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  1. I am still testing around the usage of variables and tried the following simple thing. I do have a predefined variable having two values being ON and OFF. I do have a scene (automatic) which switches on a wall plug, when the variable is in its OFF status and sets the variable to ON. If variable=ON the "switch on" and set variable to ON nothing happens. Only when I restart HCL, the scene is triggered. When I then switch the variable to OFF in the variable panel, nothing happens. What I also noticed. when the variable is switched ON and I manually trigger the scene, the wall plug is switched ON, even the trigger condition of the variable being OFF is not fulfilled, how comes? this somehow makes the usage of variables as trigger conditions useless. anyone having a clue?
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Attached Quick App. enables your Fibaro hub to control all 3rd party devices integrated into Alexa using Voice Monkey skill. Now you can control your smart devices like Air Conditioners, Hue devices, Dishwashers, TV, Washing machine and etc. Let's take our smart home functionality to the next level HC2/HCL users can use HTTP to achieve same command and control. See HC2/HCL section in Alexa Triggers.v1.pdf All-in-one QA (AOQ) supports Alexa triggers also. Any feedback will be appreciated
  3. Hi all, just to be clear, I'm a new user of Fibraro product, I bought yesterday the Fibaro FGBHMS-001 HomeKit con Multi-Sensor, and I would like to use it through the homekit app with Apple tv 4th gen. At the moment I paired the multi sensor with the philips Hue lamp in my kitchen, and I have created the 1st scene (through Fibraro app) in order to turn on the light when the sensor finds a movement and turn off the light after 30 second without any movement, and everything works fine.... What want to do now is trigger the turn on and turn off the light accordingly with the light sensor.... can you please confirm that is not yet possible??? Thanks in advance for your help. Fabio
  4. Hello All Ok i have a bathroom fibaro motion sensor where i need to turn on the lights when it is triggered for 15 mins and then they have to be turned off automatically The problem is here, everytime the motion is triggered the timer will start again. And this seems causing a lot of delays in the Fibaro HC2 I have checked we have a parameter calls "blind time" but you can set it to 8 seconds MAX The solution i have in mind to run a scene that when the motion is armed and triggered > turn on light and change sensor to disarm > after 15 mins > change it to arm and turn off lights What do you think?
  5. Guest

    [SOLVED]Variables as triggers

    I need help to understand why the below described HC2 Scene does not trigger when set to "Automatic" and the Variable "ATest" is set to "True". I can trigger the Scene manually wherafter the Device "Test" turns off as expected. Below follows the details: In order to understand the difference between "Automatic" and "Manual" and the effect of having av Scene turned "On" or "Off" in HC2, I made the following very simple test Scene in the Graphic Block editor: IF Variable "ATest" == "True" THEN Device "Test" = "Turn Off" The Variable "ATest" was created in the HC2 Variable Panel as a "Predefined Variable" with to defined values, namely "True" or "False". The Device "Test" is a Fibaro Wallplug In precise LUA code: --[[ %% properties %% weather %% events %% globals ATest --]] local startSource = fibaro:getSourceTrigger(); if ( ( fibaro:getGlobalValue("ATest") == "True" ) or startSource["type"] == "other" ) then fibaro:call(182, "turnOff"); end Any help to explain why the Scene does not turn off the device will be highly appreciated!
  6. Hi guys, I'm going mad with Fibaro GPS scene trigger which refuses to work although my movement traces from my mobile are sucessfully recorded within Fibaro. I have done/checked/tried: create a custom location in localisations panel instead of using my predefined HCL location using a separate variable instead of direct GPS location checked data privacy settings on my IOS and allowed it for Fibaro to collect GPS (otherwise traces would also not be visible in Home Center) Home location: Collected movement traces: Fibaro test scene: What else can it be?!? Note that I can trigger the scene manually and i get the notification. Also I can trigger the scene via IFTTT even location-based! Help much appreciated! Home-Center light is on latest version 4.560.
