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  1. I have been trying to create the following scene in LUA: When i double click the light switch (Fibaro Switch 2), i want to turn all the room lights on. I have set the switch's parameters 28 and 29 to enable 2x click. I have also set the parameter 20 to the correct switch type. This is my object IDs: This is my LUA scene code (I have used this code as a template, since i don't know much about lua https://forum.fibaro.com/topic/23423-switch-2-trigger-scene/😞 --[[ %% properties %% events 109.0 CentralSceneEvent %% globals --]] local pressSource = fibaro:getSourceTrigger()["event"]["data"] --fibaro:debug(json.encode(pressSource)) if (tostring(pressSource["keyAttribute"]) == "Pressed2") then fibaro:debug('Pressed 2 times') if fibaro:getGlobalValue("Home") ~= "1" then fibaro:setGlobal("Home", "1") fibaro:debug(" Global Home set to "..fibaro:getGlobalValue("Home")) fibaro:startScene(68) else fibaro:setGlobal("Home", "0") fibaro:debug(" Global Home set to "..fibaro:getGlobalValue("Home")) fibaro:startScene(69) end end So the idea would be: if key is pressed 2x, the variable "Home" gets 1 (and trigger sceneID 68 - turn all on) or 0 (and trigger sceneID 69 - turn all off) The issue is that i don't know which "CentralSceneEvent" ID to use, i tried 109.0.1 (remote controller) but it didn't work. How does these IDs work exactly for this type of event call? What should i point the id to? Another thing i would like to know: Here i use a single ID that would call to both S1 and S2 of one switch. Can i insert more CentralSceneEvent IDs into this code, so that more switches can trigger the same scene, or i should copy this scene and create a new one for each switch? EDIT: So i figured i was not using the correct ID's to trigger the scene. The 109.0 is actually 110, which made the scene work. Now i just have to figure if i can use more than one ID in the same scene, or if I have to duplicate the scene and switch the ID to the other switch that needs to trigger too. Does anyone know that?
  2. Hi, we use 6 MCO MH7 devices in our house and all have the same behavior. I have scenes with the Device MCO MH7 Heating Control. They worked propely. I am switching the temperature based on a heating plan for our water florr heating. Since the inclusion of the "Engery safing heating" state I got the problem, that the temperature isn´t set well to the new values. fibaro:call(420, "setSetpointMode", 11) fibaro:call(420, "setThermostatSetpoint", 11, "21"); fibaro:call(420, "setSetpointMode", 1) fibaro:call(420, "setThermostatSetpoint", 1, "21"); to be safe I also send it to both "setpointMode", but sometimes the device doesn´t catch the new value. Is some one here who has the same issue or know how to solve it?
  3. Hi everyone, I have a lua scene that turns a light on when motion is detected and turns it off after 1 minute. How can I make it not turn the light off if it has been previously turned on manually using the switch? Here is the code for the scene { conditions = { { id = 220, isTrigger = true, operator = "==", property = "value", type = "device", value = true } }, operator = "all" } fibaro.call(185, 'turnOn') fibaro.setTimeout(60000, function() fibaro.call(185, 'turnOff') end) Thanks a lot
  4. Hi everyone, So I have a Skaro automation bridge which connects my iZone HVAC system to my HC3. On the quickapp is a label representing the current temperature in the zone: I cannot seem to reference the lblTemperature value in LUA. I am actually trying to get the actual temperature into a global variable within a scene but cannot work out the syntax. I downloaded the device file under advanced to see if I can see any other references to lblTemperature but cannot see how it gets the value from the device. I assume it is part of the API. So for the scene action I just have local MST = hub.getValue(99, "lblTemperature") print(MST) where the QA device is 99 and the debug screen displays: [07.10.2023] [15:08:11] [DEBUG] [SCENE74]: nil I'd really appreciate any ideas you may have. Thanks. Anth
  5. I have a scene for controling my sprinklers. The sprinkles are controled with an RGBW module and this can not be added in Irrigation Panel .so i created a scene and a variable in Variables Panel with options "Yes" and "No" This scene has to start irrigations on scheluled time and if a variable (NecesitaIrigare) has value "Yes". The scene start irrigations even if the variable has another value.
  6. Using HC3, I have a manual scene to initialise variables and hardware etc. What's a good way to get feedback on its result - whether it succeeded or failed? Checking the Debug Log would be a hassle. In HC2 it wasn't a problem as the debug info was right there without having to select tag and type.
