I found a very curious bug with the ZW5 version (version >=3.2) of the FGK-101+DS18B20 temperature sensor.
When explicitly requiring a temperature report [thru "Sensor Multilevel Get" -> "Sensor Multilevel Report" commands], the actual temperature value reported via the ++synchronous++ Sensor Multilevel Report answer is buggy : +/- 0.5 to +/- 1°C random error from the correct temperature value; the variable size of the error is similar to what you would expect using only 8 bits of resolution from the DS18B20 measures.
But when the FGK-101 itself sends an ++asynchronous++ report, after setting parameter#51 "Temperature reports threshold" to 3/10 °C and parameter#52 "Interval of temperature reports" to 4hours, then the temperature reported by the SAME Sensor Multilevel Report() from the SAME FGK-101+DS18B20 is correct !?.
Note that parameter#50 "Interval of temperature measurements" is set to 60 seconds, which precludes such large variations in so little time; I also tried setting it to 5 seconds, no difference.
I found this problem while developing a FGK-101\ZW5 handler for the SmartThings platform, but I would expect this bug to be present as well with the Fibaro Home Center 2... unless Fibaro uses some "hidden parameter" which corrects this bug.
At that point, I have no idea how to correct this bug, except by removing from my handler all "Sensor Multilevel Get()" synchronous temperature requests, and relying only on asynchronous notifications.
Interestingly, the correct asynchronous Sensor Multilevel Reports come CRC16-encoded, while the buggy synchronous ones come in clear.
That suggests to me 2 different branches of code inside the FGK-101 firmware, but does not help me to workaround this extremely curious bug...
And the same handler works fine with the older FGK-101 (version <=2.5).
While I expect the same bug to exists when pairing the FGK-101\ZW5 to a Fibaro Home Center 2 controller, I would still be interested in getting a confirmation, which would definitely exclude the SmartThings hub from the list of suspects.
Any help or suggestion greatly appreciated : this has been driving me crazy for days !