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Hi guys, Good news for the happy customers of Nibe! I am sharing the code for the Nibe Uplink scene. This scene can get the telemetry from your Nibe Uplink cloud. You would be able to see any parameter available through the Nibe uplink and use this data for your other systems. For example, I am using the outside temperature sensor to control my markize on the terrace and inform night cooling bypass decisions for the HRV. This scene can also post a defined set of parameters to the Nibe Uplink cloud. For example, Fibaro uses the overall house states (Home, Away, Vacation, etc. ) to put the Nibe system into a corresponding mode. I have also tried creating a virtual thermostat VD (Nest-like) which can be used by Nibe to change the flow temp and switch between heating and cooling. This scene has to be heavily customized for each user, since there are so many different Nibe products that work with the Uplink cloud. My scene is done for the F1255PC. So far this code has been used by @perjar, @[email protected] - you guys are welcome to share your versions of the code and any improvements! Replace XXXXX with your Auth credentials - Please follow the instructions in STEP2 here https://www.marshflattsfarm.org.uk/wordpress/?page_id=3480 Please, look though the code and create the necessary Global Variables. --[[ %% properties %% autostart %% globals --]] local Authorized = true --Set to true once you have saved the OAuth data local access_token local refresh_token local JRefresh local cHM local http = net.HTTPClient({timeout=5000}) -- if scene is started by autorun and is running in the loop then set selfRun to true -- else if it is called by another scene like Main scene for time based events then -- set selfRun to false local selfRun = true -- if above selfRun is set to true then set refresh rate in seconds local refreshloop = 300 -- DEBUGGING VARIABLES --------------------------------------------------- -- setup debugging, true is turned on, false turned off. If set to false -- only ERROR messages will be shown in debug window local deBug = true -- debug function function logbug(color, message) if deBug then for line in message:gmatch("[^\010\013]+") do local txt = line:gsub("([\038\060\062])", function(c) return "&#"..string.byte(c)..";" end) fibaro:debug(('<span style="color:%s">%s</span>'):format(color,txt)) end end end function UpdateNibeTable () fibaro:setGlobal('NibeParameters', json.encode(NibeParameters)) logbug('green', 'Table updated') end -- SETUP NIBE ACCOUNT (Please follow the instructions in STEP2 here https://www.marshflattsfarm.org.uk/wordpress/?page_id=3480)-------------------------------------------------------- local client_id = XXXXX' local client_secret = 'XXXX' local redirect_uri = 'https://www.marshflattsfarm.org.uk/nibeuplink/oauth2callback/index.php' local code = 'XXXX' local requestAuth = 'grant_type=authorization_code&client_id=' ..client_id.. '&client_secret=' ..client_secret.. '&code=' ..code.. '&redirect_uri=' ..redirect_uri.. '&scope=READSYSTEM%20WRITESYSTEM' --Making sure that only one instance of the scene is running. if (fibaro:countScenes() > 1) then fibaro:abort() end --Main function (looping) function OAuth(nextFunction) if not Authorized then http:request('https://api.nibeuplink.com/oauth/token', { options={ headers = { ['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8' }, data = requestAuth, method = 'POST', timeout = 20000 }, success = function(Oauth) logbug('green', 'Initial authorisation response '..Oauth.status) fibaro:setGlobal("NibeOauth", Oauth.data) Authorized = true fibaro:debug('Variables ok') end, error = function(error) print "Initial Auth ERROR" print(error) end }) else local Oauth = fibaro:getGlobalValue("NibeOauth") local JOauth = json.decode(Oauth) local refresh_token = JOauth.refresh_token local refreshAuth = 'grant_type=refresh_token&client_id=' ..client_id.. '&client_secret=' ..client_secret.. '&refresh_token=' ..refresh_token http:request('https://api.nibeuplink.com/oauth/token', { options={ headers = { ['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8' }, data = refreshAuth, method = 'POST', timeout = 20000 }, success = function(Refresh) logbug('green', 'Refresh response '..Refresh.status) JRefresh = json.decode(Refresh.data) access_token = JRefresh.access_token refresh_token = JRefresh.refresh_token if refresh_token == nil then logbug ("red","Error: No Refresh Token Found") else logbug("green","Refresh token obtained from Nibe") fibaro:setGlobal("NibeOauth", Refresh.data) NibeParameters = json.decode(fibaro:getGlobalValue("NibeParameters")) setTimeout(UpdateNibeTable, 20000) ConnectionStatus () CategoryStatus () Parameters () GSHPStatus () GSHPMode () fibaro:debug('Variables ok') end end, error = function(error) print "Refresh auth ERROR" print(error) end }) end if selfRun then logbug("violet", "Wait "..refreshloop.." seconds for next run") setTimeout(OAuth, refreshloop*1000) end end -- Checks Nibe Uplink connection function ConnectionStatus (NextFunction) http:request('https://api.nibeuplink.com/api/v1/systems/35842', { options={ headers = { ['Authorization'] = 'Bearer '..access_token, }, method = 'GET', timeout = 5000 }, success = function(NibeData) local JNibeData = json.decode(NibeData.data) cHM = os.date("%H:%M") if JNibeData.connectionStatus ~= nil then NibeConnectionStatus = JNibeData.connectionStatus..' в '..cHM logbug('yellow', JNibeData.connectionStatus) fibaro:setGlobal("NibeConnectStatus", NibeConnectionStatus) NibeParameters.connectionStatus = NibeConnectionStatus end end, error = function(error) print "Connection status request - ERROR" print(error) end }) end -- Updates main parameters as in Service Info/Status function CategoryStatus (NextFunction) http:request('https://api.nibeuplink.com/api/v1/systems/35842/serviceinfo/categories/status', { options={ headers = { ['Authorization'] = 'Bearer '..access_token, }, method = 'GET', timeout = 5000 }, success = function(NibeData) local JNibeData = json.decode(NibeData.data) for i = 1, #JNibeData do if JNibeData.title == 'outdoor temp.' then logbug('yellow',JNibeData.title..' '..JNibeData.rawValue) OutsideTemp = tonumber(JNibeData.rawValue)/10 gui_weather = {id=3, properties={Temperature=OutsideTemp}} api.put("/devices", gui_weather) logbug("green", "GUI Weather temp updated") end if JNibeData.rawValue ~= nil then NibeParameters[JNibeData.title] = JNibeData.rawValue end end end, error = function(error) print "Category status request - ERROR" print(error) end }) end -- Get room temperature function Parameters () http:request('https://api.nibeuplink.com/api/v1/systems/35842/parameters?parameterIds=hot_water_boost', { options={ headers = { ['Authorization'] = 'Bearer '..access_token,}, method = 'GET', timeout = 5000 }, success = function(NibeData) local JNibeData = json.decode(NibeData.data) for i = 1,#JNibeData do if JNibeData.title == 'Temporary Lux' then logbug('yellow',JNibeData.title..' '..JNibeData.displayValue) fibaro:setGlobal("LuxWater", JNibeData.displayValue) NibeParameters[JNibeData.title] = JNibeData.displayValue end end end, error = function(error) print "Parameters request - ERROR" print(error) end }) end --Set heat pump mode (Home/Vacation) function GSHPStatus () SmartHomeMode = fibaro:getGlobalValue("GSHPStatus") if SmartHomeMode == 'Home' then body = json.encode({mode="DEFAULT_OPERATION"}) elseif SmartHomeMode == 'Away' then body = json.encode({mode="AWAY_FROM_HOME"}) elseif SmartHomeMode == 'Vacation' then body = json.encode({mode="VACATION"}) end http:request('https://api.nibeuplink.com/api/v1/systems/35842/smarthome/mode', { options={ headers = { ['Authorization'] = 'Bearer '..access_token, ['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'}, data = body, method = 'PUT', timeout = 5000 }, success = function(Response) logbug('yellow', 'SmartHome Response '..Response.status) end, error = function(error) print "GSHPStatus setting - ERROR" print(error) end }) end -- Updates Heat Pump Mode (Nil/Heating/Cooling/Hot water) function GSHPMode (NextFunction) http:request('https://api.nibeuplink.com/api/v1/systems/35842/status/system', { options={ headers = { ['Authorization'] = 'Bearer '..access_token, }, method = 'GET', timeout = 5000 }, success = function(NibeData) --fibaro:debug(NibeData.data) local JNibeData = json.decode(NibeData.data) if fibaro:getGlobalValue("GSHPStatus") == 'Home' then if (JNibeData[1] == nil) then fibaro:setGlobal('NibeMode', 'Idle') elseif (JNibeData[1].image.name == 'Supply') then fibaro:setGlobal('NibeMode', 'Idle') elseif (JNibeData[1].image.name == 'Heating') then fibaro:setGlobal('NibeMode', 'Heating') elseif (JNibeData[1].image.name == 'Cooling') then fibaro:setGlobal('NibeMode', 'Cooling') elseif (JNibeData[1].image.name == 'Drop') then fibaro:setGlobal('NibeMode', 'Hot Water') end else if (JNibeData[2] == nil) then fibaro:setGlobal('NibeMode', 'Idle') elseif (JNibeData[2].image.name == 'Heating') then fibaro:setGlobal('NibeMode', 'Heating') elseif (JNibeData[2].image.name == 'Cooling') then fibaro:setGlobal('NibeMode', 'Cooling') elseif (JNibeData[2].image.name == 'Drop') then fibaro:setGlobal('NibeMode', 'Hot Water') end end Compressor = false for i = 1,#JNibeData do if JNibeData.image.name == 'Compressor' then Compressor = true NibeParameters.compressorFrequency = JNibeData.parameters[4].rawValue end end if Compressor == false then NibeParameters.compressorFrequency = nil end end, error = function(error) print "GSHPMode request - ERROR" print(error) end }) end --Main part launching the loop OAuth()
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