  7. This is a Quickapp script for HC3. I am trying to get this to work in a VD on HC2. Is it possible, or do I have to do it together with a scene to make it work? Can anyone help? function QuickApp:onInit() self:updateProperty("unit", "kr/kWh") self.refresh = 60 -- in seconds local function loop() self:webrequest(); setTimeout(loop,self.refresh * 1000) end if self.username ~= "changeme" then loop() end end function QuickApp:webrequest() local tid = os.date("%R") local minutt = os.date("%M") --OPPDATERER STRØMPRIS OG SNITT HVER TIME if (minutt == "00") then self:OppdaterPris(); self:OppdaterSnitt(); end end function QuickApp:OppdaterPris() --Opprette lokale variable local GammelStrompris = fibaro.get(126,"value") local NyStrompris --Definerer http local http = net.HTTPClient(); --Definerer strengen Payload til å være kommando til tibber local payload = '{"query": "{viewer {homes {currentSubscription{priceInfo{current{total}}}}}}", "variables": null, "operationName": null}'; --API.POST til Tibber-- http : request('https://api.tibber.com/v1-beta/gql', { options = { method = "POST", headers = { ['Authorization'] = '.........', --Min Tibber ID her. ['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' }, data = payload -- Query. }, success = function(response) --fibaro.debug (response.data) --Verifiser at en har fått response.data. Dette er data som en har fått fra Tibber local data = json.decode(response.data); --fjernet local under??? NyStrompris = json.encode(data.data.viewer.homes[1].currentSubscription.priceInfo.current.total); self:updateProperty("value", tonumber(NyStrompris)) --print("OK") end, error = function(err) fibaro.debug ("Error:" .. err) end }); end function QuickApp:OppdaterSnitt() --Definerer http local http = net.HTTPClient(); --Definerer strengen average til å være kommando til tibber local average = '{"query": "{viewer {homes {currentSubscription{priceRating{daily{entries{total}}}}}}}", "variables": null, "operationName": null}'; --API.POST Til Tibber http : request ('https://api.tibber.com/v1-beta/gql', { options = { method = "POST", headers = { ['Authorization'] = '...............', --Min Tibber ID her. ['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' }, data = average -- Query }, success = function(response) --fibaro.debug(response.data) --Verifiser at en har fått response.data. Dette er data som en har fått fra Tibber local data = json.decode(response.data); local Nypris = tostring(json.encode(data.data.viewer.homes[1].currentSubscription.priceRating.daily.entries[31].total)); self:updateProperty("log", tostring(Nypris)) end, } ) end
  8. Hi, I would like to receive a notification, when the temperature on the fibaro heat controller is manually changed. I tried to write a lua scene, but I don´t know how to use change of "Setpoint" as trigger. Thanks for your help
  9. Czy ktoś może podpowiedzieć jak stworzyć scenę w której z określonym interwałem czasowym centrala wyśle powiadomienie push z informacją o aktualnej wartości czujnika? Chciałbym aby klient raz na dzień dostawał info jaka jest wilgotność powietrza, ponieważ jest to ważne dla odpowiedniego utrzymania jego drewnianej podłogi. ____________ Can anyone suggest how to create a scene in which, with a specific time interval, HC3 will send a push notification with information about the current sensor value? I would like to receive information about the air humidity once a day, because it is important for the proper maintenance of client wooden floor.
  10. Hello, iam implementing automated heating which would consider weather temperature forecast for heating. Unfortunatelly although everything works fine iam not able to get forecast from ope weather. Everything works when i send same request using browser but as soon as i send it through Lua. API returns 401 Invalid API key. See yourself: local openWeatherAPIKey = "xyxyxy" -- You need to fill this out function process_heating() -- inside here i have implementation of heating itself, not interesting... end local location = api.get("/settings/location") local lat = location.latitude or 0 local lon = location.longitude or 0 local locStr = "lat="..lat.."&lon="..lon local opts = "&units=metric&cnt=1&appid="..openWeatherAPIKey local fullRequestUrl = "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/forecast?"..locStr..opts fibaro.debug("topeni", fullRequestUrl) local http = net.HTTPClient() http:request(fullRequestUrl, { options = { checkCertificate = false, method = "GET", timeout = 5000 }, success = function(res) local openWeatherData = res.status == 200 and json.decode(res.data) local max_temp = 0 if openWeatherData then max_temp = openWeatherData.list[0].main.temp_max fibaro.debug("topeni", "Today max temp: "..temp_max.."C") elseif res.status == 401 then local resp = json.decode(res.data) fibaro.debug("topeni", "Unable to load weather data 401: "..resp.message) fibaro.debug("topeni", fullRequestUrl) else fibaro.debug("topeni", "Unable to load weather data "..res.status) end process_heating(max_temp) end, error = function(res) fibaro.debug("topeni", "Unable to load weather data: "..res) process_heating(0) end }) Script outputs final request URL in case of failure to console. When i run this it fails, when i copy that final URL to web browser i get data as expected. Any idea what could be wrong?
