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Found 7 results

  1. I use a managed laptop from my work to manage and program my hc2. Some time I can't log in on my hc2. I get the login screen an can fill in my credentials. But pressing enter or clicking on login does not give any reaction. I tried with Microsoft edge and with Google chrome. On my very old en very slow Mac Mini I tried to login with Safari and with Google chrome and both work! I think my company has set some security settings in my browsers on mij laptop. What browser settings are necessary to use the hc2 interface? My be I can set de settings my self or i can ask my company's it to set it for me. Thanks in advance for any tips!
  2. Hi guys, I have 5 of the Fibaro motion sensors in my condo that are used to trigger my Philips Hue lights. With 4 out of the 5, the battery life is outstanding. But one of them, the one in my bedroom, the one that actually sees less motion than any to the other 5, I can put a fresh battery in and in 24 hours it goes from 100% to 88%. I had actually taken this sensor out of commission, taken the battery out and put it in a junk drawer until a couple of nights ago. So I put it back in the same place expecting different results (I know, it's insanity). I carefully went over the settings again tonight comparing it to the 4 that I have no issues with and I found something. All of the sensors except for the "faulty" one were set to "tamper only". The one that was burning batteries at a rapid rate was set to "tamper and earthquake". Could this cause that much of a difference? I know I'll probably have an answer in 24 hours, but I was wondering if you guys either have had a similar experience or maybe you know something else that could be causing this? If it depletes again by tomorrow night I'm seriously thinking of just tossing it. The only reason I have a Z-wave motion sensor in my bedroom as opposed to Zigbee is for the benefit it's suppose to have when not in close proximity to my SmartThings hub. If I do take down the Fibaro sensor I'll probably replace it with a Philips Hue sensor I've ordered on Amazon. Thanks in advance
  3. Hello to all, I use a FGWP102 Metered Wall Plug Switch to switch in combination with a window open contact. In addition I would like to setup a rule which sets the FGWP to off only if the momentary power is over 5W and the window is open, for example. In normal operation the power consumption is only less than 1 W. With the standard setting for Par 11 (15%) the Switch constantly reports change of power because the change from 0.3W to 0,4W is more than 15%. Naturally I can set this to 50% to avoid permant reports. But in my opinion this makes nos sense, because 50% of operating at a higher level (e.g. 200W) is nuch too much. From my point of view there should be an additional parameter to have a minimum change in physical units (not in %) which must also be true to generate a report. If % is the only way, than it should be in % of measuring range and not of momentary value. This is useless. Any ideas how to manage this without having permantly changes reported?
  4. Hello, I bought Fibaro Intercom, and was very disappointed after figuring out that there is Android application, but only for usage, and not for configuration/settings. Anyhow, I have good neighbor who borrowed me iPhone for several minutes to do one-time installation and configuration of Fibaro Intercom. Anyway, I still do not understand, what are Fibaro plans for Android Intercom application, will it have settings options? will I be able to listen history and do video recordings playback? If answer is yes, please provide any ETA, how long does we (users) need to wait for such a features? If answer is no plans, then please write, big letters, on your Intercom product documentation that "Android application is not supported with settings and all features" Also, other option would be, having a web interface, where configuration and some playback features are possible...
