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  1. Hello I have noticed that you can not choose which time to start with interactive push in block scenes. Just choose the top one. However, one can save another scene but nothing happens.
  2. I have two Fibaro sensor on my drive one at each end. i am trying to make a scene that says if sensor a is trigged first and then sensor b is trigged turn on lights but if sensor b is trigged first and then sensor a is trigged don't turn on lights not sure how to right it in Lua code
  3. Hi, For certain modules when I double press to activate a scene the light comes on at full brightness breifly before the scene kicks in and puts it to the desired brightness. I know I can switch off the parameter setting the double click to do this but when I deactivate the double click it also stops it from running the scene. Its really frustrating, and happens on both dimmer versions (1&2). it only happens in certain rooms but I cant see any difference in the parameters, other than I have disabled the double click in the rooms that behave correctly. As I said I'm happy to do this in the rooms that aren't working but then I get no scene activation at all. Any help would be great, thanks tom
  4. Hi all, I have a DW sensor that should switch on the light when it is evening and the door is open. Once triggered, the light should remain on until the door is closed and no motion is detected in that room. When door is closed and motion is no longer detected the light should slowly fade out. I wrote below code for this but cant get it working properly. I have the problem that the light will perfectly go when the door is opened but it will not go out! Anybody an idea what I do wrong? It seems not to reach the "repeat" part of my code which is within the IF statement. Here is the code: --[[ %% autostart %% properties 21 value 127 value %% weather %% events %% globals omtrekverlichting --]] --============ HOME TABLE ======================= fibaro:getGlobalValue("HomeTable") local jT = json.decode(fibaro:getGlobalValue("HomeTable")) --=============================================== -- used devices and its id fibaro:debug("device: hal - voordeur DW = ID: " ..jT.hal.voordeursensor) --127 fibaro:debug("device: hal - hal PIR = ID: " ..jT.hal.HalMo21) --21 fibaro:debug("device: hal - duospot = ID: " ..jT.hal.duospot) --160 fibaro:debug("device: hal - halspot = ID: " ..jT.hal.halspot) --116 --=============================================== local debug = false Debug = function (debug,color, message ) if (debug) then fibaro:debug(os.date("%x")..string.format('<%s style="color:%s;">%s</%s>', "span", color, message, "span")); end end if (fibaro:countScenes() > 1) then Debug( true,"purple", " too many instances --> abort "); fibaro:abort() end local trigger = fibaro:getSourceTrigger() if (trigger['type'] == 'property') then Debug(true, "Grey", ' scene triggered by - Source device = ' .. trigger['deviceID']) elseif (trigger['type'] == 'global') then Debug(true, "Grey", ' scene triggered by - Global variable source = ' .. trigger['name']) elseif (trigger['type'] == 'other') then Debug(true, "Grey", ' scene triggered by - Other source') end -- start up --------------------------------------- local deurstatus = fibaro:getValue(jT.hal.voordeursensor, "value") local Darkness = fibaro:getGlobalValue("Darkness") local motion = fibaro:getValue(jT.hal.HalMo21, "value") local lampstatus = fibaro:getValue(jT.hal.duospot, "value") local dimlevel = 60 if (tonumber(Darkness) == 1) and (tonumber(deurstatus) == 1) then Debug( true,"Orange",' hal verlichting ingeschakeld') fibaro:call(jT.hal.duospot , 'setValue' , dimlevel) fibaro:call(jT.hal.halspot , 'setValue' , dimlevel) repeat fibaro:sleep(3*1000) -- always wait at least x seconds before fade out. until (tonumber(motion) == 0) and (tonumber(deurstatus) == 0) while( dimlevel > 10 ) do -- start fade -out. fibaro:call(jT.hal.duospot , 'setValue' , dimlevel) fibaro:call(jT.hal.halspot , 'setValue' , dimlevel) fibaro:sleep(20) Debug( true,"Yellow",' dimlevel is '..dimlevel) dimlevel = (dimlevel -0.4) end fibaro:call(jT.hal.duospot , 'turnOff' ) -- make sure lights are really off fibaro:call(jT.hal.halspot , 'turnOff' ) Debug( true,"Green",' hal verlichting uitgeschakeld') end
  5. Hi I have been playing around with motion activated scenes which I now have working however I would like the ability to override the motion scenes by switching the light switch (connected to a Dimmer 2 module) I currently have this working but it only works if the lights are already off, is there a way I can set a scene which says if Bathroom lights are switched on via the switch change variable to X and the same if the light switch is switched off? Day time motion Night time motion Motion Off Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  6. Hello guys, I have some trouble with creating scene, which has to TURN ON a Fibaro Plug at exact time, but only when variable is met. The problem is, if i tell scene to TURN ON plug at exact time, it works fine. But, when I add variable next to the time with "And", scene completely ignores the time and runs every time the variable is met. So if I or a different scene change variable to OFF, this scene will automatically trigger despite it shouldnt untill 18:00. Anyone knows why please? Thank you!