  11. How to run an existing block scene from the android device using the "Welcome Home" mobile app?
  12. Hi There, I'm not getting my scene to work properly so I need some help. I want my lights to turn on if the variable is now equal to night, if the lux of one sensor is lower then 13 and is on of the two motion sensors is tripped. Then the lights can turn of when both motion sensors are save for 5 minutes. See the scene I created but is only working if I set the two sensors in a device group but then they work as an "and" state so both sensors need to be triggert before the lights turn on. Hopefully someone can help me.
  13. On my roller shutter 3 I don't have a wired switch. Therefore I bought an Aeotec WallMote Quad. Scenes for opening and closing is not a problem and moving to certain positions as well. I have a Zipatile 1. I need a scene that stops the roller shutter 3 from running or even better: on button pressed check if the roller shutter is running and then stops the shutters. I've tried the example in the attachment, but it doesn't work. Any suggestion? Thanks!
  14. Well i am running HC3 and i have a Aeon Gen5 Siren in my backyard for when i am working in my shed. Neighbours told me that my Siren ( that i am using over there for iff someone rings my frontdoor bell ) sometimes keeps going. So i wonder if i can use a scene or something that turns that Siren off every XX time so neighbours can't complain any more.
  15. I have HC2 and the door/window sensor was located next to HC2 5 meters away. For a while, my device didn't send the door status to HC2 and the scene didn't start. Maybe I need to re-bind this sensor, but it problem comes back every 2-3 months How to solve this problem?
  16. Sorry as I know this i s a newbie question (most likely) Setting up my HC I have a "Double switch 2" configured and I would like to make the wall switch turn of all lights with a double tap. I have actived Parameter 28 for double click. (correct?) Now I have tried multiple venues to achieve this without any success. In the Block programming the Switch (named "Bel Knapp 1") only displays options on/off like it was the output? There is no option as example to choose scene ID 28 (double click). I feel there is a configuration issue here but am not sure... A nudge in the right direction would be very appreciated thanks /Nick
  17. Well i have a HC3 and i want to create a scene that when a MC is open then light goes on and if MC is closed the light goes off after 5 minutes. Scene that i have is: When door opens then camera takes a snapshot, sends a push notification to mobile. What i want is: When door opens the camera takes a snapshot, sent a notification to my mobile and turn a flood light on, then when door is closed the flood light will stay on for 5 minutes and then automatically turns off.
  18. Version 1.1.0


    A set of scene icons based on those supplied by Fibaro.
  19. Hi - I would like to modify a device parameter configuration using a scene. In this example I have a set of security lights which have a timer to switch on for 60 seconds. sometimes we want to use them as normal lights and i'd like to be able to set the timer to 20 minutes so they dont keep turning on and off. Parameter number 1 desired value would change using lua code to 1200. thanks.
  20. Hello I'm new to making scenes in HC3, -just bear with me. Thought to start with some simple things like Trigger and Conditioning. Have a source I want to get a message if the temperature is above 9 degrees But the scene is running even though the temperature is below 9 degrees (see picture) Have tried to read on how to do. Feels like it's a simple thing I am missing I have also the same problem with freezer (not unexpected but i guess ) But i would like to have that on -18 in stead
  21. Version 1.0.0


    More then 300 scene icons
  22. Is it possible to write a (one) trigger for the HC3 scene that responds to all devices, whose interfaces are light. I don't want to write for every light device a trigger.. What I've tried, and it doesn't work is: { operator = “all”, conditions = { { type = “device”, property = “value”, operator = “anyValue”, isTrigger = true } } } OR id= Or id = {45, 46}, --omit altogether and hard to maintain OR id= fibaro.getDevicesID Or id = fibaro.getDevicesID({ Interfaces = {“light”,}, Properties = { dead = false,}, Enabled = true, Visible = true }), And changing 'device' to 'interfaces' or 'interFaces' doesn't work either. { operator = “all”, conditions = { { type = “interfaces”, property = “value”, operator = “==”, value = “light”, isTrigger = true } } } The only code that's working is: But, this trigger is only for 2 devices, and I have a lot more.... And I don't like it because it's hard to maintain.. { operator = "any", conditions = { { type = "device", id = 45, property = "value", operator = "anyValue", isTrigger = true }, { type = "device", id = 46, property = "value", operator = "anyValue", isTrigger = true } } } Can someone help me with this? please!
