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  1. Hello! I am new to to Lua coding and coding generally, and i am struggeling to be satisfied with my bathroom fan control during shower. Devices: Netatmo Indoor and outside module and Fibaro Relay Per now, I control my bathroom fan, by monitoring the humidity in the room and set the fan to start at a given level like below. This is made by normal scene blocks. (If OUTSIDE humidity > 90 AND INDOOR humidity >= 60 = "Turn on") (If OUTSIDE humidity > 90 AND INDOOR humidity < 60 = "Turn off") (If OUTSIDE humidity < 90 AND INDOOR humidity >= 55 = "Turn on") (If OUTSIDE humidity < 90 AND INDOOR humidity <55 = "Turn off") The outside criteria "helps" on wet and rainy days, by not letting the fan start on its own due to rise in humidity. Due to the fact that outside humidity plays a HUGE role on the inside humidity, my setup must be modified all the time because of seasonal changes. What i would really want is a script that does the following using only the inside humidity and the relay: The plugin for Netatmo pulls information every minute, but the Netatmo itself only uploads to the API site every 10 min. Så when i get a rise in humidity, i allways get atleast 5% at a time. That means the Fibaro thinks it gets 5% rise in one minute (if i think at this correctly) I want a sudden rise in humidity, regardless of the outside OR the inside humidity, to trigger the fan. (Example: from 25-->30, 45-->50, 52--57) The thing i think is tricky, is that you actualy must "save" the previus value and compare it to the new?!? If i get the fan to trigg this way, i could easily set up another scene to stop the fan after an hour. BUT, it would be much more awsome if the fan stayed on until the humidity value BEFORE the spike was reached. Does anybody have a solution for this? I know the guy at the top of this topic, providing the link, has made this in Domoticz - https://www.domoticz.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4421 Sorry for my horrible english writing! Best regards
  2. Hi all, I run into a problem with a scene behind a button in a VD I m using to set my living room lights at a certain dim level. I have many buttons each with a different setting of the lights. The problem is i need to run the scene three times to get the lights set at the correct dim level. In the screenshot below the debug of the thee times i ran the scene are shown. To start, I manually set the lights at 100% and then turned them all off. How can i solve this? Note: I use a MCO Home control pad to manually turn on the light. There is a scene that sets the dim level at 75% when the light is switched on manually. I use the Global SceneStart to determine whether the mco home button is switched on manually or by this scene. Please find my scene here: --[[ %% properties %% events %% globals --]] local DimSchuipui local DimKeuken local DimBank1 local DimBank2 local DimBank3 local DimEntree fibaro:setGlobal('SceneStart', 1); fibaro:call(22, "turnOff"); --Schakelaar Schuifpui --fibaro:call(26, "setValue", "10") --Zet Schuifpui op 10% fibaro:call(21, "turnOn"); --Schakelaar Keuken fibaro:call(28, "setValue", "25") --Zet Keuken op 25% fibaro:call(100, "turnOff"); --fibaro:call(100, "setValue", "10") --Zet Bank1 op 10% fibaro:call(102, "turnOff"); --fibaro:call(102, "setValue", "10") --Zet Bank2 op 10% fibaro:call(106, "turnOn"); fibaro:call(106, "setValue", "10") --Zet Bank3 op 10% fibaro:call(24, "turnOn"); --Schakelaar Bank fibaro:call(94, "turnOff"); --Schakelaar Entree --fibaro:call(64, "setValue", "25") --Zet Entree op 25% DimSchuifpui = fibaro:getValue (26, "value") DimKeuken = fibaro:getValue (28, "value") DimBank1 = fibaro:getValue (100, "value") DimBank2 = fibaro:getValue (102, "value") DimBank3 = fibaro:getValue (106, "value") DimEntree = fibaro:getValue (64, "value") fibaro:debug( 'Schuifpui staat nu op = ' .. DimSchuifpui) fibaro:debug( 'Keuken staat nu op = ' .. DimKeuken) fibaro:debug( 'Bank1 staat nu op = ' .. DimBank1) fibaro:debug( 'Bank2 staat nu op = ' .. DimBank2) fibaro:debug( 'Bank3 staat nu op = ' .. DimBank3) fibaro:debug( 'Entree staat nu op = ' .. DimEntree) fibaro:setGlobal('SceneStart', 2)
  3. amatt

    Guest presence

    Has anyone been able to create a functioning Guest "mode"? I was thinking about making my guest mode do something like the following but is not functioning correctly. everytime a guest is present add 1 to the "guests" variable then everytime a guest is not present minus 1 from the "guests" variable I already have the presence setup with a VD that finds the guests phone via Mac address. the problem is that when it detects that the guest is present it adds 1 to the variable everytime it finds the guests phone (I have it looking every 30min) has anyone found a better solution or can give some advise on how to keep a more accurate track of how many guests are present. Thanks!