  7. Hi I am playing around with HUE together with my Fibaro system and so far it works fairly well. I am able to get my wall switch (with a dimmer 1 behind it) "control" the HUE indirectly via scenes. So I am able to switch the HUE on or off just by pressing S1 on the dimmer. However, if I use the HUE remote the dimmer won't know about it and comes out of sync. Working example: - press S1 on dimmer kicks of a LUA script that sends a "on" signal to the HUE light. - press S1 on dimme again sends an "off" signal to the HUE Not working example: - Hue started via the LUA script as mentioned above. If I then kill the light via the HUE remote the dimmer of course won't get a notification of that and still thinks it is "on". To "resync" the two devices I have to press S1 two times again. This of course works but, I would like to get another LUA script to pick up the status of the HUE and set the fibaro dimmer accordingly. I can see that the HUE light status (on/off) is picked up by my controller if I press the remote so my idea was to use the following code to pick it up and set the dimmer in the same state. --[[ %% properties 145 HUE light 164 Fibaro dimmer %% globals --]] local startSource = fibaro:getSourceTrigger(); if (fibaro:getValue(145, "ui.onOff.value") == '1') then fibaro:call(164, 'turnOn') else fibaro:call(164, 'turnOff') end But problem is that the script never executes. it is set to automatically start and I can execute it manually to verify it works but I still cannot get it to execute automatically (possible that it does not recognize the on/off trigger on the HUE). Any suggestion of how this could be done? And just to clarify, I am not using the dimmer to control the HUE lights directly. I am only using it to trigger the HUE via scripts. //Peter
  8. Hello, ive got a question to HC2 and Triggers... I would like to set up a scene like this: if the motion detector trips between 5 a.m. and 6 a.m., the shutters should open. Is that possible in the HC2? I cant find this trigger. In HC3 is this time trigger... can help me someone or do I have to buy the HC3 because of that??? Thanks for answers Tschorden
  9. Being completely new to Fibaro (just bought a HC3) but not to domotica and programming I am not able to find the info I need to do the following: Receive a http request from my Synology Surveillance Station telling HC3 that camera movement has occurred and then set a zone to breached and trigger an alarm. I was thinking of creating a QuickApp device of type binary sensor and turn that on with an http GET request from the surveillance station. This part works fine: when I send the request I can catch it in Quickapp:turnOn() Can see that by checking a debug message. But now.... How do I get this device to set the zone to breached? I've tried to test it in a scene, using state "Detected" but that doesn't react to the turnOn. The updateProperty("state", true) or updateProperty("state", "Detected") methods also didn't work. Big problem here is imo the lack of documentation (at least I can't find it) E.g. where can I find a list of properties and built-in methods of the QuickApp class? The page at https://manuals.fibaro.com/home-center-3-quick-apps/ certainly does not contain all these properties and methods, doesn't it? Can anyone point me in the right direction?
  10. Hi all, I am building our first room using the HC3. Beining used to the HC2 it requires some thinking out of the box for me. My question: I'm building a scene for the ventilation in the new bathroom. I have a MS6 for RH and this part works. Now my challenge: In the future I want all extraction fans turn on when there is a CO alarm. I made an enumerated with 2 "states": Safe and Breached. To get the scene to act on the var change (now by a test scene) I am checking the variable in the condition/ trigger part as a non existing state: "off". Is there a better/ cleaner way to do this? { conditions = { { id = 50, isTrigger = true, operator = ">=", property = "value", type = "device", value = 60 }, { isTrigger = true, operator = "!=", property = "CoAlarm", type = "global-variable", value = "off" }}, operator = "all" } If I add a condition for "Safe" and "Breached" the scene isn't triggered. This works, but it is a weird way to check variables for what you want to do IMHO. Jim
  11. Ktoś podpowie jak w kodzie LUA zrobić by: Pierwszy raz RANO (powiedzmy 9:00 - 12:00) w ciągu dnia NARUSZONY czujnik ruchu w lazience to wywolaj daną scenę?
