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Smart Home Forum by FIBARO Team

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Can i read/write Device-Parameters in LUA-Script?



Hi and Servus from Vienna!


I included a AEON-Siren in my FibaroHC2-System (4.057) and it works very well.

On the advanced-tab of the siren-device i can see and set the parameter number 37 "Siren sound and volume adjustment".

This is for me a static Setting.


My question is: Are there LUA-commands the can get and/or set this Device-Parameters in a Scene?


Is it, i can varying sound and volume of the siren in a LUA-script. This would make me happy.


You may see, i am a HC2-Beginner

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Thanks for your answers!




P.S.: This are the API-raw-data of the siren (from HC2-Toolkit):

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i am very interessed in this question, too.


Is there a possilbilty to set device parameter by lua-scripts?




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I suppose it should be possible but not tested.

If you try

fibaro:debug(fibaro:getValue(60, "parameters"))

it prints out the parameters you could set.


It is a json array so you have to use the json command before write back the properties.


let us know if works

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I don't know about the lua appr

I suppose it should be possible but not tested.

If you try

fibaro:debug(fibaro:getValue(60, "parameters"))

it prints out the parameters you could set.


It is a json array so you have to use the json command before write back the properties.


let us know if works

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I don't know yet, I'm a bit short on time right now.

But I gave a possible solution to a similar problem here:

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It uses the API instead of the lua function. Warning... be careful what you do!

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Is there a solution for changing the parameters of the AEON siren with LUA so that I can use the siren with multiple sounds.



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use attached VD


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Note: each time sound has been changed, the siren need 1 - 1.5sec to get it, so do not use like a beeper (e.g. on/off each every 100ms), but let at least 2 sec. before changing sound or turning off.


Setup: enter siren ID as VD "TCP Port" value 

Edited by tinman
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