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Found 11 results

  1. I read about several problems with sunset and sunrise on this forum but didn't encounter (unless I didn't search well enough) this one: I have a scene that sets some variables at sunset, one immediately and others some 20 minutes later. I put also an action in for sending me push- and emailnotifications, just to check if everything was working ok. The scene works verey well and sends me a Push and an e-mail at the exact moment of sunset. But then at random times (or do they SEEM random only) during the following night and day I get the same push and emails. Any explanation ?
  2. I have a scene that gets the sunrise and sunset for the day. I recently noticed that both sunrise and sunset times are not correct. They are about 30min - 1 hour off from what they should be. has anyone else seen this issue? Does anyone know if fibaro is going to fix it? @T.Konopka
  3. I created several scenes where the timer functions to start the scene is being used. But none of them works. Any idea where should be the problem? See the pictures attached. Thanx for any adwise. HC2, FW 4.056,
  4. I was looking for a way to change the sunset time. All solutions I found did manipulate the current time and compare that with the sunset time. That's not the way I wanted it so I wrote a small function to subtract or add minutes to the sunrise or sunset given time. -- time is a string format: hh:mm -- offset is in minutes -- return string format: hh:mm function ChangeTimeWithOffsetInMinutes(time, offset) local currentDate = os.date("*t"); local format = "(%d+):(%d+)"; hour,min = time:match(format); local newTime = os.time({day=currentDate.day,month=currentDate.month,year=currentDate.year,hour=hour,min=min,sec=00}) + (offset * 60); -- -offset minuten; return os.date("%H:%M", newTime); end You can use it like: local sunrise = ChangeTimeWithOffsetInMinutes(fibaro:getValue(1, "sunriseHour"), 30);-- 30 minutes later local sunset = ChangeTimeWithOffsetInMinutes(fibaro:getValue(1, "sunsetHour"), -30);-- 30 minutes earlier Have fun with it!
  5. Hi team, I have been trying to work with a fibaro door contact and time of day being the criteria to turn on some devices. Unfortunately, it is taking the door contact and for some reason ignoring the criteria for the time of the day. Here are a couple of screenshots of the settings for your to look at.
  6. Witam, Nie znalazlem do tej pory funkcji ktora wg mnie powinna byc podstawowa w tego typu automatyce domowe jaka oferuje Fibaro. Wiekszosc oswietlenia ktore mamy dotyczy zewnetrznej czesci naszego domu, i prawie kazde rozwiazanie oswietlenia zewnetrznego wiarze sie z koniecznoscia instalacji czujnika zmierzchu. Nikt recznie nie chodzi i nie wlacza swiatel zewnetrznych, ani nikt nie ustawia timerow zmieniajac godziny kazdego miesiaca bo na to nie ma czasu. Pytanie brzmi: Jak prosto stworzyc scene, ktora pobierala by informacje o wschodzie i zachodzie slonca z danej lokalizacji co wyzwalalo by przy tej zaleznosci oswietlenie fasadowe i gasilo je przy wschodzie slonca. Znalazlem ciekawy plugin czy virtual device Sunrise & Set v1.4.0 Zainstalowalem, probowalem zaimplementowac w scenie opartej na bloki ale na tym koncza sie moje umiejetnosci. Nie moge ustalic IF suset then lights on. Poniewaz plugin nie jest widoczny jako urzadzenie wyzwalajace. Jendakze sa widoczne zmienne dotyczace tego pluginu ktore nazywaja sie tak ze ciezko dokladnie wiedziec do czego dotycza. Siedzialem ile moglem i testowalem kazda z opcji ale niestety sciena odpalona recznie dziala ale automatycznie sie nie uruchamia. Czy ktos moglby mi z tym pomoc? albo moze jest inne gotowe rozwiazanie dla stworzenia tej sceny? Dziekuje uprzejmie za pomoc. Pozdrawiam serdecznie