  12. I have created different scenes in the block scene editor. These are all working except for the one that should do the following: 1. When I arm the alarm, the door sensor is armed. 2. When I open the door it should give me 10 seconds before the alarm goes off. 3. If I disarm the alarm, therefore disarm the door sensor within 10 seconds the alarm should not go off. This all works fine with a minor detail: if I shut the door within 10 seconds the alarm does not go off, while it should go off unless I have disarmed the alarm. I have tried the following block scene: First I tried stating at the device that if it's armed and breached it should trigger and I put a 10 second delay at the end. That did not work. Then I tried the above method checking if the door is device is triggered while armed and breached AND if after 10 seconds the device is NOT disarmed. By the way I also tried the statement if after 10 seconds it IS armed. Both with the same result: If I close the door quickly enough, I'm inside and the alarm is not triggered. Then I thought that maybe it just does not work that well within the block scenes. So I transfered it to LUA (automatic method by Fibaro). The LUA code I get, looks horrendous though. I'm not a developer, but this does not look as very well written code to me. --[[ %% properties 200 value 200 armed %% weather %% events %% globals --]] local startSource = fibaro:getSourceTrigger(); if(startSource["type"] == "other") then fibaro:call(49, "turnOn"); fibaro:call(104, "turnOn"); fibaro:startScene(12); fibaro:call(203, "sendDefinedPushNotification", "4"); fibaro:call(207, "sendDefinedPushNotification", "4"); setTimeout(function() fibaro:call(49, "turnOff"); fibaro:call(104, "turnOff"); end, 900000) else if (( (tonumber(fibaro:getValue(200, "value")) > 0 and tonumber(fibaro:getValue(200, "armed")) > 0) ) and ( tonumber(fibaro:getValue(200, "armed")) ~= 0 )) then local delayedCheck0 = false; if ( (tonumber(fibaro:getValue(200, "value")) > 0 and tonumber(fibaro:getValue(200, "armed")) > 0) ) then delayedCheck0 = true; end setTimeout(function() local delayedCheck1 = false; local tempDeviceState1, deviceLastModification1 = fibaro:get(200, "value"); if (( tonumber(fibaro:getValue(200, "armed")) ~= 0 ) and (os.time() - deviceLastModification1) >= 10) then delayedCheck1 = true; end local startSource = fibaro:getSourceTrigger(); if ( ( delayedCheck0 == true and delayedCheck1 == true ) or startSource["type"] == "other" ) then fibaro:call(49, "turnOn"); fibaro:call(104, "turnOn"); fibaro:startScene(12); fibaro:call(203, "sendDefinedPushNotification", "4"); fibaro:call(207, "sendDefinedPushNotification", "4"); setTimeout(function() fibaro:call(49, "turnOff"); fibaro:call(104, "turnOff"); end, 900000) end end, 10000) end end So here I am, with the big question to you out there: is there anyone who has this working and what code do you have?
  13. I'm using Apple HomeKit for my smart home. Just bought 2 x Fibaro Motion Sensor - HomeKit with the intent to use the light (and perhaps temp) sensor to control my shades. However it seems that only the motion sensor showing up in the Apple HomeKit Automatization. Can see this has been an issue in older threads but seems to still be an issue - is that correct and is there a solution on this? I do not want to use other application like Eve or Fibaro App - Sensors should be fully compatible with Apple HomeKit without use of any other applications etc (or am I wrong?) Also saw in an old thread that it only report changes if Lux value change more that 200 Lux - which of cause is unusable. Is that still the case or has that been solved as well? Let me if you can help to solve this fast as I'll have to return the products within 10 working days to get the payment back... Also - if this is still an issue - do you have an alternative to make automatization based on Lux? All the best, Cheers, Steen
  14. Hello I find lot of solutions on this forum with lua code but it's need HC2. I have only the HCL and I use the alarm panel to armed/disarmed the alarm. I would like to know if it's possible to activate automatically with a trigger the alarm ? thanks
  15. Hello All, As I try to build a presence detection with BLE, I like to ask if there is a way to poll GPS coordinates of a user by request, overriding the pre-configured time frame. When user is detected from BLE inside range to stop polling and when user is out of BLE range to get a specific time frame for GPS Polling, according to period of day. Any help?
