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Dear community, I'm facing an issue with my roller shutters since the very beginning of the installation. I have >9 roller shutters in my house + HC2+ 1 range extender + 12 thermovalves + dimmers + motion sensors I have 2 roller shutters that for some strange reasons do the following: - in my badroom from time to time close the blind completely (during the night, and usually in the same hours) - in my kichen (near the HC2 location) close the blind completely during the afternoon (before the scene I made) Indeed I have two scenes that are impacting blinds:. scene 1) close bedrooms blinds + some others in the house at 9pm each day scene 2) open the other blinds each day at 7am (excluding bedroom, since I open them maually when I wake up) Guys, I'm really getting crazy why this is happening! Any help?
prevent the roller shutter from coming down if the window is open
paolo posted a question in Scenes and Interface
how can i prevent the roller shutter from coming down if the window is open? I have the following scene but if the shutter is activated by the app it goes down anyway. I would like the opening of the window to completely block all operations on the shutter. Thanks --[[ %% properties 123 sceneActivation 123 value %% globals --]] open = fibaro:getValue(472, "value"); fibaro:debug(open); local startSource = fibaro:getSourceTrigger(); if ( tonumber(fibaro:getValue(472, "value")) > 0 ) then fibaro:call(123, "open"); end -
Hej, Próbuje wykalibrować Walli Roller Shutter 3 ale mam problem z mocą silnika. Mianowicie, domyślnie wykrywanie krańcówki w Fibaro ustawione jest na 10W. W spoczynku Fibaro raportuje zużycie 0.7W, w trakcie ruchu góra/dół jest to powyżej 100W, natomiast na krańcach 3W. I teraz jak ma się do tego ten parametr ustawiony na 10W? Jak zostawie domyślnie albo zmienie na mniej (5W, 3W, 2W, 1W) to efekt kalibracji jest taki, że roleta podjeżdza do góry i się zatrzymuje a kalibracja nigdy się nie kończy (biały pierścień LED mruga non-stop). Dopiero jak przestawiłem wartość parametru z 10W na 100W to zadziałało... Ktoś miał coś podobnego? Może źle rozumuje ten parametr? Pozdrawiam, W.
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- walli
- walli roller shutter 3
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Dear All, An idea of having my rollers controlled came up to my mind quite late, so I decided these will be controlled only remotely (there is neither wires, nor switches on the walls, but under wall junction boxes for shutters). Has anyone tried to start it up and successfully controlled without switches? My plan is that they will be controlled by fibaro app, alexa and by some dummy switch relays with programmed scenes. Thanks Maciej
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- roller shutter
- no switch
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Dear community. I'm switching my dumb roller shutter with a walli. The guide doesn't seem to cover my existing wire layout. How do I connect these? I'm in Norway, by the way.
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- roller shutter
- walli
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I have strange situation with fibaro roller shutter (old version FGRM 222). When I connect it to my blinds it is not able to operate it. I hear clicks but only Down button works for millisecond and then it stops. On same wiring and same binds newer roller shutter (FGR 222) works fine. I tried several different FGRM 222 modules but all work the same. What can be problem here?
Hi. Please help me configure the Fibaro System. I would like to control 2 roller shutters and 2 automatic curtains with one double mono-stable switch. Currently, I have 2 roller shutters set on this switch one on the one key and second on the second key.. I setting in advanced options in parameter 20 (one roller shutter button |--> opening > stop > closing > stop > opening ..etc.) Of course, two Fibaro roller shutter control modules are connected directly to this switch. Now my question is, how best to configure the system to, add control of two curtains by double-clicking through this double mono-stable switch ? - Of course, each curtain has its own roller shutter module. - The curtain modules are not directly connected "on cable" to the switch. (so all that remains is z-wave communication) - The curtains has to work in the same way as roller shutters ... i.e. opening > stop > closing > stop > opening ...