  23. Hello, I created following scene that turn off all the lights in my apartment: This scene should be automaticly launched while button 2 is pressed 2 times on Dimmer in Lobby. But it's not launching. It is properly running by mobile app. Does anyone knows what I am doing wrong ? What to check ? Regards.
  24. Hi all, I would like to display a debug message with the time of sunset + an x amount of minutes. So there needs to be a calculation. I have a few scenes whose start is dependent of the month, turning lights on earlier or later. My debug message should be something like "today lights will be on at 21:15". That 21:15 is the calculated time. I have these declarations at the start of scenes: local sunsettime = fibaro:getGlobalValue("SunsetTime"); local sunsetHour = fibaro:getValue(1,'sunsetHour') But I can't figure out how to do this. Shouldn't be very complicated, but i'm not good in LUA programming with time. Hope someone can help me out.
  25. Version 16.4


    AOQ can control any other Fibaro system HC3, HC2, HCL (master/slave concept) Before migrating your devices to HC3, AOQ could be the solution to make it smooth and simple. If you've found yourself with too many Lua and Block scenes and need more automation, this QA is the right solution for you. The QA is designated to control and monitor your home system. QA automatically identifies the type of elements in the system. (Z-wave device, Nice, QA device, scene, automatic scene (Block and Lua). Any valid Z-wave,Nice and QA devices property and their values could be monitored, controlled and execute commands accordingly AOQ supports custom events, active profile setup and controls alarm zones while every breached zone or sensor in the zone could be identified and execute actions accordingly. The first time you use All-in-One QA, jM {} hash table must be defined. Each line in the table has two mandatory and two optional fields. jM={ { 15, "137|630", {timeSlot={“12:00~18:00”},state="value=true", trueAct={“|230|”, “turnOn”,””}}} } Time span IDs list Criteria & Rules Action tables Time span a period of time (in minutes) within which some activity must be performed by device or scene. Additional two options could be defined: time span = 0 defines the line as activity only. time span = ‘negative number’ line is suspended (remarked) IDs list given list of devices/scenes/QA/global/keywords. Use under score for scene IDs. (“_45”). global variable – add an ampersand sign & to System, QA and Local variable names: &varName keyword – add a dollar sign $ to keyword variable: $name Note: To use & and $ characters for other purpose , add % after the character. Criteria & Rules (optional) property, state, time slot, active rules… Action tables (optional) tables of commands to be executed. To avoid using device IDs jS2n{} array could be defined. If device ID changed because of re-inclusion it requires to change ID in one place only. for example: jS2n= {boiler=137, dryer=630, light=230} device name must be included within back apostrophe sign in jM{} hash table. Now jM{} hash table above will look like that: jM={ { 15, "`boiler`|`dryer`",{timeSlot={“12:00~18:00”},state="value=true", trueAct={“`light`”, “turnOn”,””}}} } 1. Monitor option Some time the scenes or QA devices are stuck w/o any understandable reason. Some devices suddenly stop to send reports or don’t change state. In most of the cases we don’t aware about the problem till something goes very wrong. The monitor option will send an alert in case of defined states are timed out. Example to set watchdog timer for devices, scenes, QA devices, global variables and keywords jM={ {8, "_17|_545",{timeSlot=”10:00~22:00”}}, -- within every 8 min. between 10am to 10pm, scenes 17, 545 must be active. If not alert sent. {3,"134|618|_556|_588"}, -- within every 3 min. devices 134,618 and scenes 556,588 must be active. If not auto-alert sent. {10,”132|145”,{property=”power”}}, -- within every 10 min. devices in list must to report new power value. If not auto-alert sent. {30,”470”,{state=”power>10”}}, -- if device’s power greater than 10 over 30 minutes, auto-alert sent. {20,”&HomeStatus|$iDoor”}} -- if global variable HomeStatus or keyword iDoor didn’t change within 20 min., auto-alert sent. 2. Control option Execute actions based on device state, status or value changes. QA supports option like on-line calculations, time modifications, IF THEN and WHEN THEN statements and other features for fully home automation just with one QA (which even doesn’t trigger by the system). Following action tables are available: trueAct{} - executed when state status is true. falseAct{} - executed when state status is false. trigAct{} - executed on every value change at any mode, true or false timeoutAct{} - Disables auto-alert notification and executed when elapsed time exceeds time