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Found 3 results

  1. matispf84

    UI Updates

    Hi guys, do you plan to migrate the UI of HC2 to something similar to HC3 soon?
  2. Hi Everyone, browsing earlier on I noticed that Maplin UK have started selling z-wave products. There are only selling a handful but I was impressed with the price of them. I came on here earlier and did a search for the Foxx water sensor and couldn't find anything. so I thought with them being on offer for £9.99 I would go and get one and see if it works. When I got into the store for some reason they aren't on the shelves so I had to get a member of staff to go and dig one out of the back. It has just paired with my HC2 without a problem, it recognises the device as a motion sensor, but once the drop down box was changed to flood sensor it works a dream. There are no parameters listed (the manual does not list any either) so I am assuming there is nothing that can be changed. This could be a turning point, as I have never been able to walk into a shop in the UK and pick up a Z-wave device - hopefully more will be coming soon!
  3. Restoration of backup! Following a system failure, where Fibaro asked me to return my HC2 I tried to use my old backup to restore to new. (I was lucky as I run my heating system on my HC2 to be able to immediately order a new one). It took me over 8 hours to get my system back to the point it was before the failure. Fibaro said the following: Each USB stick is mapped to the HC2 it is issued with and can not be used in another HC2 Only Fibaro can attempt a restore of a backup from one device to another and I would have to wait the weeks it would take to; send the old unit back, Fibaro to assess, Fibaro to repair or restore. This is not acceptable when people are now using these systems to manage their homes. My questions: Why can't Fibaro allow an option to backup to the "Local" PC Why can't Fibaro allow a local restore of key items: Core configuration; Users, Location, Timezone, Time format, Temperature Setting, Hotel mode, etc. Global Variables Sections and Rooms Panels (All devices would have to be nulled but at least the hours of tweaking to get the right room temperature, for instance, would be recovered) Scenes *** Now I understand that the way Z-Wave works each device has to be re-associated and therefore you could not import scenes directly back in. So how about a scene is restored with an Underscore at the beginning of its name and set to disabled. Allowing the user to re-associate the device and modify the DeviceID in the scene. My recommendation until Fibaro put this KEY functionality into their product. Get a copy of HC2 Toolkit by; Jean-Christophe Vermandé. (Please donate this is a great tool). From the menu settings you can save all your LUA code, Scenes, and a report on your current configuration. Fibaro, please respond!
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