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- roller shutter
- curtains
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Version 1.0.0
Some of the icons I use for different scenes (e.g., TimeBasedEvent by Sankotronic or a scene for the sun protection in summer time) - - - - - 21.08.2018 - adding some new icons for a "battery check" and a "ambient light" scene - - - - - - - - - - 29.08.2018 - adding some new icons for a "check door/window" scene - - - - - - - - - - 14.09.2018 - adding one new icon for the roller shutter control and some different colored icon to create a variable - - - - - - - - - - 10.12.2019 - adding two new icon for the sleep state and the sleep child state - - - - - RollerShutter Control SunProtection HeatingPlan, TimeBasedEvents, CalcBankHoliday and other DimLight, NightLight, ColorLight AllOff, BabyMood, BatterieCheck, WindowCheck, InventoryCheck Create Variable (in different colors)-
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- sun protection
- scene
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Witam, mam problem z kalibracją rolety zewnętrznej z elektronicznymi krańcówkami sterowanej przez Roller Shutter 2. Roleta pomiędzy zmianą kierunku góra-dół i dół-góra potrzebuje ok. 1-sekundowej przerwy. Jeśli podczas jazdy np. w dół bezpośrednio naciśnie się przycisk naścienny "góra", to roleta się zatrzymuje i nie chce jechać w górę. Jeśli chcę zmienić kierunek jazdy rolety, to muszę dać "stop" i po ok 1-sekundzie przełączyć włącznik na przeciwny kierunek. Efekt z Roller Shuterem podczas kalibracji jest taki, że uruchamia się ona poprawnie - roleta jedzie w dół. Dojeżdża do krańcowego położenia, roleta się wyłącza (pewnie działają krańcówki) i dokładnie w tym samym momencie Roller Shuter przełącza przekaźnik do jazdy w górę. Roleta niestety nie jedzie, bo nie ma tej 1-sekundowej przerwy. Shutter świeci cały czas "jazda w górę", ale nic się nie dzieje. Całość kalibracji kończy się niepowodzeniem. Czy jest jakiś sposób, aby jednak dokonać kalibracji? Da się jakoś wstawić przerwę pomiędzy cyklami kalibracji, aby wyglądała on tak: - "jazda w dół", - pauza 1-sekunda, - "jazda w górę", - pauza 1-sekunda, "jazda w dół"? PS z roletami z "mechanicznymi" krańcówkami poszło mi bez większych problemów.
- 8 replies
- roller shutter
- elektroniczne krańcówki
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Hi! I would like to use "Roller Shutter 3" to control a number venetian blinds. However, before I buy I have questions. Background: Today each blind is controlled by two dump momentary switches (up/down). To move up or down the button is held for a looong time (up to e.g. 60 seconds). To adjust the angle of the slats the button is held for somewhere between 0.1 and 2 seconds, depending on how much rotation is wanted. Questions: The "Roller Shutter 3"´manual says: "hold switch – initiate slats rotation up/down". How is the slats rotation stopped? How does one use the momentary switches to tell the "Roller Shutter 3" to power the blind motor for e.g. just 0.1 second in order to achieve a small rotation of the slats? Hope someone can help. Thanks. Anders
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- roller shutter
- slat angle
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Version 1.0.0
Brama 10% Jeśli ktoś korzysta z roller shuttera wpiętego "dosłownie" w automatykę bramy suwanej to może komuś się przyda. Działa sprawdzone, w razie zapytań prosze o priv. If someone uses the roller shutter attached "literally" to the automation of the sliding gate, it can be useful to someone. Works checked, if you ask, please priv. Gregory -
Hi Everyone, I am new to Fibaro. Does anybody know how can I use the temperature from the motion sensor to control the blinds? I need to set temperature set point to trigger roller shutters. Thanks for your help, Shahmir
Set time to open the blinds in the morning. Alarm clock
Denis Kuzin posted a question in Scenes and Interface
Hello community! I have a task: Every evening user want to set time for the curtains to open in the morning with the alarm clock. Ideal - the user simply sets the alarm in the phone and the home center gives the command to open the curtains when triggered. But I did not find such option in IFTTT. Another one - set time to open the curtains in mobile app (iOS and Android), without having to enter the web configuration. Does anyone have a solution to this problem? Or maybe any suggestions what I need to use? Thank you!- 1 reply
- curtains
- roller shutter
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I do not know if it is possible to have any solution to this situation: - I have an automatic scene that closes the shutters if the outside temperature is above 25º C. (It does not matter if I'm at home or outside) In some situations, when I get home, I want to open one of the blinds, even if the outside temperature is above 25º C. The blind opens, but after a few moments it closes again because of the rule scene. If I do not want to close the blinds automatically when I'm at home, I need to add a GPS position, right? Or is there another solution? Suppose I want to open the blinds for some reason but I'm out of the house ... thank you
