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  1. Cześć, Mam od wczoraj problem z tworzeniem scen w HC3. Większość oświetlenia w mieszkaniu jest podłączona do Dimmerów - i staram się system skonfigurować tak, aby nie było potrzebne korzystanie z telefonu - czyli uruchamianie scen za pomocą przycisków monostabilnych. Część scen została już przeze mnie zaprogramowana jakiś czas temu i działają. Ale tworząc nowe, nie mogę z listy urządzeń wyzwalających wybrać pilota żadnego z dimmerów w systemie. Same dimmery są widoczne, ale ich piloty już nie - w związku z czym, nie mogę stworzyć sceny która jest aktywowana przyciskami dimmerów. Żeby było lepiej - sceny, które stworzyłem sobie już wcześniej, w widoku edycji, w kafelku "urządzenie wyzwalające" nie mają teraz wybranego żadnego urządzenia (bo tam był pilot dimmera, a teraz z jakiegoś powodu nie jest dostępny w tworzeniu scen). Ale sceny w dalszym ciągu działają prawidłowo przy wyzwalaniu ich z przycisków podłączonych do dimmerów. Nadmienię tylko, że piloty są widoczne w systemie na liście urządzeń. Mam wrażenie, że problem powstał w ostatnią sobotę po dodaniu dwóch nowych dimmerów do systemu (i uwaga - piloty tych dwóch dimmerów widać!!!!!!). Myślałem, że sprawę naprawię rekonfigurując urządzenia - i faktycznie, po rekonfiguracji dimmera, jego pilot zaczyna być widoczny jako możliwe do wyboru urządzenie wyzwalające w scenie. Ale po około 24h znika Dodam jeszcze tylko, że przez cały czas piloty innych urządzeń (RGBW Controller, Single Switch itd.) są stale widoczne w widoku tworzenia scen. Problem dotyczy WYŁĄCZNIE dimmerów (poza dwoma, które dodałem do systemu w ostatnią sobotę). Ktoś może pomóc, bo dostanę szału?
  2. hi guys, i'm planning to install DALI dimmable LEDs. I couldn't find a Z-wave enabled dimmer that supports the DALI Interface out of the box. Here are some images of DALI wireings (sorry for german screens) that i took from the hom.ee forum. Berker has an inwall dimmer that has DALI connections: would this converter be an option? http://www.nortronic.no/userfiles/file/Lysstyring/86468352-001-P.pdf thanks, kro
  3. Hi everybody, I intend to install my entire house with Fibaro Walli family. I already use Dimmer and Switches but I have an issue with connection on of the dimmers. I removed the old switch from my bathroom and it had L (was live wire connected to it), L1 (was neural wire connected to it) and L2 (was ground wire connected to it) markings on it. The room has an extractor fan and smart LED which is managed by this single switch. Can anyone help me get it back? Thanks all!
  4. Hi guys I have an issue with the dimmer 2 modules.When they are connected to mains power they work perfectly fine however when my backup generator kicks in they stop working and show a red light on the module. I have the exact same setup at a different site with a backup generator from the same company and it works perfectly well. Any ideas as to what could be the problem. Thank you
  5. So, you’ve successfully installed a Dimmer 2 and can control the lamp brightness. However, you are getting some flickering which you don’t know how to resolve. Or maybe your lamps are flashing at certain times – either with a Dimmer 2 or without. Read on to discover how to trouble shoot this problem. Start by wiring up the Dimmer 2 using the 3 wire diagram found in the online Dimmer 2 manual (avoid using the 2 wire version). Create a test-bed version if necessary, by placing the dimmer in an enclosure and wiring up to a power point. Doing this also allows you to change the location of the device eg to a friend’s house. Ensure the HC2 firmware is 4.110 or above; and Dimmer 2 firmware is 3.5 or above. After any updates do a soft reconfigure of the Dimmer 2. Double check that the bulb is a dimmable version, and that parameter 33 reports the load as dimmable (ie “0”). Try changing the brand of bulb to see if that resolves the flickering. Check in the online Dimmer 2 manual that the bulb type is supported. Check the total power load, and install a Fibaro bypass for loads between 5W and 50W. Don’t use Dimmer 2 for loads under 5W, which can occur with low power led bulbs. Ensure you have used the