Looking for any similar experiences.
We were away for a few days and this is the first time we have left "Domino" (aka our HC2) alone in the house by herself.
When we got back I noticed a few things
One scene executed one evening a 19:17 while we were away randomly and only half the scene executed.
It's a simple Home Panic scene that can only be manually activated from the scene controller in the hall. I created it for the kids in case some thing happens to mum while dad is out (or visa versa)
The scene fires off a 'home panic' alert in a number of different directions (my work email and our 2 gmail accounts, TTS to sonos player in garage, pushover and popup) . It sends it 10 times in quick succession and will grab or my wife's attention through our phones.
Two devices that normally are rock solid became unavailable
RGB strip (with fibaro RGBW module) and fibaro door sensor for the understairs light
The welcome home scene only have executed when we arrived back and no errors on debug window
The alarm was turned off, the music was resumed in the kitchen and playroom, the delayed unloading of the message hub executed
The two parts that didn't execute were the initial home greeting, "Welcome home, house temp is at blah and the time is blah" and the pushover to say the scene was executed
Neither of these scenes or the two devices have given trouble before this. Both executed correctly and in full when manually executed after I got home.
Has anybody else experienced this ?
Does the zwave network slow down when not used very much for a while or any suggestions as to what could be the cause.?
Code for the two scenes is attached
Panic Alert.lua
Welcome Home.lua