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Smart Home Forum by FIBARO Team

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FGT-001 LUA assistance ;)



Hi all,


I'm new to HC2 having migrated from Domoticz. I've a limited knowledge of LUA and so rely heavily on copy and paste ;)

I am trying to create a scene whereby if any of my heat controllers are calling for heat a fibaro relay will switch on my boiler... and if all off... turn it off again i.e. " if A or B or C = On then set H = On elsif A and B and C = Off then set H = Off"

My attempt at code is as follows

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This appears to run without bugs but just turns the boiler (device 48) on and stays on.

Does anyone have any idea where I am going wrong?

Any help/tips would be greatly appreciated.


Many thanks


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44 minutes ago, Blackdog65 said:

Hi all,


I'm new to HC2 having migrated from Domoticz. I've a limited knowledge of LUA and so rely heavily on copy and paste ;)

I am trying to create a scene whereby if any of my heat controllers are calling for heat a fibaro relay will switch on my boiler... and if all off... turn it off again i.e. " if A or B or C = On then set H = On elsif A and B and C = Off then set H = Off"

My attempt at code is as follows

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This appears to run without bugs but just turns the boiler (device 48) on and stays on.

Does anyone have any idea where I am going wrong?

Any help/tips would be greatly appreciated.


Many thanks


The only 'fault' I can find is that you use "and
startSource["type"] == "other"" twice, which would mean that you could get problems when you start the scene manually.

I have a similar scene that does the same thing (with a Secure boilerswitch, not a fibaro relay, but that should make no difference)

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  • Hi

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    Many thanks for the quick answer!

    I removed the extra line but it has made no difference. I think the script is seeing the heat controllers as always on. When I used them with a Zipabox, they gave an "On" signal when calling for heat which worked well with the Zipato smart stat so I assumed that when they were in "Heat" mode

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    that they would be giving the equivalent of an "On" signal. Maybe I'm not understanding the functions of the FGT-001 correctly.

    I've searched the forum (and Google) and I'm more confused :roll:

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    11 minutes ago, Blackdog65 said:


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    Many thanks for the quick answer!

    I removed the extra line but it has made no difference. I think the script is seeing the heat controllers as always on. When I used them with a Zipabox, they gave an "On" signal when calling for heat which worked well with the Zipato smart stat so I assumed that when they were in "Heat" mode

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    that they would be giving the equivalent of an "On" signal. Maybe I'm not understanding the functions of the FGT-001 correctly.

    I've searched the forum (and Google) and I'm more confused :roll:

    Are you sure that your variable "operatingmode" does indeed change to 0 sometimes ?

    I have 5 rooms controlled by the FGT and use 5 different variable names (same first 5 characters but then two characters that are referring to the room where the FGT is in like OperatMB for the master Bedroom.

    I don't see very well how you get your values of your variables, why they have the same names and whij you convert them to strings ??

    My code for the living room is:


    %% killOtherInstances
    %% properties
    172 value
    169 value
    18 value
    %% weather
    %% events
    %% globals

