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Found 7 results

  1. I have set up a few push notifications to my iPhone 7+ to alert me of key events triggered by my Fibaro HC2. The following problem occurs: (1) With the Fibaro iPhone app closed, push notifications shows up both on a closed as well as an open iPhone screen as expected. However, the Fibaro Icon is marked with the red "alert icon", but the Notification tray in the app is empty and the Log shows zero entries. (2) With the Fibaro iPhone app open, nothing happens. No sound alert, no message, empty "In tray", zero log as above. Has anybody an idea how to solve this? I have checked my iphone settings and activated all relevant Notification options.
  2. I'm about to create a new scene with my HCL What is the diffrence betewenn a " NORMAL PUSH" and " INTERACTIVE PUSH "
  3. Hi. From 2 October (evening hours) the notifications from HC2 control panel with v4.100 system stopped arriving. I also cannot send pictures from the cameras to e-mail addresses. The proposal to update the hc2 software has disappeared. All this happened after fibaro cloud maintnance announced at 2 October. Does anyone with older software have a similar situation - is it the end of support for other than the latest firmware. -------------- Fibaro fixed this problem today on 14 October (after 12 days of waiting) - push through notifications, emails and updates are now available for older firmwares
  4. Hi all, after a lot of time, finally I was able to complete a guide to send push notifications from HC2 when Power Outage occurs without using expensive tools or complicated configuration. You need only an android device that need to be always plugged in to the electricity. Hope this is useful, I'm available if you need more information regards, Leo Step-by-Step Guide for HC2 notification on Power Outage.pdf
  5. Hello, Some time ago I bought a home center 2. Recently I bought a couple of smoke sensors to start off with. I installed the devices with default parameters and let them be. Now I have the time to understand the system more, and enjoying the possibilities of the fibaro. First I want notifications on my smartphone when smoke alarm is triggered, temperature is high, or device gets tampered. Not to do everything at once, I started with the tamper notification. I changed the parameter of the smoke detector . See parameter 2&3. I already had a lot of problems with setting these parameters. Every time I saved them, and opened the advanced tab again, old settings were restored. Only after numberous times it worked. Does anyone have an idea why? I downloaded the fibaro app on my smartphone and started to make a tamper-notification. Then I made a Scene, and tested it with the play button. The first 2 times I got a notification on my phone. All trials after that, i didnt receive no notification anymore. Also when I tamper the smoke detector I do not get a notification, No use in making more scenes, if this one already doesnt work. Who can help me please?
  6. I have V3.601 installed on HCL and push notifications are no longer working. The mobile device is selected in the Access Control Panel Tried to uninstall the app and re-install still not working Any suggestions please?
  7. Hello, I have a HC2 unit set up with a couple of sensors so far. I can active the alarm using my iOS apps (usually on my iPhone) , i.e. => choose "Alarm", select area/room, "Set Alarm", "Select" results in green light armed. If I then test the motion sensor by walking nearby the sensor (Fibaro HW) lights up. However, no alarm sounds and neither is any email or push notification triggered. Only when I relaunch the Fibaro app on the iPhone do I receive a notification (in the app itself) and the alarm sounds. It then displays the min / secs since the sensor was triggered. (i) Any advice on how I can get the alarm to be triggered right away when the sensor notices any activity - and how can I set up push and email notifcations? (ii) iPhone app (when on mobile data) takes ages to load (usually around 20sec) - "loading data". Any advice on how this can be improved without opening ports of setting up a local VPN interface? Thanks, TS
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