auto-calibrate setting, and that parameter 14 reports that the calibration has been done (ie “1”). Hopefully by stepping through the above you will solve your flickering problem. If not, the next step is to observe when the flickering occurs: --- All the time, but only at lower brightnesses: Some LED bulbs may be incompatible with the Dimmer 2. Try changing the bulb brand. Then try changing Parameter 30, load control mode: to force leading or trailing edge control. --- At specific times, typically around sunset and late evening: The cause may be ripple control signals interfering with the dimmer. Some utilities in some parts of the world inject a control signal to turn street lights and off peak hot water on and off. The control signal interferes with many types of dimmers, even non-smart ones. Incandescent bulbs are somewhat immune due to their thermal delay, however the signal can wreak havoc with led drivers, causing flickering, flashing and/or strobing effects. Ceiling fans may emit a buzzing sound when the signal hits too. You are unlikely to get a resolution from your electricity provider, as this “interference” is intentional. Changing the brand of dimmer may not work either (feel free to try it). There are two possible resolutions reported to work: First, try changing parameter 38, brightness level correction, which Fibaro introduced in a software update in 2019. Otherwise, a ripple filter will be needed to remove the signal before it hits the dimmer, eg from manufacturers Cabac and Gayrad. You will need to ascertain the frequency of the control signal from your electricity provider, and then have the correct filter installed. --- When specific devices are switched on or used, typically containing large motors, switchmode power supplies, or nearby industrial equipment: The cause may be electrical interference. If these devices are on your property you can isolate the cause by methodically turning circuits and devices off. You can also try moving your test-bed to a friend’s house to see if the problem is replicated. It’s likely that such interference would show up on other devices in the house as well, for example audio and video equipment. You should then investigate local filtering. If it's coming in on the mains, for example you live near an industrial area, then you should discuss with your electricity provider to see if the interference is above limits or not. You may need still need a local filter in this case. --- When a Fibaro system alarm occurs In case of fire, flood, high CO2 etc, the relevant z-wave devices will send alarm frames. It is possible that the system has been configured to respond to alarm frames by flashing the lamp in a regular pattern. Check Dimmer 2 parameters 40, 41, 42, 43. Other devices such as the Smart Switch can also exhibit this issue. You can check the Home Centre logs to see when the alarms occur, and correlate this with your observations. If this guide helped you solve your flickering lights problem, click the Thankyou button below. If you discover another cause and solution that might help others, please post it below. And finally, if this guide doesn’t help, you must have a very unusual corner case and you’ll need to get in professional assistance!
  6. I started working on making things smart in my house. First thing I bought is a domotics controller, Fibaro dimmers and bypasses and some Ikea Tradfri (smart) lights.I would like to make use of the Fibaro Dimmer 2 with double momentary (pulse) switches on the wall to control light groups and make scenes through the domotics controller. I then connect the lights directly to the net since the dimmer 2 in combination with the dimmer already in the smart lights won't work very well. Is it possible to not connect any lights to the Fibaro Dimmer 2, but only use it in combination with a double momentary (pulse) switch? I then want to associate both switches to selected groups of smart lights. I know it is possible to do this with S2 (explained here: http://www.vesternet.com/resources/application-notes/apnt-109), but how would I wire a setup without any lights (and making use of the Fibaro bypass)? Hope someone can help, thanks in advance!
