I want to deactivate (turn off) and activate (turn on) a scene in a scene in HC3.
In HC2 I used lua fibaro:setSceneEnable(sceneID,enabled). It looks like this command is not available any more.
Do you know how this works in HC3.
Thanks for the help.
Kind regards
The code; fibaro.setSceneEnable(11, true) -- enable ore fibaro.setSceneEnable(11, false) -- disable did nothing when you run this in the Lua, also no error.
This new coded above tested and this works great in Lua
Last question; is it possible before you switch from true to false, ore false to true, you get the value from this scene number
Example; in a scene you get first the value form the scene, when scene is false you set to true
In HC2 I use:
local Timer