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Found 6 results

  1. Hello guys We are offering for sale these really helpful boards for fibaro implants. This board allows installers to install Fibaro Implant modules more cleanly and easily. Normally with the included Implant wire, an installation looks very messy as you have to splice the wires together. This is OK for small items which don't have a lot of space, but for use cases like garage doors, gates etc... a screw terminals are much better. They are also better for diagnosing problems, as a multimeter probe can be used to measure the contacts. The board can be mounted on a DIN rail as well by adding a simple plastic DIN rail holder. The board includes screw terminals for all inputs, it also includes 2 bigger relays (either 12 or 24V) which are the most common ones used. These relays can switch up to 10A. The relays have NO/NC contacts. We use this board for almost all installations as it much cleaner then a box of wires if we were to use the original Fibaro wire, plus with the benefit of the relay we can switch much bigger loads (we mostly use them for electric locks). Price 20 eur netto / pcs In case of larger order the price is open In case of interest please send me a PM or write to [email protected] mail address
  2. Hi all, I plan to purchase some Qubino Flush Shutter DC devices to control louvre windows, as well as a linear actuator. Both of these are 24V motorised units with limit switches. Control is performed by reversing polarity to the motor. Anyone have any experience with these devices and HC2? Also, has anyone mounted these devices on a DIN rail? For Fibaro devices, Haseman and EUFix both make 3rd party DIN enclosures. Interested to hear if someone has a solution for Qubino devices. Cheers! Tim
  3. Hi, Does anyone have experience building a cabinet with dinrail modules with Fibaro dimmer/relais. I have a project with 25 dimming modules per cabinet. I know about the Din-rail adapters but what is inportant reguarding cabels, cooling, spacing, and other stuff ??? Like to hear your thoughts.
  4. Planuje instalacje gdzie wszystkie przewody zasilania oraz sterujące (skrętka) schodzą się do centralnej rozdzielni, chciałem wykorzystać moduły Fibaro w obudowie na szynie din, czy ktoś ma doświadczenie jak zachowują się moduły obok siebie w dużych ilościach np. 30,40 lub więcej sztuk ? Obawiam się problemów z wzajemnym zakłócaniem. Jeśli ktoś ma doświadczenie z taką centralną instalacją opartą na Fibaro bardzo proszę o podzielenie się spostrzeżeniami
  5. Witam, pozostało mi kilka obudów pozwalających zamontować dowolny moduł inteligentnego domu FIBARO na szynie DIN TH35 (np w rozdzielni elektrycznej). Niezwykle przydatna rzecz, ułatwiająca estetyczny oraz pewny montaż modułu wszędzie tam gdzie nie może zostać podłączony bezpośrednio pod włącznikiem ściennym. 70zł/szt Jeśli ktoś jest zainteresowany to zapraszam do kontaktu na priv Pozdrawiam,
  6. DIN BOX for Fibaro switch It perfectly suit to montage splint DIN. Special features: -place to mount the module -handle to splint DIN -place to entry the cables -airhole -aerial hole -hole for pressing button "B" without necessity of opening. more info: http://www.energyhouse.com.pl/en_US/index
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