie korytarza, które można włączyć / wyłączyc w 3 miejscach....przy drzwiach wejsciowych, w salonie i przy wyjściu z sypialni (włączniki są bistabilne). Moje pytanie dotyczy tego, czy jeśli zamontuje relay switch w jednej z tych 3 puszek i podłącze do jednego z tych 3 włączników uzyskam pełną funkcjonalność systemu? tzn. będzie działała automatyka fibaro a nadal będę mógł sterować oswietleniem korytarza każdym z tych 3 włączników? Z góry dzięki za pomoc!!!!
  5. I have recently purchased some Fibaro modules and the HC2. I have been successful in adding Dimmer 2 modules but no luck with both single and double relay switches. Along with my Electrician we have tried everything to add the switches via both the switch and the B button but to no avail. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what we might be doing wrong? Does the HC2 need to be in line of sight for these to be added successfully? We are adding these to a two level house both indoors and out. Cheers
  6. Since Fibaro stopped to produce their relay switch with 230V / 24VDC. This type of switch is still requested by customers for easiest way to control devices powered by 24 Volts. And customers do not want RGBW becouse they use this type of switch to control they heating and 24V sprinklers, becouse RGBW modules are for PWM and cannot be added into sprinkler panel. So maybe when they will work on new switches with Z-Wave Plus chip, they could add 24VDC power supply support.
  7. Hello to all I have a problem with fibaro relays. I have used the relay switches for some halogens lamps to turn on. After the first switching, it turns on all and then it jams ! I mean then I can not switch it off manually or by the application. The relay goes and sticks in ON mode ! please help thanks
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