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Smart Home Forum by FIBARO Team



Obviously HCL is either getting into troubble due to memory or because of hardware in this topic i am assuming it is mostly hardware and set off to see if we can figure out way to convince Fibaro that we need to fix it.


 Very first problem is its ridiculous memory: 124MB RAM and ROM!!! thats insanely low and clearly impairs how device operates, especially in recent patches. I admire that it is capible of operating at all but clearly both need improvement. 1GB rom and 256RAM ought to be enough to run pretty much annything Lite needs to run.and have some sort of emergency backup system.


 Considering my bigest gripe with all of Fibaro is lack of diagnostic tools i request either USB and way to use 3rd party diagnostic tools for Z-wave or some sort of chip/set of chips for this pourpouse specifically:

at very least we need diagnostic of Z-wave net (hey ever heard of explorer frames? that could be very usefull in diagnostics! and best of all it shouold work on all Z-wave devices!).

 On HDD dedicated space for event loging accesable only by Fibaro or (if they feel generous) authorised services - just list what activated what event/scene, when it happened and weather the state of anny device changed or not as result of this.


 GSM slot inside the HCL - for international S.M.S. notifications, just let people decide whom will provide this service by themselves its gonna be faster. Offcourse this requires HCL being at least data portion of mobile phone aswell.


i know that all 3 of this are asking quite a bit but it ought to resolve bunch of long term problems we have.

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