span. Time span counting restarted after state status back to true. timeLoopAct{} - Disables auto-alert notification and executed when elapsed time exceeds time span. Time counting restarted immediately. InitAct{} - Set of specific actions to be executed on startup only. errAct{} - Set of specific actions to be executed if verification failed. okAct{} - Set of specific actions to be executed if verification succeded. Here is an example of most common scenario, to turn on light when motion sensor breached and turn off light when sensor back to safe after few minutes (3 min. in this example) jM={0,”`mSensor`”,{state=”value=true”,trueAct={“`lightSw`”,”turnOn”,””},falseAct={“`lightSw`”,”turnOff”,”180”}}} Since no need to turn on light during the day, timeslot could be defined jM={0,”`mSensor`”,{state=”value=true”,timeslot=”18:00~07:00”,trueAct={“`lightSw`”,”turnOn”,””},falseAct={“`lightSw`”,”turnOff”,”180”}}} But now could be an issue to turn off the light, if sensor breached few seconds before end of timeslot and back to safe is out of defined time slot, falseAct{} won’t be executed. In this case, turning light off action should be part of trueAct{} table jM={0,"`mSensor`”,{state=”value=true”,timeslot=”18:00~07:00”,trueAct={{“`lightSw`”,”turnOn”,””},{“`lightSw`”,”turnOff”,”180”}}} Z-wave devices, global variables and keywords could be defined at several lines (no limit). Scene could be defined one time only. For more details please download AOQ Advanced User’s Guide - complete instructions and information AOQ Quick Guide – syntax format reference and examples AOQ HC-WebEye Viewer – AOQ browser viewer guide QA Advantages: Debug window view: On the first run follow information will be displayed at debugger During normal operation every executed command showed at debugger. following data shown for every command: jM line number: device name: state value and status by color (green - true | pink - false); command executed. The debug information has special tag "AOQ<QA-ID>" and "TRACE" / "WARNING" / "ERROR" type for filtering. AOQ table preview: Table's header includes: startup time stamp, script current version, scene Name, LED as displayed at HC3 front panel, sunrise/set hours. Current home mode (@home or @vacation) System's current profile mode. Elapsed time Total Z-wave events Min, average and max Z-traffic Table columns are: Type – device type (Z.Device, G. Variable, Keyword, QA, luaScene, blockScene). ID: Description – room name: device ID: device name. Z-wave devices sorted by rooms, then by device ID. Battery capable device have green background according to current battery level. If device included in alarm circle icon appears before name. green circle - armed, red circle - breached Value – items current value. Criteria – state of evaluation to determine true or false status. If formula included, the state displayed on green background. in State– elapsed time since last status change. Alert – by default this column isn’t shown. If any devices have been alerted the column will be shown. Please notice that in some cases the device could be alerted, but after while it could back to normal activity. For example, if motion sensor is breached over specified time-span, alert notification will be sent. But after a while the sensor back to safe and alert is canceled, “back to normal” notification will be sent. At header of alert column shown current number of alerts Time Span – time span to monitor state of items. If time span set to 0, then this line acts as activity, no timeout alerts reported. If time span set to negative number, this line is suspended and no actions executed. Time Slot – Time slot range to execute related actions. Timestamp to execute specific action at specific time. Active (in range) time slot shown in green fonts. trueAct – list of actions to execute when the state is true. falseAct – list of actions to execute when the state is true. trigAct – list of actions when the value changes timeoutAct – list of actions to execute when time-span reached. Timer will be restarted when device state changed again to true. timeLoopAct – list of actions to execute when time-span reached. Timer restarted immediately after actions table executions. initAct – list of actions to execute on QA startup. Active Rules – non default defined rules (initOnStartup, Vacation, timeSpanOn, onClock, lineState, trigAll) jM{#} - line number in jM{} hash table jM{ hash table line} – shows device location in jM{} hash table. At the bottom of the table two execution lines show: list of up to 60 last executed actions (in order of execution) are displayed. (like CNN news line). list of delayed commands to be executed (and time left to execute) All global variables, their values and last modification time shows below the table.
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