  7. Czy ktoś z Was ma bezproblemowo działającą instalację z Dimmer-em a za nim zasilacz triakowy do LED? Dostaję sporo informacji, że taki układ jest mało stabilny i zasilacze padają jeszcze na gwarancji. Niestety nie mam już możliwości dołożenia przewodów by do włącznika doprowadzić 12V z normalnego zasilacza i wówczas dać moduł RGBW. Potrzebuję taki zasilacz 12V 48W i 12V 18W. Ewentualnie pozostaje mi ustawić Dimmer ręcznie jako praca bez ściemniacza -> zwykły zasilacz LED -> manualny ściemniacz gdzieś ukryty bez współpracy z Fibaro. Z góry dziękuję za wszelkie sugestie
  8. Hi Fibaro experts, I have been using my fibaro setup for a couple of years with mixed success. Some things work quite well and some, well not so well. Feels at times as if the software really isn't tested before it is released which is unfortunate. Anyway I still like what it can do so trying to live with the problem it causes. However, this problem really annoys me and must be fixable somehow so hoping someone out there has a clever answer for it. One of the setups I have today: 1 fibaro dimmer 2 in the hallway 1 fibaro dimmer 2 in the kitchen The dimmer in the kitchen is associated with the hallway dimmer so that S2 is able to control the light in the hallway. This works fine as long as I always control it from the kitchen. So if I press once the hallway lights up and if i press another time the hallway goes dark, just as expected. However, If I press once on S2 in the kitchen and then switch it off in the hallway (with the wall switch i have there) the control in the kitchen looses sync why i need to press it twice to light it up again. So what happens is that the kitchen dimmer works fine as long as I don't use the wall switch connected to the hallway dimmer. If I do then the dimmer in the kitchen Case 1: 1. activate S2 in Kitchen > Hallway lights up. 2. activate S2 in kitchen again > Hallway goes dark Case 2: 1. activate S2 in Kitchen > Hallway lights up. 2. activate S1 in hallway > Hallway goes dark 3. activate S2 in kitchen again > Nothing happens (reason is because the kitchen dimmer tries to shut down the hallway light as it wasn't aware that i already killed the light via the hallway dimmer) 4. if i then press S2 in the kitchen again the light in the hallway lights up again. A small thing but oh so irritating. There must be something I am missing as I have the same functionality in my walk in closet and my bedroom. However, with the difference that i there have a dimmer 2 in the bedroom and a dimmer 1 in the walk in closet. For some reason these two devices sync perfectly and work seamlessly together. Anyone out there that has the same setup? Have you been able to solve it? /Peter
  9. knuth


    Task: To control one channel on the RGBW controller/dimmer remotely through a double momentary switch (using S2) on the Dimmer 2. Solution, and some questions: Install the RGBW unit and its load, add it to the HC2 and assign its outputs. In my case, all 4 are "input/output" to control separate monocolor LED strips. Install the Dimmer 2 and its load and add it to the HC2 Select the master module of the Dimmer 2. Go to Advanced - Associations Select the 5th Association group ("Dimmer on S2"), since the RGBW we want to control is a dimmer, not an on/off function Check the box in the M column for the appropriate RGBW channel and click Save. First question: Group 5 is specifically for a multilevel switch, e.g. a dimmer. Why is there even an S box available for this group? Should it ever be used? Second question: There is a box for the HC2 at the top of the Associations list. What is the effect of ticking this box? Should the HC2 normally be ticked in the M column as well? Third question: I have seen a screen dump somewhere for a similar case. Here, the Dimmer itself was ticked in the associations list. I have avoided this, as it does not seem logical to include an association from a unit to itself. Any views? Fourth question: I assume that using Group 5 transfers all the normal switch commands: Single click for on/off, click and hold to dim up or down, double click for full light. Correct? Fifth question: In step 3 above, would it be possible (or even preferable) to select the slave unit used to operate the dimmer function instead? The reason I ask these questions, is that I have successfully followed the 6 steps above, with slight variations, and get variable results. Some units seem to work seamlessly, others are a little erratic (no response on single click, hard to control dimming function etc.). The 'slight variations' are in the way I did the associations, and are related to some of my questions. If anybody can provide suggested answers, I can focus on any remaining issues.
