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Smart Home Forum by FIBARO Team

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I've just bought Aeon Labs Multisensor for my Fibaro. (Motion Detection, Temperature, Humidity and Light Sensor)

Only motion detection is working actually !!!

Must i sending back to buy something else or must i wait that this module will be compatible with my Fibaro ?


[ Added: 2013-11-14, 15:38 ]


It's working now, i've waked up with USB cable.


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No, It works on fibaro, and even better with a recent firmware version.

if you only see presence detection, it is that something gone bad in zwave pairing, you 'll have to remove module, and re-add, using my advice:

If i remember well, when you add the module( which is running on battery I assume, if not you wouldnt have the problem) hc2 asks you to wake up the device.

Don't close that windows until you've been able to wake up the 4 in 1.

Wake up can be pretty annoying to do, try to push the tamper button 3 times, and keep on trying, if it has no action, remove and reinsert one battery, then retry, you'll finish by wake it anyway, or just wait for a long moment for automatic wake up.

Once the HC2 has detected the 4in 1 wake up, it will send it the correct config, and detect the other devices ( you 'll see a bunch of green lines of codes runnning in the windows, and only now, the window will close, or dislay a success message)

Don't know why but aeon modules I have are always pretty difficult to wake up ( while fibaro modules always wake by simply pressing 3 times on tamper/pair button)

Let me know if that helps.

I have 5 of them runnign here, so it works for sure.

If you intend to use it for alarm system, let me know, there can be some false triggers some times, I may have a workaround.

edit, j'ai juste vu ton edit après, et vu que tu étais Français, je me permet l'edit en Fr du coup, pourras-tu verifier, comme tu las appairé sous usb et non sur piles, de verifier que le hc2 le considère bien comme un module à piles et que par conséquent il monitor bien la vie de la batterie (petit icone pile verte, pleine pour le moment j'imagine).

N'hesite pas si tu as des questions sur le bousin, les modules secondaires temps hygro lumi peuvent dérouter un peu dans leur fonctionnement, et si tu bricoles trop les frequences de rafraichissement, tu risques de cramer très vite les piles, dis-moi ce que tu veux en faire...


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Waking up 4-1 sensor is 1 press to the button - hold it down about 2sec to wake it up.

there can be some false triggers some times, I may have a workaround -- please send me u2u about this? I have issues sometime with false alarms.

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    Merci pour le coup de main.

    Je vois bien l’icône des piles.

    Je vais m'en servir comme thermostat pour mon chauffage, détecteur de présence pour mon alarme, hydro et luminosité pour info, à voir plus tard.

    Comment changer les fréquences de rafraichissement ?


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    for the false alarm, what you could try is pretty simple:

    If not already done, set the wake up interval to 0 in fibaro module setting.

    I've had a discussion with the support from aeon, and we've identified that the false trigger is mostly triggered on a regular basis which is the wake up interval-modulo 4 minutes (as if HC2 was taking a wake up for a presence detection) ( and modulo4 minutes because 4-1 only wakes up by multiples of 4 minutes , soemtimes 60 minutes will be 64 minutes etc..)

    In theories, the signal sent to hc2 when wake and when presence detected should be different but..

    Anyway there is no need to wake up the device automatically, because pir is triggered by presence, and lumi/hygro/temp are configured by another setting.

    technically you won't loose anything by not waking up the device automatically at all, you should even save batteries...

    When i'll have time, I'll put one of my sensors in a box to check on a long time with no presence.


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    Je viens de le ré-installer, je n'ai plus de remonté de température, de luminosité et d’hydrométrie, c'est à 0 ???

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    ->Lae (i switch back in english, could help other people)

    from memory , the parameter 111 sets the frequency of lumi+temp+hygro update, in seconds.

    By default, HC2 now sets it to 300 seconds =5 minutes which is pretty good, and enough precise for such sensors.

    The parameter 101 configures which sensors you want updated, but the default 224 set to update all, which is fine.

    for alamr, as stated earlier, beware of false triggers, you can try to set the wake uo interval to 0, if you encounter some false alamrs (my house alarm based on door sensors and 4-1 sensor used to ring frequently with no reason, pretty scary when you are in holiday for the fist time since you've bought the house and put the sytem and you receive alerts of alarm triggered...for nothing.)

    for thermal systems, it works fine if you want to pair it with a piloted heating system using linked devices, but depending on what heating you'll use, you may also encounter some trouble, hehe domotic is not as nice as it looks ..