  4. HI all, Is there a way to disable a scene (which is triggered by a change in value) from another scene. Situation: I have a simple scene that sets the light at 75% when i change the value of another device (mco home touch pad). Now I want to create another scene that sets the light at say 25%. However, i do need to change de value of the mco home because otherwise the light has no power (the mco home is also a non z-wave device). How could I prefend the first scene from putting the light at 75% and running only the second scene? Hope you could help. Ciao Figlio
  5. Why do I get push notifications during the day if the garage door opens with this block scene? (attached screenshot). The sensor is a Vision tilt sensor.. Converted to LUA it looks like this: --[[ %% autostart %% properties 250 value %% weather %% events %% globals --]] local sourceTrigger = fibaro:getSourceTrigger(); function tempFunc() local currentDate = os.date("*t"); local startSource = fibaro:getSourceTrigger(); if ( ( ((currentDate.wday == 1 or currentDate.wday == 2 or currentDate.wday == 3 or currentDate.wday == 4 or currentDate.wday == 5 or currentDate.wday == 6 or currentDate.wday == 7) and string.format("%02d", currentDate.hour) .. ":" .. string.format("%02d", currentDate.min) == "22:30") ) and ( tonumber(fibaro:getValue(250, "value")) > 0 ) ) then fibaro:call(55, "sendDefinedPushNotification", "247"); end setTimeout(tempFunc, 60*1000) end if (sourceTrigger["type"] == "autostart") then tempFunc() else local currentDate = os.date("*t"); local startSource = fibaro:getSourceTrigger(); if ( ( (currentDate.wday == 1 or currentDate.wday == 2 or currentDate.wday == 3 or currentDate.wday == 4 or currentDate.wday == 5 or currentDate.wday == 6 or currentDate.wday == 7) ) and ( tonumber(fibaro:getValue(250, "value")) > 0 ) or startSource["type"] == "other" ) then fibaro:call(55, "sendDefinedPushNotification", "247"); end end Guess I would be better off if I could make anything out of this LUA code... :-/ //JR
  6. Guest

    CodeMirror in Fullscreen

    Hi, When editing a scene in lua the screen is very small. So I got this script to add a fullscreen button to make it easier to read en edit my lua, you paste the code in my Developer Console and hit enter. But of course after a refresh the button is gone. var sheet = document.styleSheets[0]; sheet.insertRule(".CodeMirror-fullscreen { position: fixed !important; top: 31px; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; height: auto !important; z-index: 9; }", 1); CodeMirror.defineOption("fullScreen", false, function (cm, val, old) { if (old == CodeMirror.Init) old = false; if (!old == !val) return; if (val) setFullscreen(cm); else setNormal(cm); }); function setFullscreen(cm) { var wrap = cm.getWrapperElement(); cm.state.fullScreenRestore = { scrollTop: window.pageYOffset, scrollLeft: window.pageXOffset, width: wrap.style.width, height: wrap.style.height }; wrap.style.width = ""; wrap.style.height = "auto"; wrap.className += " CodeMirror-fullscreen"; document.documentElement.style.overflow = "hidden"; cm.refresh(); } function setNormal(cm) { var wrap = cm.getWrapperElement(); wrap.className = wrap.className.replace(/\s*CodeMirror-fullscreen\b/, ""); document.documentElement.style.overflow = ""; var info = cm.state.fullScreenRestore; wrap.style.width = info.width; wrap.style.height = info.height; window.scrollTo(info.scrollLeft, info.scrollTop); cm.refresh(); } jQuery('body').append(jQuery('<div/>', { html: "Fullscreen", "class": "Button1_1", "style": " position: absolute; right: 10px; bottom: 10px; z-index: 10;", click: function () { editor.setOption("fullScreen", !editor.getOption("fullScreen")); } })) Can you add the fullscreen add-on from CodeMirror to the editor (https://codemirror.net/doc/manual.html#addon_fullscreen)? I needed to add a button in stead of using the F11 because it wasn't working on my MacBook. Kind regards, Giedo