  5. Version 0.6.0


    Automatic Icon Downloader What does this device: Device can automatically download from dedicated web-page all icons that you use to your HC2. The device can be used by installers to easily download their favorite sets of icons to new HC2, by end users to get back icons after recovery or any other purpose. Device before uploading any icon to your HC2 check if any of selected in IconSet already exists so it should be safe to click on "Download to HC2" button many times. This solution has to separate parts: vd and portal. Version history: 0.6 - first published version of AID To Do VD: - future version of virtual device will be updated automatically from internet if user agreed to do it, after HC2 restart To Do portal: - next version will support adding user device icon to library (on, off, state 1-10) Manual 1. Download and install virtual device. 2. Go to: www.grace-land.pl/fibaro/aid portal to get your IconSet. Current version looks like below. Please note some important things: - HC2 keeps your icons in 4 separate groups: devices, virtual devices, scenes, rooms. It means that if you want to use one image as room image and virtual device image it needs to be added twice - that is why portal items are divided into four groups (for user convenience - each group has different color) How the portal works? You just check all icons in each group you want to add to your IconSet and then click "Get your IconSet". Please remember that you can edit this IconSet later. What if I have icon/s that is not in portal library? There is option to upload your icons and make library bigger. In this case you click on "Add new icons" button. You will be redirected to new page. Please note some important things: - You can upload many files and many groups in the same time, - All icons will be checked before upload. Icon needs to be: PNG file, 128x128 size, unique [portal checks if this icon exists in this group*], no bigger then 1MB (one icon), - You will see preview of icons that you want to add but without category, - For now there is no option to add "device" icons. I am working on it to make it simple, - You will get status whats was added and what not. How to edit my IconSet? You need to know your IconSetID and then click on "Edit your IconSet" button. Page will refresh and all icons from your set will be automatically checked. What you need to do is to check more icons or uncheck unwanted icons and then click "Update your IconSet". Please note that VD doesn't delete icons from your HC2. 3. After you have your IconSetID there is time to configure virtual device. In this case you need to provide some information. a) In VD information please provide IP and TCP port. IP: grace-land.pl TCP port: 80 b) In Advanced tab scroll to button and replace needed credentials. c) click "Save". Please note that virtual device only downloads data so there is no risk in providing credentials. ------------------------------------------------- -- PUT YOUR ADMIN CREDENTIALS ------------------------------------------------- sv_user = '[email protected]'; sv_password = 'Y0urP@ssword'; sv_automaticDownloaderId = 'iconSetID_from_website'; 4. Your device is ready to use. You just click on "Download to HC2" and wait. All needed information is in debug for vd button. Device before uploading any icon to your HC2 check if any of selected in IconSet already exists so it should be safe to click on "Download to HC2" button many times, but it will take a while. Have fun! Disclaimer: Every of icons on portal [grace-land.pl/fibaro/] aid library are not my property. The code wasn't inspired by the somebody mentioned in comment below - the first version of uploading I found in 2013 [https://github.com/rafikel/Fibaro/tree/master/ncplus] - and I went this way to make something usefull.
  6. Hi, I use a number of different systems to access my Fibaro HC2 and have to type in my password over and over again. There is no option to 'remember the password', and the browser functionality seems to be disabled by design. I do NOT want to use a 3rd party solution (such as lastpass etc.) to remember my passwords, I use the built-in functionality in the Edge browser to my satisfaction and this works for all - if not most - websites and it synchronizes across all of my devices. I am sure all other browsers will do the same perfectly fine without any add-on. I use a long, generated password (as I always do), but without the browser helping me out it gets annoying really quickly. So I usually leave a browser window open if there is stuff to do (which is just as insecure as any auto-login) and am thinking to change my password to the most simple version (which is even worse). I understand that Fibaro is committed to keeping your domotica system safe, someone else opening your garagedoor would be a problem. But I really do feel that it is up to the user.. So my suggestion would be to add a system setting to 'Allow saving password in browser'. This will allow Fibaro to issue a warning on turning-on the option, and accommodate users like me who feel they have a tight enough system. Thanks so much. I'm looking forward to hearing from Fibaro how they feel about this issue. Regards, Ralph.
  7. Hi, i have new Fibaro Keyfob but i am not able to assign actino to buttons. After i will choose device and action (relay switch, oposite state) and click next to finish settings. I see only waiting screen in browser (flying pins) forewer. Versions I have: Device kind: com.fibaro.FGKF601 Producer: Fibargroup Version: 3.2 HC2 4.112 Beta Does anybody know how to fix this? Jan
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