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  1. Here is a code lib to control Sonos - it's under development. The goal is to have a code base that's easy to integrate in other projects or build custom QAs. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jangabrielsson/fibemu/refs/heads/main/lib/Sonos/SonosLib.lua It's based on the local LAN API and using websockets listening for Sonos status changes - no polling(!) Sonos commands sonos:play(playerName) -- Start playing group that player belong to sonos:pause(playerName) -- Pause group that player belong to sonos:volume(playerName,volume) -- Set volume to group that player belong to sonos:relativeVolume(playerName,delta) -- Set relative volume to group that player belong to sonos:mute(playerName,state) -- Mute group that player belong to sonos:togglePlayPause(playerName) -- Toggle play/pause group that player belong to sonos:skipToNextTrack(playerName) -- Skip to next track in group that player belong to sonos:skipToPreviousTrack(playerName) -- Skip to previous track in group that player belong to sonos:playFavorite(playerName,favorite,action,modes) -- Play favorite on group that player belong to sonos:playPlaylist(playerName,playlist,action,modes) -- Play playlist on group that player belong to sonos:playerVolume(playerName,volume) -- Set volume of player sonos:playerRelativeVolume(playerName,delta) -- Set relative volume of player sonos:playerMute(playerName,state) -- Mute player sonos:clip(playerName,url,volume) -- Play audio clip on player sonos:say(playerName,text,volume,lang) -- Play TTS on player sonos:playerGroup(playerName) -- group that player belong to sonos:playersInGroup(playerName) -- players in group that player belong to sonos:createGroup(playerNames,...) -- group players. sonos:removeGroup(groupName) -- remove group. Ex. sonos:removeGroup(sonos:playerGroup(playerName)) sonos:getPlayer(playerName) -- Get player object. Ex. p = sonos:getPlayer(playerName); p:pause() sonos:cb(cb) -- wrap call in callback. Ex. sonos:cb(function(h,data) print(json.encode(h)) end):pause(playerName) Example of use: local function delay(args) local t=0 for i=1,#args,4 do local d,cond,f,doc=args[i],args[i+1],args[i+2],args[i+3] local function f0() print(">"..doc) f() end if cond then t=t+d setTimeout(f0,1000*t) end end end function QuickApp:onInit() self:debug("onInit",self.name,self.id) local clip = "https://github.com/joepv/fibaro/raw/refs/heads/master/sonos-tts-example-eng.mp3" Sonos("",function(sonos) self:debug("Sonos Ready") function sonos:eventHandler(event) print(event) -- Just print out events, could be used to ex. update UI end print("Players:",sonos.playerNames) print("Groups:",sonos.groupNames) local playerA = sonos.playerNames[1] local playerB = sonos.playerNames[2] local PA = sonos._player[playerA] print("PlayerA:",PA.name,PA.id) local PB = sonos._player[playerB] print("PlayerB:",PB.name,PB.id) local favorite1 = (sonos.favorites[1] or {}).name local playlist1 = (sonos.playlists[1] or {}).name print(("PlayerA='%s', PlayerB='%s'"):format(playerA,playerB)) print(("Favorite1='%s', Playlist1='%s'"):format(favorite1,playlist1)) local function callback(headers,data) print("Callback",headers,data) end delay{ 1,playerA,function() sonos:say(playerA,"Hello world",25) end, "TTS clip to player", 2,playerB,function() sonos:say(playerB,"Hello world again",25) end, "TTS clip to player", 2,playerA,function() sonos:clip(playerA,clip,25) end, "Audio clip to player with volume", 2,playerA,function() sonos:play(playerA) end, "Play group that player belongs to", 2,playerA,function() sonos:pause(playerA) end, "Pause group that player belongs to", 2,playerB,function() sonos:play(playerB) end, "Play group that player belongs to", 2,playerB,function() sonos:cb(callback):pause(playerB) end, "Pause group that player belongs to", 2,playerB and favorite1,function() sonos:playFavorite(playerB,favorite1) end, "Play favorite in group that player belongs to", 4,playerB,function() sonos:pause(playerB) end, "Pause group that player belongs to", 4,playerB and playlist1,function() sonos:playPlaylist(playerB,playlist1) end, "Play favorite in group that player belongs to", 4,playerB,function() sonos:pause(playerB) end, "Pause group that player belongs to", 5,playerA and playerB,function() sonos:createGroup(playerB,playerA) end, "Create group with players", 10,playerA,function() sonos:play(playerA) end, "Play group that playerA belongs to (both players)", 4,playerA,function() sonos:removeGroup(sonos:playerGroup(playerA)) end, "Destroy group playerA belongs to", 4,playerA,function() sonos:play(playerA) end, "Play group that playerA belongs to (only playerA)", } sonos:volume(playerA,40) -- set volume to group that player belongs to sonos:playerVolume(playerA,30) -- set player volume local pl = sonos:getPlayer(playerA) pl:pause() local group = sonos:playerGroup(playerA) -- get group that player belongs to local players = sonos:playersInGroup(sonos:playerGroup(playerA)) -- get players in group end,{socket=true}) -- debug flags end end The sonos object when created does some initialization and when ready call a callback function, in this case the main of the example, logging and testing functionality. More to come... Here is an example of a QA that uses the library. The QA is very reactive on changes in the system. Because the current HC3 UI model is a mess this QA is just a proof-of-concept. The QA's type is com.fibaro.player which doesn't render in the mobile app withe the new UI... However, it works in the web UI. Switching to the old UI model makes the interface a bit ugly as drop-downs miss labels etc... In the future it will hopefully be possible to create more beautiful app compatible QAs... It's also hardcoded to the IP of my sonos, so it requires some coding to get running on your system 😉 SonosPlayer.fqa ---@diagnostic disable: undefined-global -- Player type should handle actions: play, pause, stop, next, prev, setVolume, setMute --%%name=SonosPlayer --%%type=com.fibaro.player local