  7. Hi, I have external lights. I use geolocation with ifttt. When I arrive near my house my lights turn on automatically. But it must light up when it is dark. At sunset. I created one variable : I created 3 scenes. First scene : --[[ %% autostart %% properties %% weather %% events %% globals --]] local sourceTrigger = fibaro:getSourceTrigger(); function tempFunc() local currentDate = os.date("*t"); local startSource = fibaro:getSourceTrigger(); if ( ( ((currentDate.wday == 1 or currentDate.wday == 2 or currentDate.wday == 3 or currentDate.wday == 4 or currentDate.wday == 5 or currentDate.wday == 6 or currentDate.wday == 7) and string.format("%02d", currentDate.hour) .. ":" .. string.format("%02d", currentDate.min) == fibaro:getValue(1, "sunsetHour")) ) ) then fibaro:setGlobal("ext", "1"); end setTimeout(tempFunc, 60*1000) end if (sourceTrigger["type"] == "autostart") then tempFunc() else local currentDate = os.date("*t"); local startSource = fibaro:getSourceTrigger(); if ( startSource["type"] == "other" ) then fibaro:setGlobal("ext", "1"); end end My first scene Sets my variable to 1 when the sun goes down My second scene sets my variable to 0 when the sun rises. --[[ %% autostart %% properties %% weather %% events %% globals --]] local sourceTrigger = fibaro:getSourceTrigger(); function tempFunc() local currentDate = os.date("*t"); local startSource = fibaro:getSourceTrigger(); if ( ( ((currentDate.wday == 1 or currentDate.wday == 2 or currentDate.wday == 3 or currentDate.wday == 4 or currentDate.wday == 5 or currentDate.wday == 6 or currentDate.wday == 7) and string.format("%02d", currentDate.hour) .. ":" .. string.format("%02d", currentDate.min) == fibaro:getValue(1, "sunriseHour")) ) ) then fibaro:setGlobal("ext", "0"); end setTimeout(tempFunc, 60*1000) end if (sourceTrigger["type"] == "autostart") then tempFunc() else local currentDate = os.date("*t"); local startSource = fibaro:getSourceTrigger(); if ( startSource["type"] == "other" ) then fibaro:setGlobal("ext", "0"); end end And My third scene that executes the lighting of my lights when ext = 1 and that the sun goes down. --[[ %% properties %% weather %% events %% globals ext --]] local startSource = fibaro:getSourceTrigger(); if ( ( tonumber(fibaro:getGlobalValue("ext")) == tonumber("1") ) or startSource["type"] == "other" ) then fibaro:call(32, "turnOn"); end I have a problem, It makes day or night my scene of lighting my lights work all the time. I don't understand. One idea ? if you can help me please. Thx.
  8. Hello guys, would be anyone so kind and help me calculate hours and minutes between current sunset hour and the next days sunrise? local sunset = fibaro:getValue(1, "sunsetHour") local sunrise = fibaro:getValue(1, "sunriseHour") I would very appriciate having the information, that the night will last xy hours and xy minutes. Thank you very much in an advance, tampiss
  9. NightAndDay is a LUA script to set two global variables at sunrise and sunset and at sunrise + a sunrise offset and at sunset + a sunset offset. You can choose the name of the global variables to set. Default are itIsNight and itIsNightOne. You can define two different offset values (between -7200 and 7200 seconds) for both sunrise and sunset, sunrisetime_offset and sunsettime_offset. itIsNight will switch from 1 to 0 at sunrisetime and from 0 to 1 at sunsettime. itIsNightOne will switch from 1 to 0 at sunrisetime+sunrisetime_offset and from 0 to 1 at sunsettime+sunsettime_offset. At this link you can donwload the script (zip file) and the documentation (PDF): http://domotica.gposta.it
  10. I have just upgraded to 4.053 and my sunset scene has stopped working. The last time this happened with an upgrade, I converted my graphic block code to LUA and it seemed to solve the problem. I have tried to do the same this time, but when I click “Switch scene edit mode to LUA” no code is generated. I have tried to create several new scenes and convert them to LUA, but no code is generated. Also if I check the “Start when home center 2 starts” check box and save, the tick will not save, it keeps disappearing, even though of some of my old scenes are still set. Can anyone help?
  11. Hello, I have an HCL running version 3.593. I have a simple scene that should run @ sunset (turn ON outside lights), but it is happening, every day, exactly one our after the real sunset. I filled all the location settings (check image attched) and all seems to be right except for the sunset hour. Can some one help me? Is there any setting that i'm missing?
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