  10. Witajcie, Mam wielki problem z podłączeniem dimmera pod włącznik schodowy. Podłączyłem wszystko wg dokumentacji http://www.fibaro.com/sites/default/files/poradnik_instalatora/Przewodnik%20projektanta%20i%20instalatora%20systemu%20Fibar%20ver100%20beta.pdf (strona 15) i nie działa to tak jak należy. Działa tylko jeden włącznik (przy fibaro), a drugi jest zależny od jego położenia tzn. włącznik A przy fibaro musi być włączony, wtedy można sterować włącznikiem B. Wyłączając włącznik A nie działa całkowicie włącznik B. Pytanie : a) dlaczego na schemacie nie ma wejscia Sx, a są tylko S1 i S2 ? b) czy ważne jest przy którym właczniku montujemy fibaro c) czy w/w schemat dotyczy się włączników mono czy bi stabilnych ? d) czy można prosić o ew. zdjecie / schemat z rozwiązania podobnego problemu ? Dziękuję za pomoc ! Piotr
  11. Hi I have a fibaro keyfob an a Fibaro Dimmer 2 250W FGD-212 I want to make a scene so that when I press the + button, at the keyfob the light will dim up depending on how long I hold the button and then oposite way. Is there anyone who has a for a solution for this issue? Thank you
  12. Hi, Is it possible to read fibaro switch's contact position S1/S2 in lua scene? This would be cool for more smart automation. Thanks in advance
  13. I have a Jasco in-wall dimmer (26932). When I go to add it (by selecting or deselecting every option) the device adds and it says configuration finished. But when I go to the devices they all say not configured. It turns off the switch and when motion is detected it turns the switch back on, but the motion does not indicate a breach. It also added two lights for some reason. Does anyone have advise on resolving this issue or should I try another brand of in wall dimmer? I am tired of Fibaro not being able to add all of my devices properly!! HC2 4.600 device is 2” away from antenna
  14. I have installed a Qubino dimmer, and added it in fibaro web console. Fibaro detects the dimmer, but also another device which it thinks is a motion sensor. When I switch the dimmer "ON" in fibaro, the light goes on, however it blinks on and off every second, and after that I can't make it stop blinking no matter what I do in fibaro. Even when I switch off the current to the dimmer/light, and then turn it on again, the blinking instantly starts again. This happened with version 3.x of fibaro (think it was 3.5 or something, can't remember), and then same thing after upgrade to version 4.035. I deleted and readded the dimmer in fibaro. As far as I understand, the Qubino dimmer should work fine with fibaro, and specificly with latest fibaro version, for which one of the updates notes was "added Qubino dimmer template". So what can I do? /Gabriel
  15. Hi all, is anyone of you using an HC3 (Version 5.030.45) and able to add a Fibaro Walli Dimmer? When I start the inclusion on my HC3/ Walli Dimmer I only get the following message in the log and one new Device (191) without any child devices...so I'm not able to control the dimmer. [13.04.2020] [15:08:36] [TRACE] [ZWAVE]: Home Center in learning mode [13.04.2020] [15:08:50] [TRACE] [ZWAVE]: Device added[13.04.2020] [15:08:50] [TRACE] [ZWAVE]: Requesting neighbours, please wait... [13.04.2020] [15:08:53] [TRACE] [ZWAVE]: Requesting neighbours done. [13.04.2020] [15:08:53] [TRACE] [ZWAVE]: Add node status protocol done [13.04.2020] [15:08:54] [TRACE] [ZWAVE]: Adding devices complete I'm wondering if this is a a Problem with the HC3 or if the Walli Dimmer is broken in some way. Thanks Cheers and happy Easter
  16. I have several Fibaro FGD-211 and FGD-212 on Smartthings Hub 2 with Momentary Switches (MK Grid type). When I initially add a dimmer to the hub it works fine on both the wall momentary switch and also with the app and Z-wave control via the hub. But after a few minutes, the hub seems to reconfigure the dimmer parameters(?) so that the wall hardware switch doesn't work at all. The app continues to work fine for control. I note that there are some Device Handlers in the smarttthings community that should solve this problem but don't seem to. This is quite a critical problem as I have dimmers in every room and at the moment I cannot connect them to the hub - otherwise when you walk into the room and use the light switch it doesn't work. Stephen (also posted on Smartthings forum)
  17. Version 1.0.0


    Icons for Dimmer outdoor lights
  18. Hi! I purchased a FGD-212 Dimmer 2, to install it on a double switch that controls two independent lamps: Since I do not have a neutral cable in my switch box, I would like to know if I can output 'N' to 'Sx' from the FGD-212 module as indicated in the following diagram that I found on the internet: Thanks for your help.