player,sonos -- UI buttons - send command to Sonos function QuickApp:play() sonos:play(player) end function QuickApp:pause() sonos:pause(player) end function QuickApp:stop() sonos:pause(player) end function QuickApp:next() sonos:skipToNextTrack(player) end function QuickApp:prev() sonos:skipToPreviousTrack(player) end function QuickApp:setVolume(volume) sonos:volume(player,volume) end function QuickApp:setMute(mute) sonos:mute(player,mute~=0) end function QuickApp:selectPlayer(ev) player = ev.values[1] self:updatePlayer() end local function mode(m) local group = sonos._group[sonos._player[player].groupId] return (group.playModes or {})[m]==true end function QuickApp:doShuffle() sonos:setModes(player,{shuffle=not mode('shuffle')}) end function QuickApp:doRepeat() sonos:setModes(player,{['repeat']=not mode('repeat')}) end function QuickApp:doRepeat1() sonos:setModes(player,{repeatOne=not mode('repeatOne')}) end function QuickApp:doCrossFade() sonos:setModes(player,{crossfade=not mode('crossfade')}) end function QuickApp:speakTime() sonos:say(player,"Time is "..os.date("%H:%M")) end function QuickApp:favoriteSelected(ev) sonos:playFavorite(player,tostring(ev.values[1])) end function QuickApp:playlistSelected(ev) sonos:playPlaylist(player,tostring(ev.values[1])) end local groupsSelected = {} function QuickApp:groupSelected(ev) groupsSelected=ev.values[1] end function QuickApp:applyGrouping(ev) print("SEL:",json.encode(groupsSelected)) -- sonos.createGroup(groupsSelected) end function QuickApp:setLabel(name,str) --self:updateView(name,"text",string.format("<font size='2'><b>%s</b></font>",str)) self:updateView(name,"text",str) end function QuickApp:updatePlayer() local group = sonos._group[sonos._player[player].groupId] self:updateView('playerLabel','text',"Player: "..(player or "")) self:updateView("statusLabel","text","Status: "..(group.status or "")) self:updateView("artistLabel","text","Artist: "..(group.currentArtist or "")) self:updateView("trackLabel","text","Track: "..(group.currentTrack or "")) self:updateProperty("state",group.status or "") self:updateProperty("volume",group.volume or 0) self:updateProperty("mute",group.muted or false) local modes = group.playModes or {} local m = {} for k,v in pairs(modes) do if v then m[#m+1]=k end end self:updateView("modesLabel","text","Modes: "..table.concat(m,",")) end function QuickApp:setOptions(name,list,fun) local options = {} for _,item in ipairs(list) do local text,value = fun(item) options[#options+1] = {text=text,type='option',value=value} end self:updateView(name,"options",options) end -- Events from the Sonos player local EVENT = {} function EVENT.groupVolume(event) quickApp:updatePlayer() end function EVENT.playerVolume(event) end function EVENT.playbackStatus(event) quickApp:updatePlayer() end function EVENT.metadata(event) quickApp:updatePlayer() end function EVENT.favoritesUpdated() local function fun(i) return i.name,i.id end quickApp:setOptions("favoriteSelector",sonos.favorites,fun) end function EVENT.playlistsUpdated() local function fun(i) return i.name,i.id end quickApp:setOptions("playlistSelector",sonos.playlists,fun) end function QuickApp:onInit() self:debug("Player") quickApp = self Sonos("",function(_sonos) self:debug("Sonos Ready") sonos = _sonos function sonos:eventHandler(event) if EVENT[event.type] then EVENT[event.type](event) else print("Unhandled event:",json.encode(event)) end end local function fun(i) return i,i end self:setOptions("playerSelector",sonos.playerNames,fun) self:setOptions("groupSelector",sonos.playerNames,fun) player = sonos.playerNames[1] self:updateView("playerSelector","selectedItem", player) self:updateView("playerLabel","text","Player:"..player) end,{socket=true}) -- debug flags end Support will be added for grouping of players. The logic is there but not connected to the UI. The family is using the Sonos player at the moment so I'm not allowed to play with them to verify the code... ;.-)
  2. Hello, I want to buy a soundbar for one of the rooms. I have a Yamaha Musiccast system at home that works very well with the HC3. Unfortunately, due to the lack of a soundbar with musiccast on the market, I have to buy another device. I see that the HC3 has built-in QA for Sonos and Denon Heos. A question for people who use these devices in combination with HC3. Which feels better and is more functional. I care about basic functionality such as turning on/off, adjusting the volume and changing the source. So that I can use the device, for example, as an alarm clock. Can I ask for a hint? At this stage I am considering two devices: - Denon Home Sound Bar 550 - Sonos Beam Gen 2 Regards
  3. Version 1.0.3


    UHAS v1.0.3 (Universal Home Automation System) for HC2 UHAS INTRODUCTION UHAS is a set of scenes and Virtual Devices (VD) that provide the following capabilities: Auto translation of all scenes, VD's, predefined global variables, and messages to 31 different languages (19 directly supported by HC2) (NOTE – not all languages are translated, and users are very welcomed to help with translations that are not yet done) Scheduled and repeating events based on time of day, week, month, and season including Scene FTBE which provides repeating and scheduled actions Advanced Notification Center (ANC) brings centralized notifications with support for most popular services like Pushover, Telegram, GroupMe, WhatsApp and Signal, Sonos TTS and LaMetric TIME smart clock notifications Advanced Lighting Control (ALC) with integration for Philips HUE, Nanoleaf, LIFX and Blebox devices (will be provided in separate package) Very Smart Blinds (VSB) automation Presence monitoring and control with geofencing and Netatmo presence Weather state and forecast with notifications and integration for Netatmo weather station and WeatherFlow and Tempest weather stations Home consumption monitoring and recording Appliance monitoring - with notifications Safety alarms fire and flood Security alarm integration ready with provided global variables Irrigation