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    After 3 times Install/Remove, data has come back

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    mostly due to HC2 sending the correct params, and wait for one/several turns of updae of the sensor..

    not an exact science, but always finally works..

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    Thanks for this information about sensor. Can I find somewhere any table about parametrs in fibaro with this senzor? examle 101 - how a can switch off light senzor update or wake up parametrs is 112 ? What does mean 1d, 2d, 4d in parametrs....?

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    here is a quick ref, but pretty basic and not really detailed or explained (

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    here is another one, more detailed but in french (

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    ask if you need translation.

    for 1d 2d 4d, i believe it is the size in byte of the variable, it is probably determined by the size allocated to store it in the module memory (eprom ?)

    you just have to know which size is every id, to allocate is correctly in your hc2.

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    here is a quick ref, but pretty basic and not really detailed or explained (

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    Hi pbillet.

    This link is broken

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    the forum added the ) in the link ..

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    How does it work ?

    For exemple, parameter 101, the link said

    0 -> Battery report

    5 -> Temperature

    6 -> Luminosity

    7 -> Humidity

    The value in my HC2 is 224 ???

    [ Added: 2013-11-16, 18:53 ]

    I understand

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    For Bit 1 (battery) value is 1

    For Bit 5 (temperature) value is 32

    For bit 6 (humidity) value is 64

    For bit 7 (Lumens) value is 128

    So if you want to send only temperature, value in 101 parameter is 32

    If you want to send temperature and Lumens, value is 32+128 = 160

    Defaut setting for 101 parameter is 224, so battery is not sending ?

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    It is decimal addition of the binary variables, there is a detailed explanation in the french link:

    you need a little notion of how binary works, each binary bit has a value ( ex bit 5 => 2^5 =32 in decimal) 2 puissance 5 pour les fr

    0 -> Battery report -> =0 binary slot =1 in decimal

    1 -> not used

    2-> not used

    3-> not used

    4-> not used

    5 -> Temperature -> = binary bit 5 =32 in decimal

    6 -> Humidity -> = binary bit 6 =64 in decimal

    7 -> Lumi -> = binary bit 7 =128 in decimal

    Let's say we want all temp lumi and humid activated, we set bits 5 6 and 7 to binary 1, all others to 0

    bit number 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

    bit value 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0

    if you convert in decimal it makes 128 + 64 + 32 = 224

    if you need temp (5) and lumi(7) only 32 +128 =160


    this is how you store multiple settings in just one variable

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    Defaut setting for 101 parameter is 224, so battery is not sending ?


    I've set parameter 101 to 225 for the same thing !!!!



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    In parametr 102 is value 1 - it mean battery. And in parametr 112 is polling time interval for parametr 102;)

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    In parametr 102 is value 1 - it mean battery. And in parametr 112 is polling time interval for parametr 102;)

    Parameter 102 is for Group Association number 2. So you need to set up correctly Group Association 2. But , as far as i know,via HC2 web gui we can't setup it. I can setup only Group Association 1

    P.S : Yesterday I've done the first battery replacement for one of the AEOTEC (4 month after the first installation) I've got 3 AEOTEC .... this is the only one with battery low (is the most PIR triggered)


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    Sorry for my noob question, but how can I change raw value ?

    For example, I would like to change parameter 3 from 10 (default) to 30, so I set 30 in field "Valeur souhaitée" (desired value in english I think or something like that) and clic on save button on the right (floppy button).

    If get back to the advance tab and the value is unchange...

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    I miss something I suppose...

    Parameter 102 is for Group Association number 2. So you need to set up correctly Group Association 2. But , as far as i know,via HC2 web gui we can't setup it. I can setup only Group Association 1

    So how can it be possible to set up this value ?

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    You must wake up your module to apply parameter.

    Behind, push black button, you will se on HC2 that parameter are sending to module.

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    Hello, do you guys have had trouble with motion detection if nobody is here? I have few sensors wich report false alarms and this is annoying. What can cause this?

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