    local startSource = fibaro:getSourceTrigger();
    local boileraan = (fibaro:getValue(198, "mode") == "1")
    if (
     ( fibaro:getGlobalValue("WwarmZH") == "20,6"  and  fibaro:getGlobalValue("Home") == "Home"  and  tonumber(fibaro:getValue(172, "value")) == 0  and  tonumber(fibaro:getValue(169, "value")) == 0  and  tonumber(fibaro:getValue(18, "value")) < 20.6 and fibaro:getGlobalValue("BoilervraagZH") == "Nee")
     ( fibaro:getGlobalValue("WwarmZH") == "17"  and  fibaro:getGlobalValue("Home") ~= "Home"  and  tonumber(fibaro:getValue(172, "value")) == 0  and  tonumber(fibaro:getValue(169, "value")) == 0  and  tonumber(fibaro:getValue(18, "value")) < 17 and fibaro:getGlobalValue("BoilervraagZH") == "Nee")
    startSource["type"] == "other"
        fibaro:setGlobal("BoilervraagZH", "Ja");
          fibaro:call(106, "setMode", 1);
        fibaro:call(106, "setTargetLevel", 30);
        fibaro:call(190, "setMode", 1);
        fibaro:call(190, "setTargetLevel", 30);
     (fibaro:getGlobalValue("WwarmZH") == "20,6"  and  (fibaro:getGlobalValue("Home") ~= "Home"  or  tonumber(fibaro:getValue(172, "value")) ~= 0  or  tonumber(fibaro:getValue(169, "value")) ~= 0  or  tonumber(fibaro:getValue(18, "value")) >= 20.6 ) and fibaro:getGlobalValue("BoilervraagZH") == "Ja")
     (fibaro:getGlobalValue("WwarmZH") == "17"  and  (fibaro:getGlobalValue("Home") ~= "Home"  or tonumber(fibaro:getValue(172, "value")) ~= 0  or  tonumber(fibaro:getValue(169, "value")) ~= 0  or  tonumber(fibaro:getValue(18, "value")) >= 17 )and fibaro:getGlobalValue("BoilervraagZH") == "Ja")
      fibaro:getGlobalValue("WwarmZH") == "Uit"
      fibaro:setGlobal("BoilervraagZH", "Nee");
        fibaro:call(106, "setMode", 1);
        fibaro:call(106, "setTargetLevel", 10);
        fibaro:call(190, "setMode", 1);
        fibaro:call(190, "setTargetLevel", 10);
        end, 300000)



    The boiler is witched on when the temperature is below the setpoint (20,6 when hom, 17 when away) on condition that all windows are closed.

    When the room temperature is lower than the setpoint I change a variable (boilervraagZH, which means demand for heat from the living room) to "yes".


    an other part of the code then looks up all the variables of the different rooms and, if one or more rooms have this variable on yes, the boiler is witched on ("setmode" iq set to "1") and, for debugging purposes  I send an email and a push message to tell me that the boiler is switched on or off. This only in the beginning to make sure the boiler is not consuming gas while I am not home or the windows are open, due to some error in the code somewhere.


    %% killOtherInstances
    %% properties
    %% weather
    %% events
    %% globals

    local startSource = fibaro:getSourceTrigger();
    if (
     ( fibaro:getGlobalValue("BoilervraagBK") == "Ja"  or  fibaro:getGlobalValue("BoilervraagDR") == "Ja"  or  fibaro:getGlobalValue("BoilervraagKE") == "Ja"  or  fibaro:getGlobalValue("BoilervraagMB") == "Ja"  or  fibaro:getGlobalValue("BoilervraagZH") == "Ja" )
    startSource["type"] == "other"
        fibaro:call(198, "setMode", "1");
          fibaro:call(2, "sendDefinedEmailNotification", "35");
        fibaro:call(11, "sendDefinedPushNotification", "35");
          fibaro:call(198, "setMode", "0");
          fibaro:call(2, "sendDefinedEmailNotification", "36");
        fibaro:call(11, "sendDefinedPushNotification", "36");

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  • Thank you again for a great reply!

    So, I started by constructing my scene using the graphic block system and found that there was no "elseif" option. I then opted to convert to LUA and found that it had written the first half for me so I assumed it was correct... it appears not :lol:

    I thought I was directly reading the state of the stat rather than a variable.

    Looking at your code, are your temperature settings fixed in the LUA and not adjustable in the Heating Panel?

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  • Great news! I found this link

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    with lua code for any z-wave thermostat head and can be used for a Fibaro relay OR a Secure Actuator. It doesn't need external variable and works with the Heating Panel. It took a bit of Googling to translate the Slovak comments to English... but I got there AND IT WORKS!

    My version is as follows

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    To run with a Secure Actuator the last section that deals with the "TurnOn" "TurnOff" needs to be changed to

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    This may be a little late to help you but I hope that it will help someone ;D

    Once again, many thanks for your replies!