control based on FIBARO devices Scenes ready to use with Fibaro dimmer 2, Fibaro keyFob, Fibaro Swipe, Fibaro Button and Remotec ZRC-90 central scene activation with built in support for ANC HC2 system status notifications, automatic backups and many more... UHAS OVERVIEW UHAS has been developed for the Fibaro Home Centre 2 (HC2) home automation controller, as a series of modules, which are responsible for one particular action or job, and the user can interact with them as a group, or on their own. UHAS provides an advanced Home Automation (HA) set of features, ready to be used out of the box with minimum user effort to set up and run. Running code is provided as part of the system, doing most of the settings for the user or a systems installer. UHAS is primarily intended to be used by users of the Fibaro HC2 system who wish to have fully featured HA without the need to learn LUA programming and spending a lot of time with coding Virtual Devices and scenes. UHAS can also become a part of a mature Fibaro system installation which has developed with many modules to cover more advanced HA and more devices. UHAS Virtual Devices and scenes use proprietary code developed by author. This code is developed to minimise users involvement in installation and setting of the system. Most of the necessary setting is done by the UHAS components and other settings are simplified and minimised as much as possible. This was also possible because all UHAS VD's and scenes use role system that is used to find necessary components for actions to be performed. UHAS Virtual devices category is set automatically during translation or changing of the main icon. This means that most of the VD's should show in proper category in new mobile app as lights, blinds, gates, ambience, climate, safety, security, multimedia, remotes and other. The same goes for scenes, when scenes save their settings after first manual run then also category is set. UHAS PREREQUISITES Fibaro Home Center 2 (HC2) with firmware version 4.120 or higher (recommended but not necessary expanded RAM memory to at least 2Gb) Configured and installed z-wave devices – I.e., light switches, motion sensors, lux detectors etc. INSTALLATION AND UPGRADE NEW USERS - Please download provided UHAS v1.0.3 Installation package and UHAS Installation and User Manual v1.0.3 EN EXISTING USERS - if your UHAS is: Not yet started with installation then please download full package UHAS v1.0.3 Installation package and install. Still on v1.0 or V1.0.1 then please first download UHAS v1.02. upgrade package and install. Lastly download and install UHAS v1.03. upgrade package Installed v1.0.2 then please download UHAS v1.03. upgrade package and install. NOTE - Upgrade instructions are provided in UHAS Installation and User Manual v1.0.3 EN ADDITIONAL NOTE - In UHAS Installation and User Manual v1.0.3 EN instructions for ALC scene upgrade say: UPGRADE INSTRUCTIONS – This upgrade is recommended. To upgrade and keep your ALC Scene settings please copy new code from ALC Scene v1.3.3.lua from line: -- NEW v1.3.3 - copy code from here to the end of scene code to keep your settings above this line to the end of code. The mentioned line I forget to add to the code before making upgrade package, therefore please copy new code from line: -- THE CODE BELOW DOES NOT REQUIRE MODIFICATION BY THE USER to the end of code. Thanks goes to @MiZ for pointing that out 🙏 IMPORTANT NOTE UHAS uses its own unique global code variables. This means that UHAS will NOT influence the current system scenes, scripts, or virtual devices in any way, even if any of Sankotronic’s earlier UHAS beta versions and standalone scenes or VD's (Virtual Devices) are being used. There is no need for any changes to be made to the existing code before the installation of UHAS. The UHAS global variables are created and controlled automatically by the system so that you do not need to maintain them manually. UHAS INSTALLATION PACKAGE CONTENT (29.1Mb) 92 Virtual Devices 53 scenes Icon sets for all the above VD's and scenes THANK YOU! ❤️ I want to BIG thank to @clowg for helping me with translations and writing manual these last days speeding up publishing UHAS. BIG thank to @gucio1234 and his son Cyprian for making logo for UHAS and 3D printed with real gears! I just love it ❤️ I also want to thank many of you who helped during testing of UHAS beta versions and with translations! @clowg, @speedoxx007 ,@Bodyart, @jimicr, @gucio1234, @jompa68, @Sjekke, @robw, @rbhun, @lennypenny, @FunkFib, @MarcoT, @Orgli, @MarcoTorino71 and many others. Your help is greatly appreciated. Apologies to all other not mentioned nice people who contributed in making UHAS. I also want to thank gurus of this forum @petergebruers, @jgab, @cag014, @SmartHomeEddy and others for help with coding in LUA. And of course a BIG thank to Fibaro for providing Home Center 2 and Home Center 3 for developing purposes! BIG THANKS! also to all UHAS users for their donations! Your support is greatly appreciated! 🙏 TERMS AND CONDITIONS Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its documentation for educational, research, personal use and non-profit purposes, without fee and without a signed licensing agreement is hereby granted, provided that the copyright notice, with "Terms and conditions" and "Disclaimer" appear in all copies, modifications and distributions. It is strictly forbidden to sell, rent, lease and/or lend this software for profit without prior consent from the Author. DISCLAIMER This software is provided by copyright owner "as is" and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall the author and distributor be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage. Fibar Group S.A. and their employees are not responsible for support of the UHAS. Please contact the author Sankotronic, on the Fibaro Forum, for any questions or support required.
  4. Version 1.0.0


    A collection of Sonos Player icons for Home Center 2 and 3. Sonos One, Amp, Beam and Roam.