  19. Hi everyone, I have a few Dimmer 2s (FGD212) and an RGBW (FGRGBWM-441). One Dimmer 2 is wired up (3-wire install) to a double switch. S1 controls the wired light. S2 is also connected. The dimmer works from my app for the single light just fine. If I set S2 to control another Dimmer 2 via association group 4, it works perfectly. If I try to set S2 to control the RGBW via association group 4 or 5, nothing happens. Has anybody achieved this? If so, what am I missing? I'm very grateful for any help the community can provide. I am using a Samsung SmartThings hub, not HCL. I will ask the question in their forum too. Thanks for your time. JDB
  20. Hello, i am controlling my garden lights with 2 scenes, one for sunset and one for sunrise. And it’s working perfectly I usually have lights dimmed at 30%. I would like to know if it’s possible to add a scene where, if there is a motion it will increase the lights by 30% or to put it to max level for 3 minutes and then back to the previous condition. Another scene could also work, if there is a motion lights up to 100%, and when if there is no motion for 3 minutes lights to 30%. in both cases I would like this scene to work only between 22:00 and 07:00. is it possible to make such a scene ? Thanks in advance !
  21. Hi. Just installed my second dimmer 2, for my kitchen halogen lights (2x 40watt). This is none on a two wire 220v electrical system (Europe). The setup process starts but it flickers all the time while the dimming tests are running. When the process is done I can not dim and the lights are constantly flickering when I turn it on trough the atom homey control. This is without including any dimmer or switch. I tried to include the old dimmer (400w turntable knob) and that did not seem to work well, so I dropped it from the setup. This is my current wiring setup. N and O shorted. N to the lights. The load connector to the L. Any tips would be appreciated!
  22. Has anyone ever connected a 0-10V controller to the RGBW module? Here's the problem that I am facing: I have connected a LED strip to the 0-10V controller which is connected to one of the channels of the RGBW module, say White. The dimming of the strips works great except one issue, it works in the opposite manner. It means that the LED strip goes to 100% brightness when I turn it OFF from the interface and when I turn it to maximum brightness the LED goes OFF. I have even checked the voltages from the RGBW module. It gives +10v when I turn it OFF from the interface and gives 0v when the slider is set to maximum brightness. I have got same results on other RGBW modules too. But, I was able to work around a solution on the HC2 using VD & LUA. But, I can't figure what I am doing wrong. Is there any way to fix this issue on HCL?
  23. Hi, When a device suchs as a dimmer, switch or Fibaro eye needs to be replaced it gets a different device number. so i have to change all the scene's where its in. is'nt there a way to replace the device without change the device ID? its quite a lot of work to change al scenes where its used in. If this aint possible, it might be an idee of adding it to one of the next firmware updates? Like a button: Replace device >> delete old device>> then include the device >>> and it keeps the same Device ID, so no changes need to be made in all the scene's it is in. Greetings TSN
  24. I'm trying to create a scene with Graphic blocks but it doesn't work out the way I want it to be. So I think I have to do this in LUA. The idea is the following: 1 - when entering a room when light must turn on at 50% brightness, after sunset, for 2 minutes. 2 - after these 2 minutes the light has to dim to 10% brightness during 10 minutes and then go off if no one has entered the room in this time. 3 - when someone enters the room within these 10 minutes the cycle has to start over again, so go back to 1 Can this still be done with Graphic blocks and how can I do this? Of do I have to do it in LUA?
  25. Hello All, Can someone provide a clear table with regards to Bypass<->Dimmers compatibility? I wonder, if I can I use Bypass ver 1 (FGB-001) with Dimmer FGD-212 or FGD-213 and the opposite- Bypass ver 2 (FGB-002) with Dimmer FGD-211? Thanks Maciej
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