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    Interesting post ! Will look up the link and see what I can do with it.


    Thanks and glad that you managed to get your system working.

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    I constructed my solution a little differently. I have used a virtual device and put my code in the main loop, see below:


    %% properties
    %% events
    %% globals
    local LivingRoomHeatReq
    local DiningRoomHeatReq
    local MainBedHeatReq
    local AlfieRoomHeatReq
    local ChrisRoomHeatReq
    local GamesRoomHeatReq

    if fibaro:getValue(76, "value") > fibaro:getValue(77, "value") then
      LivingRoomHeatReq = 1;
      LivingRoomHeatReq = 0;

    fibaro:debug('Living Room Target Temperature: ' ..fibaro:getValue(76, "value"));
    fibaro:debug('Living Room Acutal Temperature: ' ..fibaro:getValue(77, "value"));
    fibaro:debug('Living rooom heat request: ' ..LivingRoomHeatReq);  

    if fibaro:getValue(81, "value") > fibaro:getValue(82, "value") then
      DiningRoomHeatReq = 1;
      DiningRoomHeatReq = 0;

    fibaro:debug('Dining Room Target Temperature: ' ..fibaro:getValue(81, "value"));
    fibaro:debug('Dining Room Acutal Temperature: ' ..fibaro:getValue(82, "value"));
    fibaro:debug('Dining rooom heat request: ' ..DiningRoomHeatReq);  

    if fibaro:getValue(71, "value") > fibaro:getValue(72, "value") then
      AlfieRoomHeatReq = 1;
      AlfieRoomHeatReq = 0;

    fibaro:debug('Alfie Bedroom Target Temperature: ' ..fibaro:getValue(71, "value"));
    fibaro:debug('Alfie Bedroom Acutal Temperature: ' ..fibaro:getValue(72, "value"));
    fibaro:debug('Alfie bedrooom heat request: ' ..AlfieRoomHeatReq);  

    if fibaro:getValue(61, "value") > fibaro:getValue(62, "value") then
      MainBedHeatReq = 1;
      MainBedHeatReq = 0;

    fibaro:debug('Main Bedrrom Target Temperature: ' ..fibaro:getValue(61, "value"));
    fibaro:debug('Main Bedroom Acutal Temperature: ' ..fibaro:getValue(62, "value"));
    fibaro:debug('Main bedrooom heat request: ' ..MainBedHeatReq);  

    if fibaro:getValue(66, "value") > fibaro:getValue(67, "value") then
      ChrisRoomHeatReq = 1;
      ChrisRoomHeatReq = 0;

    fibaro:debug('Chris Bedroom Target Temperature: ' ..fibaro:getValue(66, "value"));
    fibaro:debug('Chris Bedroom Acutal Temperature: ' ..fibaro:getValue(67, "value"));
    fibaro:debug('Chris bedrooom heat request: ' ..ChrisRoomHeatReq);  

    if fibaro:getValue(56, "value") > fibaro:getValue(57, "value") then
      GamesRoomHeatReq = 1;
      GamesRoomHeatReq = 0;

    fibaro:debug('Games Room Target Temperature: ' ..fibaro:getValue(56, "value"));
    fibaro:debug('Games Room Acutal Temperature: ' ..fibaro:getValue(57, "value"));
    fibaro:debug('Games rooom heat request: ' ..GamesRoomHeatReq);  

    if LivingRoomHeatReq == 1
      or DiningRoomHeatReq == 1
      or AlfieRoomHeatReq == 1
      or MainBedHeatReq == 1
      or ChrisRoomHeatReq == 1
      or GamesRoomHeatReq == 1
      fibaro:call(86, "turnOn");
      elseif LivingRoomHeatReq == 0
      and DiningRoomHeatReq == 0
      and AlfieRoomHeatReq == 0
      and MainBedHeatReq == 0
      and ChrisRoomHeatReq == 0
      and GamesRoomHeatReq == 0
      fibaro:call(86, "turnOff");

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