  5. Version 1.0


    Sonos API Player VD v1.0 standalone INTRODUCTION Sonos is the ultimate wireless home sound system that brings brilliant sound to all parts of house, room by room. Sonos API Player VD enables Fibaro Home Center 2 to control Sonos Wi-Fi multi-room speakers and show their status using node-sonos-http-api as mediator between Sonos and Fibaro. PREREQUISITES Fibaro Home Center 2 with firmware 4.620 or greater Node.js capable device such as Raspberry PI with installed jishi node-sonos-http-api One or more Sonos Wi-Fi multi-room speaker Sankotronic Lab. Emoji VD v1.1 or greater FEATURES Support for My Sonos stations and playlists. User can easily get list of My Sonos stations and playlist to VD and start playing from VD or other VD and scene code Support for grouping actions join and leave Support for Spotify, Apple Music and Amazon music Support for text to speech TTS for Google, VoiceRSS and AWS Poly Support for playing clips for e.g. doorbell or alarm functions Supports all standard audio commands PLAY, PAUSE, STOP, PREVIOUS, NEXT, MUTE/UNMUTE, SHUFFLE, REPEAT and CROSSFADE Support for all other functions available by jishi node-sonos-http-api Debug mode with different levels Multi language support with 27 languages included (see APPENDIX 1 for the list). VD can use HC2 selected language or user can select any other available language. VD will be automatically translated to the selected language Easy setup for VD icons. User can download HC2 Icon Preview VD to easily find icon ID number Global variables are automatically added, monitored and repaired and does not require user intervention INSTALLATION Please check provided User Manual PACKAGE CONTENT Sonos API Player VD v1.0 User manual EN v1.0 TERMS AND CONDITIONS Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its documentation for educational, research, personal use and non-profit purposes, without fee and without a signed licensing agreement is hereby granted, provided that the copyright notice, with "Terms and conditions" and "Disclaimer" appear in all copies, modifications and distributions. It is strictly forbidden to sell, rent, lease and/or lend this software for profit without prior consent from the Author. DISCLAIMER This software is provided by copyright owner "as is" and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall the author and distributor be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage. Fibar Group S.A. and their employees are not responsible for support of this VD. Please contact the author Sankotronic, on the Fibaro Forum, for any questions or support required. VERSION HISTORY 1.0 - First public release LOOK AND FEEL Peek in spoiler: Enjoy coding and your new Sonos API Player VD! Sankotronic
  6. Version 1.1.0


    Sonos API Player standalone INTRODUCTION Sonos is the ultimate wireless home sound system that brings brilliant sound to all parts of house, room by room. Sonos API Player QA enables Fibaro Home Center 3 to control Sonos Wi-Fi multi-room speakers and show their status using node-sonos-http-api as mediator between Sonos and Fibaro. PREREQUISITES Fibaro Home Center 3, HC3L or Yubii Home with firmware 5.070 or greater Node.js capable device such as Raspberry PI with installed jishi node-sonos-http-api One or more Sonos Wi-Fi multi-room speaker FEATURES Support for My Sonos stations and playlists. User can easily get list of My Sonos stations and playlist to QA and start playing from QA or other QA and scene code Support for grouping actions join and leave Support for Spotify, Apple Music and Amazon music Support for text to speech TTS for Google, VoiceRSS and AWS Poly Support for playing clips for e.g. doorbell or alarm functions Supports all standard audio commands PLAY, PAUSE, STOP, PREVIOUS, NEXT, MUTE/UNMUTE, SHUFFLE, REPEAT and CROSSFADE Support for all other functions available by jishi node-sonos-http-api User can restart QA device Debug mode with different levels Multi language support with 25 languages included (see APPENDIX 1 for the list). QA can use HC3 selected language or user can select any other available language. QA will be automatically translated to the selected language User can also setup icons to show current status of the player or leave HC3 default icon INSTALLATION Please check provided User Manual UPGRADE To upgrade from version 1.0 to 1.1 please download this file: Sonos API Player QA v1.1 update.zip Unzip it and copy/paste code for each file as named main, common and app After saving QA please change settings of QA variables TTSlanguage and/or TTSvoice as necessary. AVAILABLE DOWNLOAD Sonos API Player QA v1.1 User manual EN v1.1 TERMS AND CONDITIONS Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its documentation for educational, research, personal use and non-profit purposes, without fee and without a signed licensing agreement is hereby granted, provided that the copyright notice, with "Terms and conditions" and "Disclaimer" appear in all copies, modifications and distributions. It is strictly forbidden to sell, rent, lease and/or lend this software for profit without prior consent from the Author. DISCLAIMER This software is provided by copyright owner "as is" and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall the author and distributor be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage. Fibar Group S.A. and their employees are not responsible for support of the ABC VD. Please contact the author Sankotronic, on the Fibaro Forum, for any questions or support required. VERSION HISTORY 1.1.0 - corrected say and sayall commands language handling error, added Korean language for QA and changed TTS language handling to enable usage of all available languages by selected TTS service. 1.0.0 - First public release Look and feel: Enjoy coding and your new Sonos API Player QA! Sankotronic
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Sharing all Sonos icons I have made until now. Also providing them separately from new Sonos API Player QA Icon packs contain also PLAY, STOP, PAUSE, MUTE, TRANSITION and ERROR icons Enjoy!
  8. Hei, Quick App - Sonos Zone Controller works great inside the controller bur how can i use it with scenes ? In scenes is is not possible to choose the quick app Thanks for your answer.
