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  1. Hi, I'm using the 1.0.1b beta of the Sonos remote with the voicers API. I have a basic test scene to develop voice usage in my system From when I start the it takes between 8-9 seconds before I hear the sentence. The sonos mutes from when I start the scene The code is a simple function --[[ %% properties %% events %% globals --]] local ZoneID = 1308 local Message = "Seting away mode now, Alarm will arm in 30 seconds" local VolLevel = 30 local TTSEngineID = 356 if (fibaro:countScenes()>1) then fibaro:abort() end function tempFunc() fibaro:setGlobal("TTSZoneID", ZoneID) fibaro:setGlobal("TTSMessage", Message) fibaro:setGlobal("TTSVolLevel", VolLevel) fibaro:startScene(TTSEngineID) end tempFunc() The actual code to "speak" is separate as this allows me to call it with the required sentence and not repeat all the code The TTSEngineID code is from the forum here --[[ %% properties %% events %% globals --]] -- Configuration - Scene Info sceneName = "TTS Engine" sceneVersion = "1.0.1" -- Configuration - Device IDs local bid = 28 -- ID of the VD buttom (do not change) local sid = fibaro:getGlobalValue("TTSZoneID") -- Validate Number of Scene Instance if (fibaro:countScenes()>1) then fibaro:abort() end -- Main Scene Execution Code function tempFunc() local params = { message = fibaro:getGlobalValue("TTSMessage"), duration = 'auto', -- Duration: "auto", xx seconds language = "en-gb", -- Language: see http://www.voicerss.org/api/documentation.aspx to get your language code volume = fibaro:getGlobalValue("TTSVolLevel"), } local _f = fibaro local _x ={root="x_sonos_object",load=function(b)local c=_f:getGlobalValue(b.root)if string.len(c)>0 then local d=json.decode(c)if d and type(d)=="table"then return d else fibaro:debug("Unable to process data, check variable")end else fibaro:debug("No data found!")end end,set=function(b,e,d)local f=b:load()if f[e]then for g,h in pairs(d)do f[e][g]=h end else f[e]=d end;_f:setGlobal(b.root,json.encode(f))end,get=function(b,e)local f=b:load()if f and type(f)=="table"then for g,h in pairs(f)do if tostring(g)==tostring(e or"")then return h end end end;return nil end} -- Make a request to the remote to process params object instantly _x:set(tostring(sid), { tts = params }) _f:call(sid, "pressButton", bid) end -- Trigger Management local currentDate = os.date("*t") local startSource = fibaro:getSourceTrigger() --Start of Scene Execution if (startSource["type"] == 'property') then fibaro:debug("Started through property") tempFunc() -- this is calling the the function if something happens. elseif (startSource["type"] == 'global') then fibaro:debug("Started through variable") tempFunc() -- this is calling the the function if something happens. elseif (startSource["type"] == "autostart") then fibaro:debug("Started through autostart") tempFunc() -- this is calling the the function if something happens. elseif (startSource["type"] == "other") then fibaro:debug("Started through other ") tempFunc() -- this is calling the the function if something happens. else fibaro:debug("Scene not started, this can only be started through other, property, global or autostart!"); end -- End of Scene Execution fibaro:debug("Scene, " .. sceneName .. " v" .. sceneVersion .. " completed.") Is there anybody else experiencing this type of delay (or perhaps its normal ??) Is I used MP3's on my local NAS would it be faster? Thanks -F
  2. Hi all, I want to include some virtual devices, such as Onkyo, Samsung TV and Sonos. When i enter the correct IP-adress and port the message: "Unfortunately there are no results for device search" appears. I am sure i have the correct IP-address and port. Does any know what i'm doing wrong? Regards, ​ Laurens
  3. Hi, I have come across what I think is a limit to the number of words that the TTS engine can speak. The following scene lua will work --[[ %% properties %% events %% globals --]] -- Configuration - Device IDs local bid = 28 local sid = 1203 local params = { message = "the big furry cat sat on the mat", duration = 'auto', -- Duration: "auto", xx seconds language = "en-gb", -- Language: see http://www.voicerss.org/api/documentation.aspx to get your language code volume = 45, } local _f = fibaro local _x ={root="x_sonos_object",load=function(b)local c=_f:getGlobalValue(b.root)if string.len(c)>0 then local d=json.decode(c)if d and type(d)=="table"then return d else fibaro:debug("Unable to process data, check variable")end else fibaro:debug("No data found!")end end,set=function(b,e,d)local f=b:load()if f[e]then for g,h in pairs(d)do f[e][g]=h end else f[e]=d end;_f:setGlobal(b.root,json.encode(f))end,get=function(b,e)local f=b:load()if f and type(f)=="table"then for g,h in pairs(f)do if tostring(g)==tostring(e or"")then return h end end end;return nil end} -- Make a request to the remote to process params object instantly _x:set(tostring(sid), { tts = params }) _f:call(sid, "pressButton", bid) but if I replace the message line with a longer message it doesn't work. (no error is given) message = "the big furry cat sat on the mat and the dog sat on the floor", I think the limit seems to be around 46 characters (or perhaps its a time limit, ~2 seconds of speaking??) 'Guest' in the following post indicated that they had announcements that were much longer that 50 chars that were working fine with the 1.0.0 beta http://forum.fibaro.com/index.php?/topic/20662-sonos-remote-v100-beta/page-3 Is this a known issue or is there a fix out there... Thanks -F
