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Showing results for tags 'double switch'.
Hello, i had installed a double switch 2 in a two-way curcuit. The function over the Fibaro app and scenes are Ok. But if turn on or off the lights manually with the wall switch there is a delay of reaction/of turning of the lamps of 1 second. Without the double switch there is no delay. Is this a "normal" reaction/restriction with which i have to live or could i change this in parameters of the double switch? Just for info: the double switch is just 2 meters away from the HC2 installed so i think it is not an range promblem. Thank you and best regards
- 5 replies
- double switch
- delay
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Hi, Is it possible to read fibaro switch's contact position S1/S2 in lua scene? This would be cool for more smart automation. Thanks in advance
- 7 replies
- single switch
- double switch
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From all my Double Switches 2 one seems to be wrong. All reports energy change immediately when I turn light on/off however the one does not report at all. Only way to get the reports is to set interval where are other works without the interval. Any ideas?
Having added a DoubleSwitch2 to my HC2 (4.130) recently the inclusion seems to have worked as the switches appeared and have ID's but under advanced there are no parameters showing and saying requires a template. What should I do now?
Hi, I have a single switch with a fibaro dimmer 2 that controls two lamps. I would like to change this such that I can control both lamps seperatly. My plan is to change to single switch to a double switch (and connect them as described in the manual). I intent to add a second Fibaro Dimmer 2 in the second lamp. My plan is to configure the system such that one of the switches (s1) in the double switch controls the dimmer 2 that is connected to it (and switches / dims the lamp connected to it), and that the second switch (s2) is just read by the fibaro. This signal is sent to the 2nd fibaro to switch / dim the 2nd lamp. Is there a way to do this? Thanks for your help. René
FGS-223 Double switch - status of the switch not sent to fibaro app
skywalker posted a question in Double Switch 2
I have installed an FGS-223 double switch with a HC2. First switch apparently is working fine, even if I use the manual switch, the status is updated in the app. However, for the second switch, works if I use the manual switch, works if I use the app. But when changing manually, the status is not modified in the app (so turning the lights when not at home turns to be difficult). So even if I turn on a light from the physical switch, in the app I see it as OFF. Does anybody have any idea what's the problem? I looked into the topics, search the manual - could not find a solution. One additional question: when added to the z-wave network, this double switch appeared as three items, I left it to unassigned not to confuse the use of the actual two. Can I have only the two which actually exist? Thank you in advance for any help you may provide to a newcomer- 4 replies
- double switch
- fgs-223
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Witam, Posiadam w swoim domu wiele podwujnych wlacznikow ze sprzezynkami (bistabilnych) do sterowania swiatlem i chcialbym przypisac im dodatkowe funkcje sterowania innym oswietleniem. Do tego celu chcialem uzyc urzadzenia o nazwie Pilot, ktory dodal sie wraz z dodaniem Double Switch 2. Na tym urzadzeniu sa w prosty sposob do ustawienia reguly reakcji przy 2x wcisnieciu klawisza, 3 krotnym itd. Poniewaz jednokrotne wcisniesie S1 czy S2 wlacza lub wylacza swiatlo podlaczone bezposrednio to przelacznika, to oczywistym jest, ze chcialem skorzystac z funkcji podwujnego klikniecia do wywolania dodatkowej reakcji. Mimo uaktywnienia podwujnego klikniecia w opcji zaawansowanych, oraz poprawnych ustawien dzialania przelacznika jako bistabilny, guzik wyzwaja reakcje ustawiona jako 2 krotne wcisniecie juz przy pojedynczym wcisnieciu. Probowalem wszystkich kombinacji, probowalem asocjacji ktora miala by wyzwalac dodatkowe oswietlenie ale nie przy jednokrotnym wcisnieciu i nic... Gdzie robie blad? Przy okazji dodam, ze mam zamiar skonfigurowac 2 ktotne wcisniecie klawiasza do uruchmienia swiatla LED Philips HUE. (oczywiscie probowalem ustawien tej funcji na oswietleniu podlaczonego do innego przekaznika Double Switch 2 zeby nie bylo ze w HUE jest problem). Niestety system w przypadku checi dodania reguly reakcji przy 2x wcisnieciu klawisza nie widzi urzadzen z pluginow, wiec dodalem urzadzenie wirtualne ale ono tez nie jest widoczne, wiec dodalem urzadzenie recznie jako scene i w niej wpisalem polecenie uruchomienia z kodem fibaro:call(137, "turnOn") ktora to scena dziala przy recznym wywolaniu ale nie dziala wogole przy dodaniu funkcji w klawiszu przelacznika na scianie. Dziekuje z gory za pomoc i przepraszam jezeli rozwiazanie jest blache i wynika z mojej nie wiedzy.
- 9 replies
- hc2
- double switch
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Hi, I've installed a FGS-223 switch according to its manual instruction. It was added to my network successfully but it doesn't work when i switch it on and off using my laptop. What i have to check? Thank you.
Hi, can some help to tell me how it works with the scene sent function? I'd like to do: with one click to start a 1st function with two clicks to start a 2nd function But it comes out that the response of the switch looks like its random if it detects one or two clicks. I played with the parameters but I can't see any better. Is it at all possible to have two functions?
- 1 reply
- double switch
- fgs-223
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Today I tried to install the fibaro double Switch 2, although I only use it to switch one load, I reckoned I could use the double switch anyway. the thing is, I use the switch to power 4 garden lamps. Three of those lamps are power saving halogens and one is a LED. When I switch the switch the lights go on very briefly and then switch off immediately. The led lamp stays on (although less bright than when the switch is on), the rest of the lamps are off. I don't understand why this is; when I just use a normal lightswitch all lamps burn normal. hope anybody can help! Thanks in advance!
Hi I am working on Double Relay switch2. I want to switch ON and OFF my LED lights using this switch. Some of my friend who works on Fibaro told me that only 0.5A or 1A LED devices can be controlled using the relay switch. For more than 1A load he told that we have to use the Contacter along with Relay. Is it right. Or could I use the relay directly with LEDs and how much Power LED can be connected directly to it?
When I try to add my double switch (controlling two light) to the Home Center Lite i get 3 units in HC? -1 Master and 3 Slaves Shouldn't it only be 2 units since its a double switch connected to 2 lamps? /John