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Smart Home Forum by FIBARO Team

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Foscam FI9821W ip camera how to



Hi all,

Just bought a new HC2 today.

I also have a Foscam FI9821W ip camera, but if i add it to the HC2 it does not show a stream and I can't control it.

I have set the camera model to foscam (tried others to), filled in my username and password, also filled in the ip address with the port number.

does anyone have any experience with this?

thanks and greetings,


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14 answers to this question

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Guest ygh


You have some example of foscam camera integration with the HC2 at www.ghafoor.org


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    Hi YG,

    Thanks for this link, but the funny thing is that before I posted this question I visited your site (the site from the link) and did everything that you said in this post

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    (the camera part)

    Sadly it did not work.... I must be doing something wrong.

    I have HC2 version 3.546



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    Guest ygh

    I recommend to choose "IPCAM" for the camera model and then your IP adress:port in the advanced tab parameters. Works fine with v3.546.


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    hmmmm, strange, did all that. Still no luck.

    If I go to the cam in the browser, it works.


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    Guest ygh

    Yeah very strange! Try with a port number in 4 digits. May be that model is not fully supported...


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    If I try to change to a four digit port number I can't get into my camera anymore.....

    getting stranger and stranger

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    This camera is H.264 only?

    HC2 supports MJPEG stream..

    If the camera has a JPG (snapshot) string you will see this on the HC2 home page and when you push the camera button (send to email) but the video stream won't work.

    I'm unsure if the decoder commands for movement are the same for this camera but you might like to see if the camera body moves when you click the pan and tilt buttons, or if the camera emails your snapshot when you click the camera button. At least then you know you are communicating to the camera through the HC2 correctly and it is more than likely a compression format issue

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    Hi JohnyC,

    You are right, H.264 only.....about time fibaro supports that then

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    The camera movements also don't work, so the commands might have changed.

    thanks for your help guys.


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    Guest shapa


    My FI9821W camera works (except that Fibaro still not fixing the major issue with Jpeg images) fine, with movements.

    Just use custom URL's, built-in are wrong.

    Camera supports MJPEG as a second channel, you need to configure that manually (no GUI, only direct http request using Foscam API)

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    My FI9821W camera works (except that Fibaro still not fixing the major issue with Jpeg images) fine, with movements.

    Just use custom URL's, built-in are wrong.

    Camera supports MJPEG as a second channel, you need to configure that manually (no GUI, only direct http request using Foscam API)


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    Work fine.

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    Sorry guys for the late response. I just saw the forum posts in my mail today.

    Strange that I did not find the other posts about the foscam, thanks for those links and I am going to try them out tonight when I get home.

    I will let you know if it worked.



    [ Added: 2013-05-07, 14:08 ]

    Sadly it is not working for me all the way.

    I have the controls now and I see the jpg images on the HC2 home screen, but no mjpeg and the jpg is not large and I don't see it on my phone.

    Sure, I must be doing something wrong, but I can't figure out what it is.



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    Did you get the FI9821W to work with HC2?

    I'm going to buy an ip cam (as baby monitor) and I've been thinking of the FI9821W because of H.264 and 720p image. If it doesn't work then I'd be better off with the FI8910W right?

    By the way, is it possible to make a scene in HC2 when there's sound in the monitored room? That would be great as baby monitor

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    Never mind, I've read so many negative reviews on the FI9821W that I've decided to save the 50 euros and go with the FI8910W. Seems the safer solution (WAF wise)

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    Guest spazpeker

    Got my Foscam FI9821W ip camera to work

    setup the camera as Mpeg as per previous posts

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    Is there a possibility to have noise (with certain amount of dB) trigger a scene? Or must it be done from the Foscam, eg. to trigger a scene using http?


    Nice, seems there's a way to set it up manually, at least for the older models:

    set_alarm.cgi contains:

    http: 0 = Disable notifying with http visit on alarm, 1 = Enable

    http_url = url when visit on alarm

    I'll try it when I receive the camera tomorrow

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