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  1. Hi There, I'm not getting my scene to work properly so I need some help. I want my lights to turn on if the variable is now equal to night, if the lux of one sensor is lower then 13 and is on of the two motion sensors is tripped. Then the lights can turn of when both motion sensors are save for 5 minutes. See the scene I created but is only working if I set the two sensors in a device group but then they work as an "and" state so both sensors need to be triggert before the lights turn on. Hopefully someone can help me.
  2. On my roller shutter 3 I don't have a wired switch. Therefore I bought an Aeotec WallMote Quad. Scenes for opening and closing is not a problem and moving to certain positions as well. I have a Zipatile 1. I need a scene that stops the roller shutter 3 from running or even better: on button pressed check if the roller shutter is running and then stops the shutters. I've tried the example in the attachment, but it doesn't work. Any suggestion? Thanks!
  3. Hello, I created following scene that turn off all the lights in my apartment: This scene should be automaticly launched while button 2 is pressed 2 times on Dimmer in Lobby. But it's not launching. It is properly running by mobile app. Does anyone knows what I am doing wrong ? What to check ? Regards.
  4. Well i am running HC3 and i have a Aeon Gen5 Siren in my backyard for when i am working in my shed. Neighbours told me that my Siren ( that i am using over there for iff someone rings my frontdoor bell ) sometimes keeps going. So i wonder if i can use a scene or something that turns that Siren off every XX time so neighbours can't complain any more.
  5. Hi all, I would like to display a debug message with the time of sunset + an x amount of minutes. So there needs to be a calculation. I have a few scenes whose start is dependent of the month, turning lights on earlier or later. My debug message should be something like "today lights will be on at 21:15". That 21:15 is the calculated time. I have these declarations at the start of scenes: local sunsettime = fibaro:getGlobalValue("SunsetTime"); local sunsetHour = fibaro:getValue(1,'sunsetHour') But I can't figure out how to do this. Shouldn't be very complicated, but i'm not good in LUA programming with time. Hope someone can help me out.
  6. I have HC2 and the door/window sensor was located next to HC2 5 meters away. For a while, my device didn't send the door status to HC2 and the scene didn't start. Maybe I need to re-bind this sensor, but it problem comes back every 2-3 months How to solve this problem?
  7. I have a smoke alarm (FireAngel ST-630 with Sprue Z-wave-module) which I would like to trigger switching off a relay when an alarm is given. Basically, there are two ways to make one device trigger another, associations or scenes. Using association has the advantage of being independent of the HC2 gateway, so that is what I was looking for at first. The supplier of the alarm tells me, however, that association will not work in this case, since the appropriate association group uses a "sensor notification reports and not a set command". I am a little out of my depth here, and would appreciate any comments. The complete documentation for the device is enclosed. There is no Fibaro template for this device, but I do not expect that to make a difference. Do you agree with the supplier that association to a switch or relay is not possible in this case? What is a good and simple way to set up a scene for this function: 'If smoke alarm on device xxx then set switch yyy to "off"?' Sprue-Z-Wave-Module-Developer-Pack-2017.pdf
  8. Version 1.3.4


    Main scene FTBE v1.3.4 UPDATE (30 December 2019) Changed only Main scene FTBE code. Changed function for time of day calculation and added use of SleepState global to set time of day to morning when Awake and current time is between midnight and sunrise time. KNOWN ISSUES v1.3.4 Sunrise and Sunset VD will not show correctly default sunrise and sunset time set by user in Main scene in case that that times are used due to problem with HC settings. If sunset time is before sunrise time then user must check that night time is not set to start after sunrise. Sunrise & Sunset VD does not check this time automatically. INTRODUCTION Main scene FTBE is the beating heart of the HA system. It is the only scene necessary to loop endlessly because it is the source of most important events generated on our gateways and that are time based events! It is looping once every minute making sure that our gateways are aware of the current time, part of the day, week, month and season of the year. Many actions done by our gateways are depending on current time like raising or lowering blinds, lighting control, waking up of our home and us, brewing coffee at proper time (this is extremely nice!), reminding us of important events and many other things. This scene will take care of that by changing various global variables at appropriate time thus activating other scenes triggered by them and the user can even configure it to start other scenes or press buttons on VD's at predefined intervals or at scheduled times. PREREQUISITES Fibaro Home Center 2 with firmware 4.110 or greater FEATURES Consists of scene and three VD's. Main scene FTBE loops and takes care of all timers like darkness, time of day, week days, month and season. Can also be setup to run other scenes, activate buttons on VD's or change global variables value at predefined times. VD's are used to set values of timers and show them on HC2 interface Can be setup to send push messages for scheduled execution of scenes and VD's Can track users location and calculate distance from home Darkness can be changed either by user set sunrise and sunset times or by light level measured by devices Part of the used global variables are automatically added to the system by Sunrise & Sunset VD and are automatically repaired INSTALLATION & UPGRADE Please check provided User Manual where all steps are explained in detail and check video from @MarcoTorino71: PACKAGE CONTENT Main scene FTBE v1.3.4 Sunrise & Sunset VD v1.4.0 Home Status VD v1.0 Home Timers VD v1.0.1 Icons for scene and VD's User Manual EN v1.3 CREDITS Many thanks to many Fibaro forum users for help with testing and suggestions for improvements. TERMS AND CONDITIONS Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its documentation for educational, research, personal use and non-profit purposes, without fee and without a signed licensing agreement is hereby granted, provided that the copyright notice, with "Terms and conditions" and "Disclaimer" appear in all copies, modifications and distributions. It is strictly forbidden to sell, rent, lease and/or lend this software for profit without prior consent from the Author. DISCLAIMER This software is provided by copyright owner "as is" and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall the author and distributor be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage. Fibar Group S.A. and their employees are not responsible for support of the Main scene FTBE. Please contact the author Sankotronic, on the Fibaro Forum, for any questions or support required.