Hi I have 8 x venetian blinders in my apartment controlled by Fibaro Remote Shutter 2 and HC2. No physical switches have been installed, so the only way I operate them is via app or scenes triggered elswhere from dimmer or relays on the walls - works ok but not very intuitive as I use double/triple clicks for predefined scenes. I would like to add some complex and comfortable solution to control them all them with a remote controller but in more intuitive way. I have found something like this below: 1. https://www.remotec.com.hk/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/ZRC-100-User-Manual_V1.57_20130430.pdf - looks like it support scenes, and multilevel devices but.. I see it too complicated to use it for example for just quick opening and closing a blinder etc. 2. http://www.z-wave.in/shop/smart-remotes/duwi-remote/ - looks much better in term of ergonomy. Will be much quicker to operate devices by my elder parents. 8 groups - with two buttons plus 3 extra scenes but I wonder if I will be able to operate lamellas with that one so that when I hold the button it will move the blinder and stops once released or just fully open/close when triggered no matter how long/short you pushed it. 3. https://www.fakro.pl/att/COMMON/offer/servis/user_manuals/ZWP10_FAKRO.pdf - has 4 groups and 2 channels each (A bit less intuitive than duwi) thus able to control 8 blinders in total - enough for me. Support multilevel (longer click, longer than 0.5s) and basic so I will be able to set lamellas angle as proffered. The only drawback I see, there is no possibility to run a scenes so no option to control let's say a group of blinders in whole room. Have anyone tried to test mentioned controllers, maybe can advise something else to try? I am interested in your experience and opinions. Thanks
I seem unable to trigger a calibration sequence for my Fibaro Roller Shutter 1 (FGR221 v2.1). The manual states the only possible way to trigger a calibration is to reset the unit by excluding then including it into the Z-wave network. I tried this several times. For the last try, I also cut the power for 30 seconds before including it again. In the manual I read that, after a succesful include, there should be a calibration sequence. This does not happen. Do you have any suggestions for triggering a calibration?
- 5 replies
- roller shutter
- calibration
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Calibration successful but rollter shutter not working correctly
gotocu posted a question in Roller Shutter 2
Hello, I'm struggling with the roller shutter 2 to get it working correctly with my Liwin L25 window-drive. I tried to calibrate the shutter using all 3 methods explained in the handbook (manual, using the z-wave, push button). The calibration immediately starts. Depending on the current state of the window (e.g., closed) the shutter correctly opens the window and than close it completely and then stops (it is not opened again as described in the handbook - in neither of the calibration techniques). After the calibration it is possible to open and close the window completely (using on and off commands). However it isn't possible to drive to a certain position (using dim command) - the commands are ignored like described in the case of a failed calibration. I think the calibration failes - but why? Another odd effect: to get the shutter working the motor operation detection value must be set to 1 or zero. All other values have the effect that the motion starts and stops within one second. Any ideas?- 4 replies
- roller shutter
- calibration
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Hi, I can’t calibrate my roller shutter (FGR-222, I guess due to missing feedback from the motor; when I started the calibration process it moved for 1 sec. up , 1 sec. down and then ist stopped). After reading a lot of posts in different forums, I'm still not sure if I'm understanding it correctly. Maybe you can help my by answering some questions: Can I operate it (only open and close) without calibration? If yes, is it correct to set all parameters to 0 except #22 (motor operation time) to 25 (for 25 sec. that the rollers need to open/close)? If no, can I make the calibration work by setting the parameters differently, maybe like this: #10 Roller Shutter operating modes: 1 – Roller Blind Mode, with positioning #18. Motor operation detection: 3 (this W number is shown on the tile when operating)? What does the LED mean? Is it Ok that they are still green or read after the movement has stopped? When the LED is green the device is kind of humming silently. Is this OK? Regards, Jochen
Hi I read in the Roller Shutter 2 manual that it can be used to automate gates 'allows for controlling motors ... gates and others, which are single phase AC powered' My questions are: Which automated gate devices is the FGRM-222 designed to work with? Has anyboby used the FGRM-222 for gate automation? How is the installation arranged to be compliant with the UK safety regulations for gates (e.g. trapped person sensing)? Is it simpler to install a gate automation kit and then automate the user switches with a Double Relay FGS-222 or a Double Switch FGS-223 rather than automatic the motor control?