  9. Hi there! I'm just returning to Fibaro now, with the HC3 up and running for a few days. I used HC2 from 2012 to 2018 when it died. Using Homey since that. Now, I'm curious about HC3 and the new possibilities with QuickApps. No doubt, Fibaro HC is the best for controlling my 60+ mostly Fibaro z-wave devices. But in the past, integration with SONOS, HUE, Alarm systems, Door locks, Video door bells etc was poor. That integration is better elsewhere. Now, with QuickApps, can we expect to see better "plugins" for these kind of IP/API devices? I.e. better than the rudimentary version 1.0 plugins of the past, that's never maintained? I'd love to hear that smart speakers, be it Sonos or Google Home or Alexa, could fully intregrate audio output from my smart home system. Both TTS announcements and sound output from scenes. In a simple and usable way. (I know this has somewhat been possible for years through special VDs with much hassle, but I was never able to make it work properly.) Same goes for Hue, sensors and actors. Or IKEA smart products like blinds. And connecting Alarm systems with 2-way communication for sensor status etc. And a QuickApp for my ventilation system. What do you think? Am I too optimistic?? Regards, Ole Kenneth
  10. Version 3.6.2


    Advanced Alarm Clock First release on the French board in March 2019. INTRODUCTION This VD+Scene Bundle will help you to wake up in better shape by simulating a smooth dawn with any device in your HC2 : Roller Shutters, lights devices and VD. After the ignition at the value that you have set up in the VD, the scene can fade one or more speakers. The curves for light and audio fade in can be choosen separately. The scene manages itself if it's day or not. So, for each light you will set up in the scene, you can decide if it has to be active everytime, or only when it's day or only when it's night. For example, you can set up a Roller Shutter which is active only if it's day! This Bundle can be used as much as you want, just by adding it again and creating a new Global Variable for each new bundle set. THE SCENE IS ABLE TO MANAGE Roller Shutters (FGR22, FGR223...) Dimmers (FGD211, FGD212...) Switchs (FGS211, FGS212, FGS213...) RGBW Devices (FGRGBW, RGBW Controller 1, RGB Controller 2) RGBW Programs (Any Fibaro's programs) Home Center Scenes Any Light VD (Philips Hue, Ikea TRÅDFRI...) Any VD clickable Any Audio VD (Sonos, Yamaha Multicast or any else...) INSTALLATION Most of explainations are in the scripts. Create a Global Variable which starts with REVEIL_ (what means alarm clock in French ?) and import the Virtual Device you want (12h or 24h). VD CONFIG -- Manageable Alarm Clock Scene Id local SceneID = 193; -- Which room will this VD Manage ? Must be the same than the Scene local ROOM = "ROOM"; -- Days Off local DaysOff = {"Saturday","Sunday"}; -- By defaut, this scene will be launched to have full light at the time set up in the VD : Actual Hour - Dawn Time -- Change this var to anything else if you want to trigg the scene at the hour H. local StartScene = "DEFAULT"; -- Icon's ids local icon_ok = 1156 local icon_wait = 1158 local icon_off = 1160 SceneID : ID of the scene Advanced Alarm Clock ROOM : Value corresponding to the Global Variable you created DaysOff : List here all your days off within quotes marks, separated by commas. Take care of the uppercase at the beggining of the days names! StartScene : Start the scene to have the full ignition at the time set in VD (DEFAULT), or start to begin the dawn's simulation at the time set in the VD (anything else) icon_ok : ID of the icon which will be displayed when the scene is triggered and active icon_wait : ID of the icon ID which will be displayed when an alarm is set and waiting to trigg the scene icon_off : ID of the icon which will be displayed when the alarm is disabled Note: In this Virtual Device, you have to change 3 times the variable's value of ROOM, corresponding to the Global Variable you have created before : REVEIL_ROOM. VD USE Press on : will display 12:00 (or 07:30am in the 12h version). This can be changed by anything else with the variable ClickHour in the corresponding button Sound Volume is in percentage (Act on sliders) Audio fade-in is in seconds Light's Power is in percentage* Dawn's duration is in minutes Once button sets the alarm for the next avalaible scheduele, regardless of the day (DayOff or not). The alarm will automatically be disabled after the dawn's ignition Week of job sets the alarm for everyday, without the days set in the variable table DaysOff. Scene will automatically be launch until it's manually deactivated Recall will recall every parameters set before last VD deactivation Alarm OFF will save every actual parameters and disable the alarm * Rollers Shutters will open at the same time than others lights devices, but will not been affected by Light's Power parameter I thought it was better to be able to choose the power of lights, without having a half opened roller shutter. SCENE local ROOM = "ROOM"; -- Room code corresponding to the Global Var created local StartVolume = 15; -- Which Speakers volume value the fadein will start at (percentage) local CurveLight = "linear"; -- Which function will be used to fadein light keys local CurveAudio = "linear"; -- Which function will be used to fadein speakers keys BASIC SETTINGS ROOM The famous variable wich has to be the same in the Scene+VD StartVolume could be useful if you don't want to start audio fadein from 1. CurveLight & CurveAudio Curves that will be used to fade lights and audio. See the following image to have a better understanding Note1: If you comment a Curve Variable, the curve will be randomly choosen Note2: The curves are possible thanks to the great work that Robert Penners made in 2001. POSSIBLE CURVES : Linear + Robert Penner's Easing Equations -- Debug Vars local debug = 1; -- 1 Enable / 0 Disable local lang = "en"; -- Debug lang local DisplayNamesorID = "ID"; -- Display DeviceName + RoomName (Names) or Type + ID (ID) on each Debug line local DisplayNamesAtStartup = 1; -- Display Rooms & Names at scene startup (1) or not (0) local DisplayRGBWValues = 1; -- Display RGBW Values increasement when fading in (1) instead of only multiplier (0) local DayLightDelay = 60; -- After sunrise/sunset, it's still