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Smart Home Forum by FIBARO Team

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Global variable time "12:00" cannot be stored



I use global variable set with a time string. This works fine if set with a scene. However if set via the control panel - variables it accepts only integer/real numbers.


Should the software allow just numbers and strings, so is this an interface issue which should be redirected to Fibaro or is my approach just false?

9 answers to this question

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I'd say, if you want to use the panel, then adapt your scenes to use numbers. Then use something like this:


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Can you explain to me what you did?

I'm trying to understand/learn...

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The first line I understand, but the second and third not.

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I'm sorry if I was too terse. I'll make a script with some more details and post it here.

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Can you explain to me what you did?

I'm trying to understand/learn...

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/emoticons/default_icon_wink.gif" alt=";-)" />


The first line I understand, but the second and third not.


% means modulo. So you will get the last two digits of the time.

E.g if the global variable contains "1035" you will get "35".

The last line gives you all other digits but the last two ones (in this example "10").

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-- the name of the "Global Variable" in "variableName".

variableName="TimeCoded" -- your global variable name here. Mine is "TimeCoded".

-- Now enter some integer value in the panel.

-- Or use the code below

-- fibaro:setGlobal(variableName,1234) -- 1234 means 12:34 duration or time. It is an integer

-- Read the global variable from the variables panel into "TimeCoded"

-- This makes the code easier to read.

TimeCoded = tonumber(fibaro:getGlobalValue(variableName))

fibaro:debug("Global variable '"..variableName..

"'contains: "..TimeCoded)

-- Let us "decode" that time, meaning, splitting the number

-- from the variables panel into hours & minutes

Minutes = TimeCoded%100 -- keep only last 2 digits

Hours = math.floor(TimeCoded/100) -- keep only digits 3 and higher

fibaro:debug("Global variable split into Hours and Minutes:")

fibaro:debug("Hours: ".. Hours)

fibaro:debug("Minutes: ".. Minutes)


fibaro:debug("Time comparison test:")

if Hours >= 12 then

if Hours < 13 and Minutes <= 30 then

fibaro:debug("Global says: I am at lunch")


fibaro:debug("Global is after 12:30, hurry!")


fibaro:debug("Global is before noon, relax!")



-- Now let us compare current time & global variable

fibaro:debug("Comparison with current time:")

currentDate = os.date("*t")

if currentDate.hour >= Hours and currentDate.min > Minutes then

fibaro:debug("Now we are: after the global value")


fibaro:debug("Now we are: before the global value")



fibaro:debug("String formatting example (HH:MM) gives:")

-- Want to turn it into "HH:MS" format? Use c-style formatting

-- "%02d" means: print a variable with decimal style, 2 positions

-- and prefix with zeroes.


string.format("The time in the Global Variable is: %02d:%02d",Hours,Minutes)



-- How to convert a string like"01:35" into number 135 so it can be stored in the Global Variable?


-- This is VERY IDIOMATIC LUA... Pattern matching and iterators and then some.


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-- underscores mean "not interested in return value"


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/emoticons/default_sad.png" alt=":(" srcset="https://forum.fibaro.com/uploads/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />%d+)")

Minutes = tonumber(Minutes)

Hours = tonumber(Hours)

-- Combine both

TimeCoded = Hours*100 + Minutes

fibaro:debug("TimeCoded is: ".. TimeCoded)

-- Ready to store, if you wanted to. Uncomment next line.

-- fibaro:setGlobal(variableName,TimeCoded)

  • 0

% means modulo. So you will get the last two digits of the time.

E.g if the global variable contains "1035" you will get "35".

The last line gives you all other digits but the last two ones (in this example "10").

Thanks. Learning all the time, learning all the time...

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/emoticons/default_biggrin.png" alt=":D" srcset="https://forum.fibaro.com/uploads/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

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Nice! Got it!

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/emoticons/default_icon_mrgreen.gif" alt=":mrgreen:" />

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Super! Have fun!

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  • Inquirer
  • Posted

    Thanks for the solution. This is a good recommendation although fundamentally I'm wondering if a string is accepted as global variable and it is... As when a scene is assigning a string to a global variable it is being shown in the variable panel and it also can be used in the logic of other scenes.

    So I would say: Fibaro, change the user interface and accept string input as well (also make the width of the field a bit broader)

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