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- gate automation
- gates
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Witam forumowiczów. Otóż zmagam się od dwóch tygodni z pewnym problemem. A mianowicie rolety podłączone do Fibaro roller shutter 2 żyją własnym życiem kilka razy dziennie . Czasami jak roleta jest otwarta to się sama zamyka, albo jak jest zamknięta to sama się otwiera. Przez 1,5 tygodnia działo się tak na rolecie zamontowanej w salonie i kuchni. Natomiast ostatnio po usunięciu sterownika rolet w salonie z centrali HC2 i dodaniu jej na nowo objaw ten ustąpił w salonie i kuchni, ale zaczął się w niektórych pomieszczeniach. Dziś natomiast w nocy otworzyły się rolety w salonie oraz w dwóch innych pomieszczeniach(zawsze te same). Brak mi już pomysłu na rozwiązanie tego problemu. Mam w domu 10 rolet, z czego 3 żyją własnym życiem. Dodam, że nie mam żadnych scen związanych z roletami jeszcze, oraz że w przypadku wystąpienia alarmu rolety są ustawione tak by nie reagowały. Chciałbym w końcu rozwiązać ten problem by napisać scenę zamykania/otwierania wszystkich.
Witam, Roller Shutter zaraportował mi dzisiaj w nocy absurdalne zużycie prądu: przeszło 3kW przez 40 minut. To całkowicie niemożliwe - podpiętą mam do niego roletę, która podczas pracy pobiera 160W. Przy odbiorze 3300W mocy z pewnością by silnik spłonął. Roleta została opuszczona ok. g. 20:00 i nikt jej pomiędzy g. 0:00, a 1:00 z całą pewnością nie sterował. Czy to normalne, że sterowniki wysyłają czasami takie bzdurne, losowe dane? Te piękne wykresy zużycia energii stają się całkowicie nieużyteczne. Jeden taki losowy "pik" i wszystkie statystyki stają się bez sensu. Nie widzę, aby dało się odrzucać ze statystyk pojedyncze błędne pomiary, a reset pomiarów całego sterownika to strata jego "pożytecznej" historii.
Hello everybody, I have a new awning with motor from Somfy. Its a Somfy Orea RTS motor only with radio transmitter. No other switch. To connect the motor I only have three cabels. Live, Neutral and Earth. No other cabels for up and down. I now want to install the roller shutter 2 from fibaro to connect the awning with my HC2. But to connect the somfy orea rts motor with the roller shutter 2 I need 2 more cabels (for up and down) to put them into Q1 and Q2... but I dont have them. Does anyone have any idea how to connect such a awning-motor to the HC2? Thanks for help (and sorry for my terrible english)
For roller shutters there is a setting "Local protection state": If it is set to "No operation possible" in the web interface, then it is not possible at all to control a device directly via buttons. Same is available to block operation via scenes: By setting "Remote protection state" to "No remote control". The state of this parameter can be read by this command: print (fibaro:getValue(ID, "protectionState")); Now I want to set this protection state via LUA (to protect the blinds from operated at strong winds). The Fibaro support page states a parameter "setProtectionLocalAndRF" can be set via fibaro:call function if used with the callAction API call. Question A: How to call the callAction API via http from within a LUA scene? Will this set the protection state? What are the parameters for setProtectionLocalAndRF? However, when changed in the web interface my roller shutter module does not store that value, but always is set back to "unprotected". Question B: What can be the reason, why my roller shutter module doesn't accept the state "No operation possible"? Thanks for help. ------ FGRM--222 Software Version 25.25 HCL2 Software Version 4.100
- fgrm
- roller shutter
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Which kind of motor Fibaro Roller Shutter 2 can managing?
robsor posted a question in Roller Shutter 2
Can it manage this kind of motor (please, see image; Motor:Cherubini blue wave rx) ? In this case, no diagram is showed in the roller shutter guide and I'm going to buy some electric awnings,with this motor. Am I able to manage this motor with Fibaro Roller Shutter 2? I would manage the electric awnings, with switch keys and with zwaves commands. Regards. Roberto- 3 replies
- roller shutter 2
- roller shutter
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