daylight for .. mn local VolDiffMin = 5; -- Minimum difference between Start Volume and Volume set in VD (in case of Start Volume > Volume set) local LimitDebugLines = 1; -- Limit number of Debug Lines to 4 max per device and to 20 max per roller shutter -- Changing next var values may seriously impact the scene local CheckAlarmMode = 1; -- Check if the alarm is set and not just memorized before starting sthis scene local DisplayScenesNames = 0; -- Display Scenes Names in debug (1) or not (0)! Active this function may delay the script local tempo = 1; -- Pause between two actions in LightsAction and SpeakersAction functions (s) - It' not recommended to change this value DEBUGS SETTINGS debug lang DisplayNamesorID DisplayNamesAtStartup DisplayRGBWValues DaylighDelay VolDiffMin LimitDebugLines CheckAlarmMode If this var value is set on 0, this scene will be able to be launched manually with stored values, even though the VD displays None DisplayScenesNames tempo Note: everything explained in the script! ADDING YOUR DEVICES Add a Roller Shutter (FGR) Parameter "steps" is needed to set how many steps this roller shutter will do to open (to protect motors of 100 steps) table.insert(LightsList, {typ="Shutter", id=279, steps=6}); Add a Dimmer (FGD) table.insert(LightsList, {typ="Dimmer", id=10}); Add a RGBW device (FG-RGB) : To fade a choosen color with RGBW parameters (Set this color at full range, scene will fade this value from 0 to the value set in VD) table.insert(LightsList, {typ="RGBW", id=20, r=150, g=100, b=0, w=255}); Add a RGBW Program : To set a RGBW program, just use "program" parameter Add "start" parameter to manage when this program will be started during the light fadein (in percentage) If no "start" parameter is set, program will be started at the beginning of the scene table.insert(LightsList, {typ="Program", id=20, program=3, start=50}); Add a switch (FGS) Add "start" parameter to manage when this turnon action will be done during the light fadein (in percentage) If no "start" parameter is set, action will be done at the beginning of the scene table.insert(LightsList, {typ="Switch", id=49,start=100}); To add a VD If it's a light VD : Parameter "slider" needed to manage brightness table.insert(LightsList, {typ="VD", id=298, slider=10}); "btn" paramater can be added to set a color preset before the fadein (Be sure that the VD brightness for this button is set et 1%) table.insert(LightsList, {typ="VD", id=298, slider=10, btn=6}); If it's not a light VD (with brightness slider) : Just indicate "btn" parameter table.insert(LightsList, {typ="VD", id=298, btn=6}); Add "start" parameter if you want to manage when this button will be pressed during the dawn fade in (in percentage) table.insert(LightsList, {typ="VD", id=298, btn=6, start=50}); Scene : To start a scene Add "start" parameter to manage when the action will be done during the light fadein (in percentage) If no "start" parameter is set, action will be done at the beginning of the scene table.insert(LightsList, {typ="Scene", id=254, start=50}); To add Speakers VD : One action per key Example for an action on the slider 15 of the VD 245 table.insert(SpeakerAction, {id=245, slider=15}); Example for an action on the button 6 of the VD 245 table.insert(SpeakerAction, {id=245, btn=6}); Note: This is an extract of the scene. So you will find it in the scene to help you if needed One line = One device LightsList typ = Shutter id Roller Shutter ID steps Number of steps which will be done by the roller shutter (to preserve shutter's motor). 2 mini / 20 maxi typ = Dimmer id Device ID typ = VD id VD ID slider Slider number to manage light power btn* Button to push start* When the button have to be pushed during dawn"s ignition (if not set, the button will be pressed just before acting on slider) typ = RGBW id Device ID r Red Value(0-255) g Green Value (0-255) b Blue Value (0-255) w White Value (0-255) Note: Please write the parameters for a full power. The scene will calculate the values needed from them typ = Scene id Device ID start* At which percentage of the dawn's ignition this scene will be started. 1 will be use by default if nothing is set. typ = Switch id Device ID start* At which percentage of the dawn's ignition this switch will be turned on. 1 will be use by default if nothing is set. typ = Program id Device ID program ID of the program to launch start* At which percentage of the dawn's ignition this program will be started. 1 will be use by default if nothing is set. SpeakerAction id VD ID 2nd parameter = Button Type (One or the other) with this button number slider Number of the volume's slider btn Number of the button to push Note: This actions will be done in the order you declare them in the script Note: items with * are not mandatory MODE PARAMETER This parameter is not mandatory. If not set, all your keys will be used to fade the dawn. You can mix modes and no modes keys! For each light key, if you want to see it lighting only when it's day, just add mode="day", or mode="night" if you want to see a key lighting only if it's night. To use a key everytime : no mode or mode="both". WHERE CHANGE GLOBAL VARIABLE "ROOM" VALUE At the beginning of the scene In the "Once" Button of the VD In the "Week of Work" Button of the VD In the "Alarm OFF" Button of the VD At the beginning of the Main Loop of the VD Note: Please take care of this changement of value. If the value is not the same everywhere, the scene could not be launched! DEBUG EXAMPLE SUPPORT In case on any issue, please try again with defaults debug's values and post all your DEBUG lines to help me to understand what happens in your configuration. CONTENT Advanced Alarm Clock Scene v3.6 Multilingual Advanced Alarm Clock Trigger 12h v2.2 for people that have 12-hour clocks (am-pm) Advanced Alarm Clock Trigger 24h v2.2 3 Icons for the VD 1 icon for the Scene info.txt file TRANSLATION All Debugs texts are available in english and french. They could be easily translated in any other language without any LUA knowledge, by creating a new language condition and translating every DebugMsg vars. Don't hesitate to contact me with the support thread if you want to translate them in another language. Only 37 sentences in the scene v.3.6! Your translations could be added in this official bundle.