  9. Sorry as I know this i s a newbie question (most likely) Setting up my HC I have a "Double switch 2" configured and I would like to make the wall switch turn of all lights with a double tap. I have actived Parameter 28 for double click. (correct?) Now I have tried multiple venues to achieve this without any success. In the Block programming the Switch (named "Bel Knapp 1") only displays options on/off like it was the output? There is no option as example to choose scene ID 28 (double click). I feel there is a configuration issue here but am not sure... A nudge in the right direction would be very appreciated thanks /Nick
  10. Well i have a HC3 and i want to create a scene that when a MC is open then light goes on and if MC is closed the light goes off after 5 minutes. Scene that i have is: When door opens then camera takes a snapshot, sends a push notification to mobile. What i want is: When door opens the camera takes a snapshot, sent a notification to my mobile and turn a flood light on, then when door is closed the flood light will stay on for 5 minutes and then automatically turns off.
  11. Version 1.1.0


    A set of scene icons based on those supplied by Fibaro.
  12. Hi - I would like to modify a device parameter configuration using a scene. In this example I have a set of security lights which have a timer to switch on for 60 seconds. sometimes we want to use them as normal lights and i'd like to be able to set the timer to 20 minutes so they dont keep turning on and off. Parameter number 1 desired value would change using lua code to 1200. thanks.
  13. Hi all, in the Panels menu, Fibaro alarm, advanced tab, pre-defined actions: the first pre-defined action "PANIC" dissapeared. I added and deleted some of my own scenes into other actions, and once the PANIC action is no longer there... Does anyone has any idea how to get it back? Thanks, Cheers!
  14. Hello I'm new to making scenes in HC3, -just bear with me. Thought to start with some simple things like Trigger and Conditioning. Have a source I want to get a message if the temperature is above 9 degrees But the scene is running even though the temperature is below 9 degrees (see picture) Have tried to read on how to do. Feels like it's a simple thing I am missing I have also the same problem with freezer (not unexpected but i guess ) But i would like to have that on -18 in stead
  15. Is it possible to write a (one) trigger for the HC3 scene that responds to all devices, whose interfaces are light. I don't want to write for every light device a trigger.. What I've tried, and it doesn't work is: { operator = “all”, conditions = { { type = “device”, property = “value”, operator = “anyValue”, isTrigger = true } } } OR id= Or id = {45, 46}, --omit altogether and hard to maintain OR id= fibaro.getDevicesID Or id = fibaro.getDevicesID({ Interfaces = {“light”,}, Properties = { dead = false,}, Enabled = true, Visible = true }), And changing 'device' to 'interfaces' or 'interFaces' doesn't work either. { operator = “all”, conditions = { { type = “interfaces”, property = “value”, operator = “==”, value = “light”, isTrigger = true } } } The only code that's working is: But, this trigger is only for 2 devices, and I have a lot more.... And I don't like it because it's hard to maintain.. { operator = "any", conditions = { { type = "device", id = 45, property = "value", operator = "anyValue", isTrigger = true }, { type = "device", id = 46, property = "value", operator = "anyValue", isTrigger = true } } } Can someone help me with this? please!
