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Found 5 results

  1. I have a Dimmer 2 with security level S0 and tried to connect Walli Controller by the book and with the code I got security level S2 Authenticated and leaving it blank or 000000 security level was set to None. When associate the two devices it complain on different security levels. When Adding Walli Controller as described below it gets added with security level S0. Add device Zwave Button Advanced, uncheck ‘Add in S2 Security mode if device supports it’ Start Device will be added in security level S0 Walli Controller Tab Advanced, Walli configuration Operator mode: Dimmer/Roller Shutter Controller Tab Associations Endpoint 0, Group 6 Multidevice, Choice your ‘Dimmer 2’ devices.
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Kilka ikon przycisku walli mojego autorstwa
  3. My venetian blinds is driven by a FGR223 as a driver and a walli controller FGWC-201 as button what are the parameter to set with the FGR223 and the walli controller to manage up/down with short cli/push and slat with long clic/push I tried 2 settings to drive completely the venetian blinds without success. 1rst setting: I set the FGR223 as a venetian blinds and perform a calibration (the module is marked as calibrated) then parameter are setted to - 152: 150 - 153: 1 - 154, 155: 10 - 156: 5508 - 157: 5376 I set the Walli controler FGWCEU-201: - type: venetian blinds (parameter 20=6) - direct group association: node.0 group 7, with multichannel with node(FGR223).1 with this setting i have 4 problems : pb 1.1: when i short clic on the button of the walli controler (short push) nothing append, i have to make a long clic to move up or down the venetian blinds, as far as i stop pushing the button the blinds stop. pb 1.2: when i push th button to rich the open position, after few seconds the blinds move by itself to rich the a position 10cm down. pb 1.3: when the blinds and button are waiting for almost several hour without interaction, i need to clic twice on the walli controler, 1rst clic with green response with no move, second clic with green with move (up or down) pb 1.4: how could i manage the slat ? second setting try with another association: - FGR223 as a venetian blinds and perform a calibration (the module is marked as calibrated) - same as 1rst try - Walli controler FGWCEU-201: - type: venetian blinds (parameter 20=6) - direct group association: node.0 group 6, with multichannel with node(FGR223).1 with this setting when i short the venetian blinds move up or down the final position, and another clic stop the move, but i have 3 problems - pb 2.1: when i push th button to rich the open position, after few seconds the blinds move by itself to rich the a position 10cm down. - pb 2.2: when the blinds and button are waiting for almost several hour without interaction, i need to clic twice on the walli controler, 1rst clic with green response with no move, second clic with green with move (up or down) - pb 2.3: how could i manager the slat only ?
  4. Hi all, If the Walli Controller is in the Power Supply mode, is it possible to have its LED ring controlled in the same way as for example on Walli Switch or Dimmer? I mean to have it on to work as night light, or change color via scenes etc. According to manual it seems that it is not possible, but if anyone has actually chance to test it, I would appreciate it :). Thanks!
  5. Zakupiłem Walli Controller. Niewiele w necie jest informacji na jego temat, więc trochę rzeczy mnie w nim zaskoczyło, albo nie umiem czegos skonfigurować, albo mam trefny egzemplarz. 1. Kolory świecenia diód po naciśnięciu przycisku zmieniają się tylko i wyłącznie w zależości od trybu działania. Tzn. w trybie kontrolera scen na zielono, w trybie podwójnego przycisku na czerwono itd. Zmiana koloru swiecenia diód w parametrach urządzenia nie przenosi się do kontrolera (tak, wybudzam go z trybu uśpienia). Czyli nie za bardzo mogę uzyskać białe podświetlenie. 2. Nie działa mi podłączenie pod zasilacz. Czy urządzenie jest faktycznie bardzo wybredne i działa tylko z zasilaczami SELV, LPS lub NEC klasy 2? Podłaczyłem pod zasilacz dopuszkowy 12V 0,5A (0-6W) i nie rozpoznaje zewnętrznego zasilania, czy zasilacz jest za słaby?
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