  11. Hi, I would like to have my Sonos-player start playing music when I open my garage door. As far as I can see, I only have one option as I have a HCL, and that is to use IFTTT. How can i set this up? Ive tried making variables that change bases on the doors state (controlled by Aeotec garage door controller) and scenes that activate based upon the state of the variable, but i cant make it work.. The main problem seems to be that both the scene for "Play music" and the scene for "Pause music" starts at the same time every time the state of the door changes.. Also tried "interlocking" the inpud by adding an opposite state, but still triggers them both at the same time. Examples Play music scene: Pause music scene: Scene triggering is the only option I can see for making this work, as the Aeotec controller dont show up in the other triggers.. I have no problem making the IFTTT applets work, that seems to go OK, but its the input im struggelig with..
  12. Hello everyone, I'm new to Fibaro and I have a problem. I created the VD Sonos Romote v.1.0.1 and I want him to play an mp3 sound and stop it. I succeeded to play audio mp3 thanks to the spatpeker but I can not stop it. --PLAY --[[ %% properties %% events %% globals --]] -- 72 is the Virtual Device ID (sonos) -- 73 is the Process button ID (this vd button) local sid, bid = 72, 28 -- Create STREAM params object local params = { -- stream: the file / uri stream = "//", -- source: "local" or "http", "local" is setted by default source = "local", -- duration: play duration in seconds (option) or "auto" duration = "auto", -- volume: the volume for playing the stream volume = 5 } local _f = fibaro local _x ={root="x_sonos_object",load=function(b)local c=_f:getGlobalValue(b.root)if string.len(c)>0 then local d=json.decode(c)if d and type(d)=="table"then return d else _f:debug("Unable to process data, check variable")end else _f:debug("No data found!")end end,set=function(b,e,d)local f=b:load()if f[e]then for g,h in pairs(d)do f[e][g]=h end else f[e]=d end;_f:setGlobal(b.root,json.encode(f))end,get=function(b,e)local f=b:load()if f and type(f)=="table"then for g,h in pairs(f)do if tostring(g)==tostring(e or"")then return h end end end;return nil end} -- Make a request to the remote to process params object instantly _x:set(tostring(sid), { stream = params }) _f:call(sid, "pressButton", bid) -- STOP DON'T WORK --[[ %% properties %% events %% globals --]] -- 72 is the Virtual Device ID (sonos) -- 73 is the Process button ID (this vd button) local sid, bid = 72, 28 local cmd, log = "PAUSE", "Stop command was sent" local _f = fibaro local _x ={root="x_sonos_object",load=function(b)local c=_f:getGlobalValue(b.root)if string.len(c)>0 then local d=json.decode(c)if d and type(d)=="table"then return d else _f:debug("Unable to process data, check variable")end else _f:debug("No data found!")end end,set=function(b,e,d)local f=b:load()if f[e]then for g,h in pairs(d)do f[e][g]=h end else f[e]=d end;_f:setGlobal(b.root,json.encode(f))end,get=function(b,e)local f=b:load()if f and type(f)=="table"then for g,h in pairs(f)do if tostring(g)==tostring(e or"")then return h end end end;return nil end} -- Make a request to the remote to process params object instantly _x:set(tostring(sid), { action = tostring(cmd .." ")}) _f:log(log); _f:call(sid, "setProperty", "ui.lblDebug.value", log); _f:call(sid, "pressButton", bid)
  13. Hi guys, I have used the Sonos VD before with the SONOS play:1 speakers and the Fibaro HC2, however I am planning to buy a Sonos One (with built-in Alexa), has anyone tried using the VD with this? Thanks, Prankit
  14. Hello Team I have a sonos player 5 and I just want to use the TTS functionnality. What should I do ? Thanks in advance for your feedback
  15. I have VD sonos remote installed but is not working Version 1.0.0 does notting Version 1.0.1 gifs the playing number and gives volume level. Butons are not working. Is there a new version? Is there a other solution. I want to use de VD to control the sonos in scenes (not the interface like the sonos plugin) - select number or playlist to play (example : Alarm sounds) - play number -stop playing Anny sugestions?
  16. Cannon_82

    Sonos Play:1

    Version 1.0.0


    Some of the icons i use for my Sonos Play:1 VDs if somebody need other colors or some more states (e.g., skip or special radio stations) you can contact me and i try to realized that.
  17. Version 1.0.0


    Here are some icons for Sonos multi-room speakers and TTS
  18. Hi, I have the feeling that this is going to be a stupid question but I honestly have no clue how to do it... I have a virtual device controlled by a scene that plays songs. The URLs of those songs are stored in a predefined variable. Everything works perfectly but just because I have the songs saved in my PC. I'd like to store the songs in my Google Play Music account so the songs are always available (not only when my PC is on). On my Sonos app I already added the Google Play Music service and uploaded my songs. However, I don't see how to retrieve the URL of the songs from the Sonos app. Could anyone give me a hand? Many thanks! Raul.
  19. Hi, I need to create scene to work same as pushing physical Play/Stop button on Sonos speaker. According to a hint, the sonos eevice has 4 actions: turnOn, turnOff, setMute and setVolume. Trying this scene, but no reaction: --[[ %% killotherinstances --]] local devid = 153 local state = fibaro:getValue(devid,"state") fibaro:debug(string.format("state %s", state)) if(state=="PLAYING") then fibaro:call(devid,"turnOff") else fibaro:call(devid,"turnOn") end
  20. Witam. mam plugin Sonos wykrywa głosnik ale nie mogę uruchomić muzyki zarówno przez www jaki gsm... chodzi o uruchomienie odtwarzania radia z tunein...
  21. Hi, My name is Raul. I'm volunteering in a residence for people with disabilities where we're trying to setup a domotic system for a therapy SPA. I'm configuring a scene where Sonos needs to play a couple of songs that are hosted in PC (for the moment). I set up the Music library without any problems. However, when referencing the path to the song, the Sonos app prompts the following message: "Unable to play track1.mp3 - cannot connect to /// because the server cannot be found" To give you more context, here you can find the tutorial I'm using: https://doonic.wordpress.com/2015/08/14/sonos-und-fibaro-hc2/ Works for the radio although I don't need it. I'm only interested in playing my local mp3 files. My music library: Local path: C:\MusicSonos Sonos Music Library path: //DESKTOP-PVTSA31/MusicSonos/ Predefined variable SONOS_MUSIC set to //DESKTOP-PVTSA31/MusicSonos/track1.mp3 Not sure what I'm missing here. Could you please give me a hand? Thanks a lot!! Raul.