  7. hi, I made this VD a while ago. It makes a weekly report of the HC2 and works pretty good but I want to move in to a scene. I used Net.FHttp and this doesnt work in scenes. Can somebody help? Regards Martijn --- UPDATE MEMORY VARIABLES fibaro:call(fibaro:getSelfId(), "pressButton", "8") --- MAKE CONNECTION connection = Net.FHttp("", 11111); --- FUNCTION REQUEST DEVICES getData = function() --- MAKE CONNECTION response ,status, errorCode = connection:GET( "/api/devices/" ); --- STATUS NOTIFICATIONS fibaro:debug("status = " .. status); fibaro:debug("errorCode = " .. errorCode); --- IF SUCCES if (tonumber(status) == 200) then --- DECODE TO LUA TABLE deviceTable = json.decode(response); end return deviceTable; end --- FUNCTION REQUEST CONSUMPTION getConsumption = function(url) --- MAKE CONNECTION response ,status, errorCode = connection:GET( url ); --- IF SUCCES if (tonumber(status) == 200) then consumptionTable = json.decode(response); end return consumptionTable; end --- CONSTRUCT SUBSTRACTION DAYS START DATE OF LAST WEEK if(os.date("%a") == "Mon") then substract = 7 elseif(os.date("%a") == "Tue") then substract = 8 elseif(os.date("%a") == "Wed") then substract = 9 elseif(os.date("%a") == "Thu") then substract = 10 elseif(os.date("%a") == "Fri") then substract = 11 elseif(os.date("%a") == "Sat") then substract = 12 elseif(os.date("%a") == "Sun") then substract = 13 end --- SET VARIABLES UserId = 2; lowBat = 70; SelfId = fibaro:getSelfId() dev = getData(); lowBattDevices = ""; deadDevices = ""; totalConsumption= 0 ; heavyConsumption= ""; now = os.date("*t") week_start = os.time({year=now.year,month=now.month,day=now.day-substract,hour=0,min=0,sec=0}) --, week_end = week_start + 604799 -- plus a week --- LOOP THROUGH DEVICES for i = 1, #dev do --- SET VARS batLevel = tonumber(dev.properties.batteryLevel); deadValue = dev.properties.dead; deviceName = tostring(dev.name); prestr = "[" .. dev.id .. "] ➜ " .. deviceName; --- DEAD DEVICES if(dev.visible == true and deadValue == "true") then --- TRY TO WAKE fibaro:wakeUpDeadDevice(dev.id) fibaro:sleep(2*1000); --- CHECK IF STILL DEAD if(fibaro:getValue(dev.id, 'dead') ~= "1") then deadDevices = deadDevices .. prestr .. " ✔ Woke up \n"; else deadDevices = deadDevices .. prestr .. " ❌ Did not wake up \n"; end end --- LOW BATT / IF FIELD EXISTS if (dev.visible == true and dev.properties.batteryLevel ~= nil and (batLevel < 100 or batLevel == 255)) then --- ONLY LOW BAT OF ALLREADYDEAD if(deadValue == "true" or batLevel <= lowBat or (deadValue ~= "true" and batLevel == 255)) then -- lowBattDevices = lowBattDevices .. prestr .. " - " .. string.format('<%s style="color:%s;">%s</%s>', "span", "red", dev.properties.batteryLevel .. " %", "span") .. "<br>\n" lowBattDevices = lowBattDevices .. prestr .. " - " .. dev.properties.batteryLevel .. "% ❌ \n" else lowBattDevices = lowBattDevices .. prestr .. " - " .. dev.properties.batteryLevel .. "% ✔ \n" end end --- CONSUMPTION if (dev.visible == true) then --- SET VARS url = "/api/energy/" .. week_start .."/" .. week_end .. "/compare/devices/power/" .. dev.id Consumption = getConsumption(url); --- ONLY IF THERE IS A KWH FIELD if(Consumption[1].kWh ~= nil) then --- SET VARS kwh = tonumber(Consumption[1].kWh) --- HEAVY USERS LOOP if kwh > 1 then heavyConsumption = heavyConsumption .. prestr .. " ⚡ " .. Consumption[1].kWh .. " kWh \r"; end --- TOTAL CONSUMPTION SUM totalConsumption = tonumber(totalConsumption) + kwh end end end --- CONSTRUCT MAIL HOME REPORT emailContent = "Weekly Home Report \n"; emailContent = emailContent .. "Date: " .. os.date("%d %b %Y - %H:%M") .. "\n \n"; emailContent = emailContent .. "⎋ Low Battery\r"; emailContent = emailContent .. lowBattDevices .. "\r \r"; emailContent = emailContent .. "⎋ Dead Nodes\n"; emailContent = emailContent .. deadDevices .. "\n \n"; --- SEND MAIL fibaro:call(UserId,"sendEmail", "Weekly Home Report " .. os.date("%d %b %Y - %H:%M"),emailContent); --- CONSTRUCT MAIL CONSUMPTION REPORT emailContentConsumption = "Weekly Consumption Report \n"; emailContentConsumption = emailContentConsumption .. "Date: " .. os.date("%d %b %Y - %H:%M") .. "\n \n"; emailContentConsumption = emailContentConsumption .. "⌘ Consumption\n"; emailContentConsumption = emailContentConsumption .. "From: " .. os.date("%d %b %Y",week_start) .. " till " .. os.date("%d %b %Y",week_end) .. "\n \n"; emailContentConsumption = emailContentConsumption .. "Heavy consumption \n"; emailContentConsumption = emailContentConsumption .. heavyConsumption .. "\n\n"; emailContentConsumption = emailContentConsumption .. "Consumption total\n"; emailContentConsumption = emailContentConsumption .. totalConsumption .. " kWh \n\n"; --- SEND MAIL fibaro:call(UserId,"sendEmail", "Weekly Consumption Report " .. os.date("%d %b %Y - %H:%M"),emailContentConsumption); --- CONSTRUCT MAIL CONSUMPTION REPORT emailContentMemory = "Weekly Memory Report \n"; emailContentMemory = emailContentMemory .. "Date: " .. os.date("%d %b %Y - %H:%M") .. "\n \n"; emailContentMemory = emailContentMemory .. "⌽ Memory\n"; emailContentMemory = emailContentMemory .. "➜ Free memory: " ..fibaro:getValue(SelfId, "ui.labFreeRam.value") .. "\n"; emailContentMemory = emailContentMemory .. "➜ Maximum free: " ..fibaro:getValue(SelfId, "ui.labMax.value") .. "\n"; emailContentMemory = emailContentMemory .. "➜ Minimum free: " ..fibaro:getValue(SelfId, "ui.labMini.value") .. "\n"; emailContentMemory = emailContentMemory .. "➜ Memory Cache: " ..fibaro:getValue(SelfId, "ui.labCache.value") .. "\n"; emailContentMemory = emailContentMemory .. "➜ Memory Buffers: " ..fibaro:getValue(SelfId, "ui.labBuffers.value") .. "\n"; emailContentMemory = emailContentMemory .. "➜ Memory Used: " ..fibaro:getValue(SelfId, "ui.labUsed.value") .. "\n"; emailContentMemory = emailContentMemory .. "➜ Storage: " ..fibaro:getValue(SelfId, "ui.labStorage.value") .. "\n"; --- SEND MAIL fibaro:call(UserId,"sendEmail", "Weekly Memory Report " .. os.date("%d %b %Y - %H:%M"),emailContentMemory);
  8. Hi, I currently use the script (Scene) below to turn off all lights when going to sleep. The problem is sometimes my adult children are still awake upstairs. How would I modify scene to turn off only downstairs lights? HC2 - Running latest version I thought of using the description field in devices and evaluating but can't work out the code. Help! --[[ %% properties %% events %% globals --]] local ids = fibaro:getDevicesId( { interfaces = { "light", }, properties = { dead = false, }, enabled = true, visible = true, -- optional --userDescription ~= "", -- attempt to evaluate if user description in device is not nil. } ); -- loop through light ids for i, id in ipairs(ids) do fibaro:debug("Turning off " .. fibaro:getName(id)); -- turn light off fibaro:call(id, "turnOff"); end Thanks Jason
  9. Hi, I had the requirement for a very simple scheduler. The code below is a stripped down version of @Sankotronic Main Scene code and just contains the Scene Scheduler. Thanks to @Sankotronic for his permission to post this. -- SIMPLE SCHEDULER. -- STRIPPED DOWN VERSION OF 'MAIN SCENE' CODE BY SANKOTRONIC --[[ %% autostart %% properties %% globals --]] if (fibaro:countScenes() > 1) then fibaro:abort(); end local jT = json.decode(fibaro:getGlobalValue("HomeTable")); -- comment out if you don't use a hometable local currenttime = os.date('*t'); local currentwday = currenttime['wday']; local