I finally stumbled with my HC2 and I'm very unhappy at the moment. Now I can finally understand most of the users here on forum why they cry, curse and show discontent.
So here is my short story:
HC2 with FW 4.080 with installed 255 devices, 49 scenes in 24 rooms. I happily added my first Fibaro swipe and after that decided to make backup just in case. Backup is made but after that I noticed that HC started deleting devices. I wrote down devices ID that appeared in that small event log dialog on the top of the page and when finished compared with my list. At first it looked ok because all deleted devices ID actually was not on the list. But after refreshing 'Your House' page I noticed that some devices are missing. I compared with my list that I made in excel and found out that is missing 55 devices of which most are smart plugs, two of six roller shutters, some of the motion sensors, some of the door/window sensors, all three flood sensors, all three fire sensors, two relay modules.
There is no logic in this unfortunate event, at least none that I can see, because deleted sensors and modules are equally near or far from the control center, also many are not battery operated but connected to the power like roller shutters, relays, smart plugs!
Before making backup I noticed that my battery operated Vision siren is showing dead and could not wake it up, but I thought that this is because of weak batteries. Is it possible that one dead device can make such damage and delete so many other devices?
Some kind of explanation would be nice to know, but nevertheless, this kind of unfortunate event should not happen anyway. Now even if I somehow reconnect deleted devices I will always be afraid to make another backup. And when we loose confidence we all know that there is never happy ending.
If there is anyone out there that had same experience and manage to solve it I will be more than thankful if he/she share his/her knowledge here.
I don't expect any help or answer from Fibaro because toy makers do not have or need to give support