  7. Hi, I think there is an issue with PIN protected scenes that are triggered from LUA configured popup or interactive push notifications. Scenes that should be PIN protected run straightforward when triggered from "YES" button on such notifications. Here are tutorials for setting such notifications up - courtesy of @Sankotronic: - popup notifications: - interactive push: Best regards, Andrzej
  8. I am new to the technology and have problems understanding when to use what option, when making a scene that includes the motion detector. The following options are avaiable: Add Magic scene Tripped Not tripped tripped more than X minutes Armed Disarmed Armed and tripped Add scene using graphic blocks Armed Disarmed Breached Breached and armed Breached and disarmed Safe Safe and armed Safe and disarmed Tamper tripped Tamper not tripped But when shall I use the different options and what is the difference between them? Feels like a stupid question, but hope you will still help. Thanks.
  9. I would like to be set and/or use the (current) temperature from the heating panel in a scene / using conditions. Example: If there hasn't been movement in the house for a given amount of time, the temperature set in the heating panel can be turned down.
  10. Good day, i have linked my two zwave locks to my HC2, they work fine from the app, i can control them with not issues. However, when i try to set and scene, to make sure they are closed when needed, the scene does not complete the saving step. I can add them and set the parameter to "Close", just not saving the Scene to have it running later. I have tried to remove only the locks from the scene and it saves the other steps, i also tried putting the scene only for one lock but still not saving. Lock types: - Yale Deadbolt YRD220-ZW-619 - Kwikset 910 zwave HC2 v.4.150 regards, Andres
  11. Hi, I have a some Smart Dimmer 6 modules from Aeotec which are connected to a HCL (v4.160). Including and switching/dimming works OK, but I cannot use them in a scene (graphical). Is there any way, that can be solved (e.g. by adding the template manually)? Thanks. Willem-Jan
  12. So I rebooted my Homecenter2. Upgraded to the latest version (not beta) and installed all my devices again. Now, on to making scenes. Everything works except for one device. My Front door lock. As soon as this is included in a scene I can't save the scen. It just hangs itself when I hit the save button. My lock is working when I try to lock/unlock it with HomeCenter2. And in the frontend it looks fine. I tried to create a simple scene using the blocks like in the attachment but it simply dosn't work. And it did work before I did the reset. Have anyone come across this before?
  13. Hi, I would like to use the wake on lan plugin in my scene, but it doesn´t show for block scenes so I guess it is only available for LUA. But I have no idea how to use it in LUA. Can someone help? Regards, Jens
  14. When i installed a dimmer2 and connected it to mij hc2 it created a set of devices. One is de dimmer to put on of or control light power One is a remote switch. How can i use this? I see 4 numbered events where i can activate scenes. The manual is verry verry basic and does not tell the full operation and nothing about programming on hc2. What i understand is: push puls switch once: lights on to previus power strength push puls switch again once: lights out Pusch puls switch two times : lights to maximum How can ik regulate light strength with the puls switch? Or is this not posible? Then programming. Can i read puls switch events to scenes? Is this done bij de remote switch device? What is event 12,13,14 and 16? Can ik opperate de dimmer bij programming and ignore puls switch actions ( i want to use the puls switch actions in custom scenes). A lot of questions. I hope there will be some answers. Thanks for that.