TimeCurrent = os.date("%H:%M", os.time()); -- SCHEDULED SCENES SETUP -- (seperate multiple entries by comma) local runSceneSchedName = {"Test Scene 1", "Test Scene 2"}; -- Add scene names local runSceneSchedID = {641, jT.scene.Wakeup}; -- add scene ID's or references local runSceneSchedHour = {{"21:47"}, {"07:30"}}; -- Add times to run the scenes local runSceneSchedWeek = {{1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}, {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}}; -- specify what day to run the scenes, Sunday is first day in array function doSceneSched() if #runSceneSchedID > 0 then for i = 1, #runSceneSchedID do if runSceneSchedWeek[i][currentwday] == 1 then for t = 1, #runSceneSchedHour[i] do if runSceneSchedHour[i][t] == TimeCurrent then fibaro:startScene(runSceneSchedID[i]); end end end end end end -- MAIN LOOP while true do currenttime = os.date('*t'); currentwday = currenttime['wday']; TimeCurrent = os.date("%H:%M", os.time()); doSceneSched(); fibaro:sleep(59700); end The full Main Scene code can be found at https://forum.fibaro.com/index.php?/topic/23510-scene-main-scene-for-time-based-events-control-v-125/ I thought this many be useful for some new users starting out or those like me that need a simple yet well written scheduler and may even be a stepping stone for some to the full Main Scene. -f
  10. I have a Sonos:AMP in my bathroom which I was not using that much because when I go into the bath or shower my phone often isn’t around to turn on the music. So, It seemed handy to turn on the music (the existing playlist) with a triple click of my bathroom light switch. This is how I reached this goal: I installed the Sonos Plugin and I added my bathroom Sonos device I downloaded and added the Sonos Virtual Device from Krikroff: http://www.fibarouk.co.uk/resources/VirtualDevices/SonosPlayer-0.0.8.zip Add a variable in the Variables Panel. I used this tutorial on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ps9jNiJ_JeU As I am still using Dimmer 1 (FGD-211), I turned on the Scene Activation functionality by putting parameter 41 on 1 in the advanced tab of my bathroom dimmer. If you use Dimmer 2 (FGD-212) you’ll have to put parameter 28 on 1 (no experience, so not sure). After that I build 3 scenes: First of all a scene to put on the Sonos on a specific volume level (where as 311 and 312 are the ID’s of the Sonos Plugin and Virtual Device): --[[ %% properties %% events %% globals --]] -- Set volume of the Sonos plugin fibaro:call(311, "setVolume", "40") -- Press button 7 (play) of the Sonos Virtual Device fibaro:call(312, "pressButton", "7") Second a scene to stop the Sonos player again: --[[ %% properties %% events %% globals --]] -- Press button 9 (stop) of the Sonos Virtual Device fibaro:call(312, "pressButton", “9") Third, a scene to activate the scenes on a triple click: --[[ %% properties 12 sceneActivation %% globals --]] local id= 12; -- Change this to your dimmer ID if (tonumber(fibaro:getValue(id, "sceneActivation"))==15) and (tonumber(fibaro:getValue(id,"value"))==0) then fibaro:debug("3click activated, Sonos bathroom ON"); fibaro:setGlobal("Sleep", "1") -- Change this to your sleep variable(if you have one) fibaro:startScene(278); -- or start a second scene end if (tonumber(fibaro:getValue(id, "sceneActivation"))==15) and (tonumber(fibaro:getValue(id,"value"))>0) then fibaro:debug("3click activated, Sonos bathroom OFF"); fibaro:setGlobal("Sleep", "1") -- Change this to your sleep variable(if you have one) fibaro:startScene(279); -- or start a second scene end 12 is the dimmer ID of the bathroom, 278 the ID of the scene to turn on Sonos and 279 to turn off Sonos. 15 corresponds with triple click. There is one issue I didn’t foresee (because I copied scene 3): scene 3 looks if dimmer 12 is on (>0) or off (=0) to decide whether to turn on or off the Sonos. This should obviously be: look whether the music is on or off to decide if it has to be turned on or off. Somebody any suggestions to solve this? Any other suggestions to develop this solution further are welcome as well. Thanks in advance. Wesselvvvb
