Dear users,
We know that you are eager to share your thoughts regarding all Zigbee devices that you have. With so many Zigbee devices available on the market it would extremely difficult to prepare a complete list of supported Zigbee devices which would include useful remarks.
For this reason we would like to encourage you to share your thoughts with other community members - let's make this a list of tested Zigbee devices created by users for users.
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that sensor exposes lot of unsupported things, afaik you will get only motion sensor (based on occupancy information) and light sensor (based on illuminance information).
I have "similar" HP MS, LifeBeing Merrytek MSA035-Z1, Please login or register to see this link. which works sice 5.113.60, but only these two values mentioned above, no presence, no breath etc. (which are displayed in TUYA app btw.).
Merrytek seems to be not listed on Zigbee2mqtt, it will however detected on HC3 a