  4. Afternoon all. I've seen many people asking how to make a smart DoorBell with the Fibaro System and thought i'd create a guide on one I have recently created using the Fibaro universal sensor, RGBW controller, Sonos LUA device and notification panel and an existing doorbell. In my house, there was an existing mains powered DoorBell made by Byron. After taking the case off, i turned off the power and started to gut out all of the components just so i had the bell button wires and the mains wires. I bought, off off Amazon a small LED driver to convert 240v to 12vDC with just enough amperage to run the FGBS-00-1. Link Below http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B016AH5ABA?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00 I then wired up the LED driver with the mains power, put my HC2 in inclusion mode and connected the power to the uni sensor. This included fine so then soldered one of the inputs to the positive of the bell wire and the negative to the other. I found out the the bell push button on the outside of the house had a bulb in it and did not work as a normal push button so changed it for a basic push-to-make button and this worked AOK so i organised the old doorbell and ended up looking like this before i put the cover on. I also have a CCTV system with some Hikvision IP cams so made the following script when the doorbell is pressed to start some scenes in the house, play a track on the Sonos, send notifications to iPhones and to take a photo of the front door. With the device groups, these are all RGBW controllers around the house that flash for about 3 seconds and then turn off with the next scene. Here is the the script for when the doorbell switch is safe. With the DS Hall LED turning off after 120 seconds, this is for a set of LED lights in the porch as per below. Works like a charm and has done for about 3 weeks with no problems. Previously, i was using a Fibaro door/window sensor with the bell wire but just wanted to step it up a notch:-) If anyone has any questions at all, please let me know and i will see if i can help. Thanks, Hallamnet
  5. hello! I have tryed to use sonos TTS with kirschoffs VD but I cant get it to work. How have you guys solved it? Im using the latest sonos firmware, 6.1.1 regards K
  6. hello all. i have just bought some Sonos speakers and wanted to integrate with home center 2. first part is to control then second part text-to-speech workaround whilst i was going through the forums i found the info i needed scattered around different threads and the original thread was very long, so i have thought i might make it easier by creating a small quick guide: First thing is all credit to the virtual device goes to krikroff for the VD, original thread here - http://forum.fibaro.com/index.php?showtopic=12344 I have created a video demo instead as it was easier to show rather than write. video link is as above. enjoy... download link here: http://www.yorkshireautomation.co.uk/downloads/sonos.zip
  7. I'm trying to find a clue on how to group two or more sonos speakers into a combined zone. (eg: kitchen and living room playing the same tracks). Searching the forum doesn't help me so far. Does anyone have any lua-code or code for a button in a virtual device to combine two players to 1 zone? or perhaps a link to en example?
  8. Hello friends, I would like to control my sonos devices via scenes. It seems not possible to do that with common ways. So maybe someone in this forum already did that via http methods, rest apis etc. Would be great help if someone has any idea about that. Thanks in advance.
  9. Dear colleagues, We have problems importing virtual device confiuration file for Sonos into HCL. We use supported version we found here: http://www.fibarouk.co.uk/support/virtual-device-database/ and when we try to create new virtual device by importing vfib file into HCL (version 3.594) we receive an error 500 or 405 in local mode and 404 using remote configuration. Considering the nature of those error codes we ask you for an advice if you've experienced that? Thanks in advance! Regards,
  10. I am considering the purchase of a full configuration of Fibaro for a very large house: Home Center 2, Motion Sensors, Wall Plugs and Flood Sensors. I need however to ensure further compatibility with: - Philips Hue lights - Sonos Audio System - Somfy RTS automated Blinds equipped with a Tahoma box and ideally: - honeywell Evohome connected to the Internet (Total connect Comfort Box) - Risco alarm system (connected through Riscocloud and mobile interface, apparently X10 compatible as well but not used so far) What level of compatibility could I expect from the Fibaro Home Center 2? I have read about some plugins (Sonos, Hue) but did not see anything about Somfy/RTS/Tahoma. Also apparently the plugins cannot be easily integrated in scenes... Additionally, is there an interface with IFTTT? Thanks
  11. Is there a way to use MP3 files in scenes as voice confirmation instead of TTS? Now i use Sonos TTS from kirkof virtual device for voice confirmations / alarms / clock etc. from HC2, but i dont know why, sometimes it does not work. When it does work, there is long delay (around 30-60sec). Probably it's because of internet connection lag. So i made mp3 files with voice confirmations and i've put them on usb pendrive in router within shared folder. I can call them from any web browser so they can be used from home ethernet as well as over internet. I can call it even from fibaro sonos plugin, but you canot use fibaro sonos plugin in block scenes. Anybody has any ideas how to make LUA scene which can play mp3 files from ethernet on fibaro sonos plugin?
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