  16. Hi sorry for the stupid title, I dont have any better right now tl/dr: do a trigger keep rerunning/starting a new instance of a scene? long version: I want to create a scene where my bathroom fan turns on if humidity sensor is over 70%, then turn off. If I do this: if ( tonumber(fibaro:getValue(298, "value")) > 70 ) then fibaro:call(413, "turnOn"); fibaro:debug('WC humidity over 70. Turning fan on.'); fibaro:sleep(120000); fibaro:call(413, "turnOff"); fibaro:debug('WC humidity under 70. Turning fan off.'); end will the HC2 check for the humidity every second or so? and if yes, will it start a new instance of the same scene, or somehow lenghten this? or shall I do this? if ( tonumber(fibaro:getValue(298, "value")) > 70 ) then fibaro:call(413, "turnOn"); fibaro:debug('WC humidity over 70. Turning fan on.'); else fibaro:call(413, "turnOff"); fibaro:debug('WC humidity under 70. Turning fan off.'); end but in this case, will the fan turn off is the humidity falls under 70? I cannot find a good description of triggers, and it seems so important... thanks in advance
  17. Hi, I would like to configure a setup where my lamps automatically swiches on if a defined brightness level is measured by the Light Sensor of the HomeKit-Version of the Fibaro Motion Sensor. Normally this can be done by using the Light sensor as a trigger. But I was not able to configure such a setup sucessfully. Did anyone tried to use the Light sensor of the HomeKit-Version of the Fibaro Motion Sensor sucessfully as trigger? I configured that the lamps should be switched on if the Light sensor measures a brightness level under 100 Lux. What I experienced so far was, that even if the Light sensor measures a value that was under 100 Lux the lamps were not switched on. Only if the brightness level was 0 Lux (absolutly dark environment) the lamps were switched on. But no other setup was sucessful. Can the Light Sensor in the HomeKit-Version only be used for triggers that measures brightness levels of 0 Lux or did I something wrong? Hope you can help me! Luke11
  18. I can't get my head around a problem I am having with variables triggering scenes. So, turning to the forum to see if anyone has any idea. The problem I am having is that a scene is triggered by a variable even if the variable is not named in the LUA trigger section. I created a scene with the following trigger definition: --[[ %% autostart %% properties %% globals Var1 Var2 --]] The scene worked fine. It is triggered by changes in Var1 and Var2 as should be and the LUA code is executed. My debug code verfies it. I can see that both Var1 and Var2 are triggering the scene. Next, I wanted to change the logic a little and no longer wanted Var2 to trigger the scene, only Var1. I still used Var2 in the code however, just not as scene trigger. The new trigger definition looked as follows: --[[ %% autostart %% properties %% globals Var1 --]] But, to my surprise, the scene is still triggered by Var2! My debug code reports that Var2 is indeed the trigger source. I am confused! Restarting the HC2 does the trick though. After restarting, the scene works as designed and Var2 no longer triggers the scene. The same behaviour also applies to block scenes. I have created a block scene using Var1 and Var2 in the if-statement and then unchecked Var2 it in the "Triggering variables" list. Same thing happens - Var2 keeps triggering the scene despite the fact that I have unchecked it. If I convert the block scene to LUA code I can see that Var2 is not in trigger definition and hence should not trigger the scene. But it still does! Surely this must be a bug in the system right? Or I am missing something? Thanks Software version 4.160
  19. I want to trigger a scene whenever the global variable change value. The values of the global variable are are "0" or "1" . The test scene is : --[[ %% properties %% weather %% events %% globals GlobalVariable --]] if ( fibaro:getGlobalValue("GlobalVariable") == "1" ) then fibaro:debug("Variable is 1"); end if ( fibaro:getGlobalValue("GlobalVariable") == "0" ) then fibaro:debug("Variable is 0"); end The scene is not activated automatically by change of the global variable "GlobalVariable". If I run scene manually it reports correctly the value of the global variable. Any hint ... ?
