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Found 5 results

  1. Hi all, I boubght a new FGMS-001 and put out the battery protection. I was not able to connect to Home Assistant, cause the z-Wave adapter was missing, my fault. I restored the FGMS-001, but with battery on, in his box (so it was in the dark. Today I get my z-Wave stick, installed the stick, installed the software and found my FGMS-001 dark and not responding. Home Assistant can't find the sonsor, too. I checked the battery ==> 1.5V, so this battery is dead after 10 days or so. Did I need new batteries every 10 days (or less) ? If yes, this sensor is useless. With best regards Gerhard
  2. Hi All, I bought 5 Fibaro motion sensor FGMS001. 3 of them was updated fine to version 2.8 and work fine, but the last 2 cannot be updated from version 2.7 to 2.8. I tried every suggestion from forum, (place at 20 cm from hc2, use external 3v power supply, stop the scene that use motion sensor, soft reconfiguration, remove and add again, restart the HC2).The behavior is strange, sometime the update fail in the first step, other time pass the first step and stop before final. I mention that I use HC2 - 4.540 version and the first 3 sensors was updated with HC2 version 4.530. I use 30 fibaro devices, multiple scenes and virtual devices without any other issue. Could you please, confirm if someone have the same problem and if you found a solution ? Best regards, Cristian
  3. Hey peoples... I'll try to keep this short. - Purchased a total of FGMS-001-ZW5 Zwave Plus Multi Sensor - Both worked great - One decided to kill batteries fast - Returned it to AARTech, they gave me a replacement - The replacement comes up as a "Aeon Multisensor" in SmartThings - Tried multiple times to REMOVE / ADD - Even done several hard resets to the sensor - Still comes up as an "Aeon Multisensor" - Tried force/change the device handler to the "Fibaro Motion Sensor ZW5" model, MOTION is always "ON", nothing else shows up in the SmartThings app. - Tried force/change the device handler to the older "Fibaro Motion Sensor" model, the MOTION works, but nothing else. No TEMP, HUMIDITY, LUX ... etc. - Looked up the RAW description in the SmartThings IDE - The GOOD sensors' raw data is: zw:Ss type:0701 mfr:010F prod:0801 model:2001 ver:3.02 zwv:4.05 lib:03 cc:5E,86,72,59,80,73,56,22,31,98,7A sec:20,5A,85,84,71,8E,70,30,9C role:06 ff:8C07 ui:8C07 - The replacement sensors' raw data is: zw:S type:2001 mfr:010F prod:0800 model:2001 ver:2.07 zwv:3.67 lib:03 cc:30,84,85,80,8F,56,72,86,70,8E,31,9C AARTech says it's a SmartThings issue. Odd since the other sensor works fine with the same device handler. To me it looks like I have an older (non functioning) model. Perhaps a non ZW5 model? I don't understand the RAW data, but thought someone else can make sense of it? Suggestions are greatly appreciated.
  4. Witam, posiadam moduł fgms-001 w wersji 3.2 i mam problem z konfiguracją do pracy w grupie asocjacyjnej, tzn. chcę aby czujnik sterował bezpośrednio włącznikiem światła. w tym celu do grupy asocjacyjnej odpowiadającej wykryciu ruchu oprócz centralki dodałem włącznik światła. problem polega na tym że po wysłaniu komendy OFF czujnik praktycznie od razu włącza światło ponownie (i raportuje do centralki wykrycie ruchu). dzieje się tak nawet gdy wyłączę światło przed wysłaniem komendy OFF przez czujnik. Testuję to w łazience przy zamkniętych drzwiach. wystarczy że wyłączę przełącznik z grupy asocjacyjnej i czujnik zaczyna poprawnie działać. więc przy ręcznie wyłączonym świetle warunki w momencie wysłania komendy OFF różnią się tylko ustawieniem w grupie asocjacyjnej. Czy to może być problem oprogramowania w czujniku ? czy coś ja źle robię ? pozdrawiam, Marek
  5. Hi, In fibaro spots there is a clear reference to a "wireless firmware update". at this moment I've 7 FGMS-001 motion sensors and some are with version 2.6 and some with 2.7 version. How can I update the 2.6 devices to 2.7?
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