  11. Hello, I like to start a scene at every keypress on my Zipato Mini Keypad with RFiD Example: Zipato Away + PIN >>> Start scene Arm Zipato Home + TAG >>> Start scene DisArm Zipato Away + TAG >>> Start scene Arm Zipato Home + PIN >>> Start scene DisArm This works fine, no problem so far but if i'm also using my smartphone it doesn't work 1) Yesterday Alarm Disarmed by Zipato-Home-key + PIN 2) Today Alarm Armed by Smartphone 3) Today i try to disarm by Zipato-Home-key + TAG >>> NO TRIGGER Fibaro HC2 doesn't start a scene at step-3 because 'value' was not changed, for the system i pushed the home-key again (step 1 and 3) How do i trigger a scene with FIBARO LUA every time a key was pushed? ----------------------- Every key-press is send to Fibaro HC2 as it shows in the status screen [23:11:56] ID 299: locked by user 2 [23:24:50] ID 299: unlocked by user 2 [23:24:58] ID 299: locked by user 2 [23:25:25] ID 299: locked by user 2 [23:25:43] ID 299: locked by user 2 [23:25:54] ID 299: unlocked by user 2 [23:27:46] ID 299: locked by user 2 [23:27:52] ID 299: locked by user 3 [23:27:57] ID 299: unlocked by user 2 [23:31:03] ID 299: locked by user 2 [23:31:13] ID 299: unlocked by user 2 [23:47:04] ID 299: locked by user 1 [23:47:11] ID 299: unlocked by user 1 ----------------------- SCENE HEADER: --[[ %% properties 299 value %% events %% globals --]] Can somebody help?
  12. Hi, Is it possible to start a scene through an http command with specific attributes? e.g. /api/SceneControl?action=start&id=sceneID&var1=5 Or should I change a global variable using /api/globalVariables first? I feel I will then get in trouble when multiple instances of a scene are ran simultaneously. Thanks, J
  13. Hi, Is there a methode to stop all instances of a scene EXCEPT the last started. I tried fibaro:abort() but that stops only the last started instance and leaves all other running. Thanks.
  14. Hi, can somebody explain me how the debug in scenes is working? Meaning, how many records HC2 will store maximum (or characters), what's the rotation mechanism, .... ? The reason I ask, In some scene's I can find a lot of history (with a lot of text). In others only some hours (where text is even very limited). Thanks.
  15. Hi, i ve a problem with scene scheduling. I ve four scenes that must be turn on and turn off some lights. That scenes works for many day and sometimes that not run and will stop. I need to restart my HC2 to see them restarted . what s my error? thank you attached : screen shots of scene And that after restart
  16. Hi, I made a virtual device to activate of deactivate my washing machine. One it's buttons should force the machine to start running at 5am. However, when I push the button, it will stay asleep for about an hour (I can't figure out how long the delay exactly is, maybe it's 30 minutes or 2 hours), but not until 5am. I have this code, where 135 is a wall plug attached to the machine: local currenttime = os.date('*t'); local currenthour = currenttime['hour']; local currentmin = currenttime['min']; local H = tonumber(currenthour) local M = tonumber(currentmin) local waitingtime if H < 5 then -- activated early in the night: waitingtime= ( ((5-1-H)*60) + 60-M )*60*1000 else -- activated on preceding day: waitingtime= ( ((5+24-1-H)*60) + 60-M )*60*1000 end fibaro:call(135, "turnOff") fibaro:sleep(waitingtime) fibaro:call(135, "turnOn") What did I do wrong?