  16. Hi I recently figured out that my scenes with sending picture to e-mail from a ip camera not working anymore. It stops working around November 2017, I think after update to 4.150 or 4.140. Now running 4.170 on HC2 and command "sendPhotoToUser" not working. Button with camera logo on the device which used to send a snapshot to mail, also doesn't work. Has anyone else same issue? Code which should send a picture looks like this: Exactly the same code coming from block scene, when I making new scene now and converting to lua. --[[ %% properties 874 value %% weather %% events %% globals --]] local startSource = fibaro:getSourceTrigger(); if ( ( tonumber(fibaro:getValue(874, "value")) > 0 ) -- id 874 is triggering device or startSource["type"] == "other" ) then fibaro:call(648, "sendPhotoToUser", "2"); -- 648 is a camera id, 2 is a user id end Camera's settings and plugins/for cameras wasn't changed since this worked.
  17. Hi guys, I'm going mad with Fibaro GPS scene trigger which refuses to work although my movement traces from my mobile are sucessfully recorded within Fibaro. I have done/checked/tried: create a custom location in localisations panel instead of using my predefined HCL location using a separate variable instead of direct GPS location checked data privacy settings on my IOS and allowed it for Fibaro to collect GPS (otherwise traces would also not be visible in Home Center) Home location: Collected movement traces: Fibaro test scene: What else can it be?!? Note that I can trigger the scene manually and i get the notification. Also I can trigger the scene via IFTTT even location-based! Help much appreciated! Home-Center light is on latest version 4.560.
  18. Hi, I have some scenes that; for debugging reasons, contain also an action to send an e-mail. Normally I should be able, judging from the date/time this mail was sent to check if my scene is working correctly. If necessary I can compare the mail with the log. If the log says that sensor A saw movement at 3:30 in the night and then the lights went on, then there probably is no problem. The mail then has the content , for example "Scene 13 just triggered", and was sent at 3:30 in the night. But... I DO get these correct mails that prove that the scene is working correctly, from the type in the example mentioned, but at an other hour, completely at random, I get AGAIN the same mail and now without any trace in the log of a triggering event for the scene. So the scene was NOT triggered but the mail was sent anyway. Anybody else having this problem or a reason for this behaviour ?
  19. Hello, I want to make a scene that when mij motionsensor is armed and breached the light and siren are going to work. I made it but when my motionsensor is armed the light instantly goes on and the sirene goes loud. It does not work. Who can help me?
  20. Hei, Quick App - Sonos Zone Controller works great inside the controller bur how can i use it with scenes ? In scenes is is not possible to choose the quick app Thanks for your answer.
  21. Function Request: Within block scene, it would be good to have the option within Simple Message Block to select: Log Output as a drop down within Simple Massage Output type: Debug, Error, Warning, Trace Message This will allow people to send a message into the Log during the flow of the Block Scene.
  22. I can't get a scene to work if I add a time interval. It looks ok but is not working and I don't know what I do wrong. It works if I remove the Time Range block... Please help!
  23. Hello, Is it possible to change a scene icon in LUA? The scene is just a simple toggle: local switchState = tonumber(fibaro:getValue(59, "value")) == 1 if switchState then fibaro:call(59, "turnOff") else fibaro:call(59, "turnOn") end Thanks
  24. response, status = api.get("/scenes") fibaro:sleep(1000) if (status == 200) then fibaro:debug("Get Scenes Successful") created = true else fibaro:debug("Failed to get Scenes " ) end for _,s1 in ipairs(response) do local s2 = api.get("/scenes/"..s1.id) if s1.name == gSceneName then fibaro:debug("SceneName: " .. s1.name .. " Scene ID: " ..s1.id) print (s1.isLua) -- ** gets correctly print (s1.lua) -- <=== RETURNS a null --- HOW do I get this print (s1.roomID) -- ** gets correctly print (s1.iconID) -- ** gets correctly print (s1.sortOrder) -- ** gets correctly SceneID= s1.id fibaro:sleep(1000) Essentially I'm trying to get the Lua code from a scene so I jason encode it so I can then populate another scene with the same lua code. I'm trying to automatically update/create Lua scenes without having to go in and edit each one individually. I can populate the "lua " field with an API PUT ... But I can't read it back. The code above returns all the other fields but not the s1.lua Any help would be greatly appreciated - thanks.
  25. Hello. I don't know how to set up a scene for Fibaro HC lite to sort a picture when the door opens on the sepecified mail. For Fibaro HC2 I did this scene and it works perfectly. Unfortunately at Fibaro HC lite I have no opportunity to choose any room in the system, as I cannot appear to choose.
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