  15. Helle Everyone, hope someone can help me out here. I have this simple scene below running to turn on and off the lights in a room (off after 15 minutes) It works perfect, however, problems start when turning the light off with the physical light switch (pulse) If I do that, the light goes out (of course) but this scene keeps running and won't turn on the light if I enter the room again in 5 minutes. Ideal situation (in my opinion) , to kill this scene when the light is switched of but I have no success yet.... hope someone can help me with that. Greeting, Vincent. --[[ %% autostart %% properties 505 value %% weather %% events %% globals --]] if (fibaro:countScenes()>1) then fibaro:abort() end -- Run only one scene local light_1 = 513 -- ID Lamp 1 --local light_2 = 78 -- ID lamp 2 local sensor_1 = 505 -- Mov. sensor 1 --local sensor_2 = 86 -- Mov. sensor 2 local timer = 15 -- Timer in minutes local counter = timer local counter = timer if (tonumber(fibaro:getValue(sensor_1, "value")) > 0 ) then fibaro:debug("Turn on lights") --fibaro:call(light_1, "turnOn"--) fibaro:call(light_1, "turnOn") --fibaro:call(light_2, "turnOn") while counter > 0 do counter = counter -1 fibaro:sleep(60*1000) fibaro:debug("Counter = ".. counter) if tonumber(fibaro:getValue(sensor_1, "value")) > 0 --or tonumber(fibaro:getValue(sensor_2, "value")) > 0 then counter = timer end end fibaro:debug("Turn off lights") fibaro:call(light_1, "turnOff") --fibaro:call(light_2, "turnOff")-- end
  16. Hi there, Does anyone have a simple scene for the following: Exhaust Fan can be controlled (and overridden) buy press button. On/Off If exhaust fan is running for more than 10min, turn off.. Cheers
  17. Currently I've some basic scenes when light X is on then light Y must be on, but now I want to create an scene when light X is on 20% dimming value then light Y should be one with the same dimming value. When I try to create an block scene I can't find anything to create this scene, and my knowledge with LUA scripting is too less to create this. Can anybody give me the right direction here.
  18. Hi, Is it possible to interrupt a scene when a button is pushed? Either to interrupt it or launch another scene. I already have remote control with 4 buttons but I'd like to also buy an emergency button that would terminate the scene that is running. Could you please give me a hand with this or refer me to any other open topic related to this? Thanks a lot! Raul.
  19. How to change ones colour in a wallplug? When the wallplug is off, its white at the moment. (being set in parameter 42 > option 3) But I would like to have the white light only be on after a certain time in the evening and sunrise How to I start with this scene?
  20. I understand that the plugin in HC2 is only to enable manual control of lights from the HC2 and from the Fibaro App. Are there any other ways I could include one or more hue lights into scenes? Any coding? Anything else before I have to throw a large investment I made in hue lights or instead the Fibaro one? Many thanks for your support.
  21. Hi I want to build a conditional scene as follows: If daypart ="state" (Ex: Evening) and main light at a specific room are on for more than defined time (ex: >=30sec) then turn other lights\devices on appreciate your support Ran
  22. Is there also a Scene error checker available on this forum?
  23. Hi everyone, It appears my hue lights are not responding to any scenes after the HC2 and hue hub had a power outage. is there an easy way to reset this? I dont want to create new bulbs with new device ID's because then i will ave to change all my scenes Thanks in advance!
  24. Hi, can some help to tell me how it works with the scene sent function? I'd like to do: with one click to start a 1st function with two clicks to start a 2nd function But it comes out that the response of the switch looks like its random if it detects one or two clicks. I played with the parameters but I can't see any better. Is it at all possible to have two functions?
  25. I want to trigger a scene whenever the global variable change value. The values of the global variable are are "0" or "1" . The test scene is : --[[ %% properties %% weather %% events %% globals GlobalVariable --]] if ( fibaro:getGlobalValue("GlobalVariable") == "1" ) then fibaro:debug("Variable is 1"); end if ( fibaro:getGlobalValue("GlobalVariable") == "0" ) then fibaro:debug("Variable is 0"); end The scene is not activated automatically by change of the global variable "GlobalVariable". If I run scene manually it reports correctly the value of the global variable. Any hint ... ?
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