  20. I am trying to start the exhaust fan in a bathroom (4 of them) when the humidity changes by a percentage. I have a simple scene that is using a greater than a fixed value trigger. This works for now. However this value will be different in summer / winter and requires permanent tweaking. What I really want is to turn it on when it increases by more than 1% in say 5 mins. Similarly I want to stop it when the humidity has not decreased by more than 1% in 30 mins. I can use Lua, but is there any other way that others have done this, or is there a better algorithm ?
  21. Hello! I am new to to Lua coding and coding generally, and i am struggeling to be satisfied with my bathroom fan control during shower. Devices: Netatmo Indoor and outside module and Fibaro Relay Per now, I control my bathroom fan, by monitoring the humidity in the room and set the fan to start at a given level like below. This is made by normal scene blocks. (If OUTSIDE humidity > 90 AND INDOOR humidity >= 60 = "Turn on") (If OUTSIDE humidity > 90 AND INDOOR humidity < 60 = "Turn off") (If OUTSIDE humidity < 90 AND INDOOR humidity >= 55 = "Turn on") (If OUTSIDE humidity < 90 AND INDOOR humidity <55 = "Turn off") The outside criteria "helps" on wet and rainy days, by not letting the fan start on its own due to rise in humidity. Due to the fact that outside humidity plays a HUGE role on the inside humidity, my setup must be modified all the time because of seasonal changes. What i would really want is a script that does the following using only the inside humidity and the relay: The plugin for Netatmo pulls information every minute, but the Netatmo itself only uploads to the API site every 10 min. Så when i get a rise in humidity, i allways get atleast 5% at a time. That means the Fibaro thinks it gets 5% rise in one minute (if i think at this correctly) I want a sudden rise in humidity, regardless of the outside OR the inside humidity, to trigger the fan. (Example: from 25-->30, 45-->50, 52--57) The thing i think is tricky, is that you actualy must "save" the previus value and compare it to the new?!? If i get the fan to trigg this way, i could easily set up another scene to stop the fan after an hour. BUT, it would be much more awsome if the fan stayed on until the humidity value BEFORE the spike was reached. Does anybody have a solution for this? I know the guy at the top of this topic, providing the link, has made this in Domoticz - https://www.domoticz.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4421 Sorry for my horrible english writing! Best regards
  22. HI all, Is there a way to disable a scene (which is triggered by a change in value) from another scene. Situation: I have a simple scene that sets the light at 75% when i change the value of another device (mco home touch pad). Now I want to create another scene that sets the light at say 25%. However, i do need to change de value of the mco home because otherwise the light has no power (the mco home is also a non z-wave device). How could I prefend the first scene from putting the light at 75% and running only the second scene? Hope you could help. Ciao Figlio
  23. I currently have a single wall switch which is connected to a ceiling lamp. I want to replace this single wall switch with a double one and install a Fibaro Double Switch 2 behind it. One of the switches will be used to control the lamp at the ceiling, while the second switch will be used as some kind of remote trigger to a lamp which will be not be connected in the same circuit. Is this possible? Where should Q2 (see image) be connected with? Directly with the neutral lead?
  24. Witam, mam problem z wyzwalaniem scen znajdujących się w centrali nadrzędnej poprzez przytrzymanie klawisza modułu z centrali podrzędnej. Problem polega na sczytywaniu naciśnięcia modułu podrzędnego przez centralę nadrzędną (w obrębie jednej centrali działa mi to bezproblemowo). Ktoś zna jakieś rozwiązanie?
  25. I'm new to this and I'm not sure about the triggers for the Fibaro Door/Window sensor 2 "Breached", "Breached and armed" or "Breached and disarmed" I get "To many instances" for the scenes all the time. - The sensor is on the catdoor, I'm trying to log if the cat is in och out (IN Fresa=1, OUT Fresa=0)
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