I have come across what I think is a limit to the number of words that the TTS engine can speak.
The following scene lua will work
%% properties
%% events
%% globals
-- Configuration - Device IDs
local bid = 28
local sid = 1203
local params = {
message = "the big furry cat sat on the mat",
duration = 'auto', -- Duration: "auto", xx seconds
language = "en-gb", -- Language: see http://www.voicerss.org/api/documentation.aspx to get your language code
volume = 45,
local _f = fibaro
local _x ={root="x_sonos_object",load=function(b)local c=_f:getGlobalValue(b.root)if string.len(c)>0 then local d=json.decode(c)if d and type(d)=="table"then return d else fibaro:debug("Unable to process data, check variable")end else fibaro:debug("No data found!")end end,set=function(b,e,d)local f=b:load()if f[e]then for g,h in pairs(d)do f[e][g]=h end else f[e]=d end;_f:setGlobal(b.root,json.encode(f))end,get=function(b,e)local f=b:load()if f and type(f)=="table"then for g,h in pairs(f)do if tostring(g)==tostring(e or"")then return h end end end;return nil end}
-- Make a request to the remote to process params object instantly
_x:set(tostring(sid), { tts = params })
_f:call(sid, "pressButton", bid)
but if I replace the message line with a longer message it doesn't work. (no error is given)
message = "the big furry cat sat on the mat and the dog sat on the floor",
I think the limit seems to be around 46 characters (or perhaps its a time limit, ~2 seconds of speaking??)
'Guest' in the following post indicated that they had announcements that were much longer that 50 chars that were working fine with the 1.0.0 beta
Is this a known issue or is there a fix out there...