  22. --- Yamonos 1.0 beta --- -- Automatically turns on a Yamaha Receiver (and switches it to the appropriate input) when a Sonos Connect starts playing. -- It requires a Yamaha Virtual Device that stores the correct power state and input in 2 separate Global Variables -- Known issue: If there are multiple grouped devices, Sonos will keep setting the status to "Playing", even if the devices are paused. -- Feel free to improve it and share it -- adjust the variables section below --[[ %% 526 properties %% 525 properties %% 359 properties %% autostart %% events %% globals --]] local YamahaAVR = 359 -- Yamaha VD ID local sonos = 526 -- Sonos Connect ID local pwrBtn = 1 -- the Yamaha VD button ID to turn on the device local offBtn = 2 -- the Yamaha VD button ID to turn off the device local srcBtn = 8 -- the Yamaha VD source button ID local sleepTime = 5000 -- how often should Fibaro check the AV status - in miliseconds local globalVarName = "YAMAHA" -- global variable name created for Yamaha VD local globalVarInputName = "YAMAHA_SET" -- global variable name for Yamaha VD to set the input local avInput = "AV2" -- The Global variable set by the Yamaha VD local globalVarValueOn = "ON" -- the value of the global variable when ON, set by Yamaha VD local globalVarValueOff = "Standby" -- the value of the global variable when OFF, set by Yamaha VD -------- no input is necessary from here --------------- local executed = false function turnOnYamaha() fibaro:call(YamahaAVR, "pressButton",pwrBtn) --POWER ON fibaro:debug("yamaha on") fibaro:sleep(2000) --wait 2 sec until it turns on fibaro:debug("yamaha av2") fibaro:call(YamahaAVR, "pressButton",srcBtn) --AV2 executed = true end function turnOffYamaha() fibaro:call(YamahaAVR, "pressButton",offBtn) --POWER OFF fibaro:debug("yamaha off") end while true do local sonosPlaying = fibaro:getValue(sonos, "state") local yamahaStatus = fibaro:getGlobalValue(globalVarName) if yamahaStatus == globalVarValueOff and sonosPlaying == "PLAYING" then fibaro:debug("Sonos Playing, Yamaha Off - Turning On Yamaha") if not executed then turnOnYamaha() end executed = false sonosPlaying = fibaro:getValue(sonos, "state") yamahaStatus = fibaro:getGlobalValue(globalVarName) elseif yamahaStatus == globalVarValueOn and sonosPlaying == "PLAYING" then fibaro:debug("Sonos Playing, Yamaha On - Nothing here for me") fibaro:debug(sonosPlaying) sonosPlaying = fibaro:getValue(sonos, "state") yamahaStatus = fibaro:getGlobalValue(globalVarName) elseif sonosPlaying == "PAUSED_PLAYBACK" and yamahaStatus == globalVarValueOff then fibaro:debug(yamahaStatus) fibaro:debug("Sonos Off, Yamaha Off - nothing to do") sonosPlaying = fibaro:getValue(sonos, "state") yamahaStatus = fibaro:getGlobalValue(globalVarName) elseif yamahaStatus == globalVarValueOn and sonosPlaying == "PAUSED_PLAYBACK" then fibaro:debug("Sonos Off, Yamaha On - Turning Off Yamaha") local otherInput = fibaro:getGlobalValue(globalVarInputName) if otherInput ~= (avInput) then fibaro:debug("Yamaha is on another input, do not touch") else turnOffYamaha() end sonosPlaying = fibaro:getValue(sonos, "state") yamahaStatus = fibaro:getGlobalValue(globalVarName) end fibaro:sleep(sleepTime) end Hey Folks, I wrote this small script to help me out with my Sonos Connect and Yamaha AV Receiver. It turns on the Yamaha AV and switches to the correct input as soon as Sonos Connect is playing. It's not perfect, but it works pretty well. Please feel free to improve it, if it's needed. /Seb
  23. Hi Brains Trust... My new HC2 will not discover LAN devices, Sonos, Samsung TV or Global Cache devices... Noting on the network. When loading the Sonos plug in and searching for devices, nothing comes up. When I plug the IP number in manually, nothing happens either. Networks have been restarted. All devices been IP cycled. I have set the HC2 from dynamic to static IP a few times... nothing seems to have worked. Anyone else have this issue? any work around?
  24. Dear people, I have a little puzzle... We have Sonos, Hue and fibaro devices and a very irregular live. Our routine for waking up is setting seperate timers for Sonos (actual wake up time), Hue (starts 10 minutes before actual waking time) and our thermostate (danfoss via Fibaro, starts 45 minutes before actual waking time) via the native apps. We have multiple routines / scenes (per device) which we can activate to do so. For Fibaro I have multiple scenes to set a global variabele for the thermostate time and multiple scenes to actually set the temperature (depending global variabele and time). Any suggestions how I should combine everything so I only have to acitivate1 routine? General direction would be great! I presume fibaro should be in the lead... Thans for you help! Kind regards, Roland
  25. Hi i am starting to put together a system. It’s not a big flat but I decided to have every light and every other thing I can in the system. So a lot of lights, even more rgbw led strips, iPads in the walls, and sonos speakers. So so I want to create a ‘party’ mode as it’s a pretty young and fun place. I would love to take the rhythm of the music played in the Sonos and have the lights change brightness and/or color to it. Any ideas?
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