  17. Hey everyone. Still rather new to this whole HC2 thing. At any rate I have all my devices up and running. I'm on the last FW v4.130. I am trying to setup some basic scenes using the building blocks for when arrive and leave. No matter how basic or complex a scene I try and create I cannot get them to trigger when using GPS. Am I doing something wrong here?? I have both home and work setup with the correct coordinates already. Also all the users are set to give up GPS at 1 minute intervals. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  18. How can I write something to the event panel from a scene, which is only modifying global variables but not changing the state of a physical device? I do have scenes which now and then change the value of a global variable. To do this, I would like to have a text line in the event panel. SMS, e-mail or push works fine, but that is a total overkill and not needed for this. A simple entry in the event panel would be nice. any clue? thanks for tip and tricks. maybe another VD? but how should this be done?
  19. Is it possible to have a scene or several scenes triggered after a restart of the HCL? I thought about a variable in the automatic restart scene and VD, but is there any other solution or possibility? So is there a trigger condition, which is only TRUE when the HCL is restarted? kuno
  20. I do have scenes for day and night as well as weekends, adjusting the temperature as needed. How would you set the temperature during summer, when the central heating is switched off to: minimize battery consumption? avoid unnecessary activation of the motor? all the way down to 'freezing protection' or all the way up as it will never get that warm and the valves are kept fully open (free flow) how have you solved the 'summer'? I am really wondering how you do this, removing the batteries can not really be the solution kuno
  21. Can someone explain me why this scene gives me the warning of to many instances. I have several similar looking scenes that sometimes gives the notification of to many intances. Max running instances is set to 2
  22. Hi, I successfully integrated my Samsung tv. Can now control it through Fibaro. Don't really see the use of it though. What I'd like to do is have a scene start when the tv is turned on through a normal remote. FYI: the scene will check daytime, if it's day it will close the blinds, if it's evening it will set the lights at a dimmed level, etc... Possible? Thank you, apgc
  23. I do have a scene to start the TV and another one to automatically shut it down hen all the devices have been set to standby. Now I am facing the following problem that the auto-off scene constantly starts, even the power consumption is at around 100W. What do I do wrong or what do I misunderstand? Auto-OFF should trigger if the TV is ON with a delay of 60s and the power consumption is below 16W with another delay of 60s
  24. Hi There I want to discuss a bout the new way of scene creation. This is DIY. It comes from " Do It Yourself". By this, smarthome user can introduce a scene with out any knowledge of computer. It would implement by 3 steps: 1- change the house appliances as the way you want ( like turn on the dimmer and fan, close the curtain and ...) 2- just click on save condition (save all the statuses of appliances) 3- Run the scene ( home will change as the save conditions like the statuses step 2) However Fibaro has 3 kinds of adding scene, but DIY can be perform as the newest and easiest way of smarthome learning, So, I want to make a scene to create panel for DIY in VirtualDevice like below: code of SAVE Button: local mystat = fibaro:getValue(135, "Value") fibaro:debug(mystat) fibaro:debug(tonumber(mystat)) code of RUN Button: if (tonumber(mystat) == tonumber("0")) then fibaro:debug("off"); fibaro:call(135, "turnOff") else fibaro:debug("on"); fibaro:call(135, "turnOn") end fibaro:debug(mystat) But, it just save and does not work (RUN). Would you please help me in this way ? How to save statuses and the run them again ? ADMIN NOTE: Please, read carefully descriptions of forum before posting.
  25. Does anyone have a clue, why the following ON scene does work, but the OFF scene does not? I do want to switch on a forced ventilation twice a day for 2h, so I created the scene to switch on if it is either 9 AM or 5 PM. and a scene to switch off if it is either 11 AM or 7 PM Auto-ON works perfect, but Auto-OFF fails every time. I do not understand at all..... what is wrong here? Yes, both scenes are ON Both scenes are tagged as run when HCL runs and in Automatic mode, Allowed instances 2
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