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Smart Home Forum by FIBARO Team

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This QuickApp gets your energy consumption and production data from Tibber Live. 
This QuickApp can be used in combination with the Tibber Monitor to get the Tibber Prices. 
Based on the Fibaro WebSockets/GraphQL demo by Peter Gebruers 


If you use Tibber for your Energy Panel, you can use this Tibber Live QuickApp for your energy consumption and production combined with the Tibber Monitor QuickApp to provide the Energy Panel with the hourly prices. 


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/monthly_2022_08/image.png.e02b5123ae5e74aa18c67a4d49af38b8.png" />



Main device with positive or negative actual power consumption


Child devices are available for:

  • power (Actual consumption with maxPower in log text)
  • powerProduction (Actual production with maxPowerProduction in log text)
  • accumulatedConsumption (Todays consumption, also the child device for the Energy Panel)
  • accumulatedProduction (Todays production)
  • accumulatedCost (Todays cost)
  • accumulatedConsumptionLastHour (Consumed since since last hour shift)
  • accumulatedProductionLastHour (Produced since last hour shift)
  • lastMeterConsumption (Total consumption)
  • lastMeterProduction (Total production)
  • voltagePhase1
  • voltagePhase2
  • voltagePhase3
  • currentL1
  • currentL2
  • currentL3


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Available information: 

  • power (Consumption at the moment (Watt))
  • maxPower (Peak consumption since midnight (Watt))
  • powerProduction (Net production (A-) at the moment (Watt))
  • maxPowerProduction (Max net production since midnight (Watt))
  • accumulatedConsumption (kWh consumed since midnight)
  • accumulatedProduction (net kWh produced since midnight)
  • accumulatedCost (Accumulated cost since midnight; requires active Tibber power deal)
  • currency (Currency of displayed cost; requires active Tibber power deal)
  • lastMeterConsumption (Last meter active import register state (kWh))
  • lastMeterProduction (Last meter active export register state (kWh))
  • voltagePhase1 (Voltage on phase 1) *
  • voltagePhase2 (Voltage on phase 2) *
  • voltagePhase3 (Voltage on phase 3) *
  • currentL1 (Current on L1) *
  • currentL2 (Current on L2) *
  • currentL3 (Current on L3) *
  • accumulatedConsumptionLastHour (kWh consumed since since last hour shift)
  • accumulatedProductionLastHour (net kWh produced since last hour shift)
  • accumulatedReward (Accumulated reward since midnight; requires active Tibber power deal)
  • minPower (Min consumption since midnight (Watt))
  • averagePower (Average consumption since midnight (Watt))
  • powerReactive (Reactive consumption (Q+) at the moment (kVAr)) *
  • powerProductionReactive (Net reactive production (Q-) at the moment (kVAr)) *
  • minPowerProduction (Min net production since midnight (Watt))
  • maxPowerProduction (Max net production since midnight (Watt))
  • powerFactor (Power factor (active power / apparent power)) *
  • signalStrength (Device signal strength (Pulse - dB; Watty - percent)) *
  • timestamp (Timestamp when usage occurred)

* on Kaifa and Aidon meters the value is not part of every HAN data frame therefore the value is null at timestamps with second value other than 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50. There can be other deviations based on concrete meter firmware. In this QuickApp "null" values are replaced by their previous values. 


To communicate with the API you need to acquire a OAuth access token and pass this along with every request passed to the server.
A Personal Access Token give you access to your data and your data only. 
This is ideal for DIY people that want to leverage the Tibber platform to extend the smartness of their home. 
Such a token can be acquired here:

Please login or register to see this link.


When creating your access token or OAuth client you’ll be asked which scopes you want the access token to be associated with. 
These scopes tells the API which data and operations the client is allowed to perform on the user’s behalf. 
The scopes your app requires depend on the type of data it is trying to request. 
If you for example need access to user information you add the USER scope. 
If information about the user's homes is needed you add the appropriate HOME scopes.
If you have more than one home in your subscription, you need to fill in your home number the change between your homes. 

If the Tibber server disconnects the webSocket, the QuickApp wil do a re-connect for the amount in the QuickApp variable reconnect. 
If the re-connect fails for that amount, there will be a timeout for the seconds in the QuickApp variable timeout. 


Use this QuickApp at your own risk. You are responsible for ensuring that the information provided via this QuickApp do not contain errors. 
Tibber is a registered trademark being the property of TIBBER. TIBBER reserves all rights to the registered trademarks.
Information which is published on TIBBER’s websites belongs to TIBBER or is used with the permission of the rights holder. 
Making of copies, presentations, distribution, display or any other transfer of the information on the website to the public is, except for strictly private use, prohibited unless done with the consent of TIBBER. 
Published material on dedicated TIBBER press websites, intended for public use, is exempt from the consent requirement.
Also see:

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Guide Communicating with the Tibber API:

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Tibber API Explorer:

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Tibber gitHub:

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Tibber SDK NET:

Please login or register to see this link.

Fibaro webSocket manual:

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Fibaro Forum - Headers in webSocket:

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WebSocket++ Documentation:

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GraphQL over WebSocket Protocol:

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GraphQL query language:

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Version 3.0 (8th March 2023)

  • Removed Tibber old Websocket code
  • Prepared, not enabled: Check home.features.realTimeConsumptionEnabled has a true value always before reconnecting
  • Prepared, not enabled: Added button to disconnect or re-connect the Tibber webSocket
  • Prepared: Added quickapp variable homeNr (most of the time 1) to be able to check the response realTimeConsumptionEnabled

Version 2.3 (beta 8th December 2022)

  • Improved the 60 seconds interval child devices update, it now never skips a beat
  • Added translation for English (en), Dutch (nl), Swedish (se), Norwegian (no)
  • Changed the json response for the debugLevel=4 Offline Simulation mode, the date/time format was wrong
  • Added random (jitter) reconnection handleDisconnected and handleError between 10 and 15 seconds
  • Added random (jitter) reconnection interval handleDisconnected and handleError plus between 1 and 10 seconds
  • Added exponential backoff (increasing delay) between each timeout. The increase is limited to 10 times the value in the quickapp reconnect variable. 


Version 2.2 (20th November 2022)

  • Changed to new Tibber webSocket requirements, required from December 2022

Version 2.1 (15th October 2022)

  • Child devices are now updated every (whole) minute to reduce CPU load
  • Replaced zero values for Voltage L1 L2 L3 with the previous value

Version 2.0 (5th August 2022)

  • Added two child devices, Hourly Consumption and Hourly Production
  • Added re-connect routine to handleError. If an Tibber error occurs, the QuickApp will try to re-connect. Thanks @JcBorgs for testing. 
  • Improved routine to handle Tibber null values. Thanks @Darquan for testing. 
  • Changed labels a bit to save some space
  • Changed "volt" and "amp" text in the labels. Thanks @Morten22 for mentioning. 
  • Changed kWh device types from com.fibaro.electricMeter to com.fibaro.energyMeter

Version 1.0 (19th June 2022)

  • Initial webSocket version Tibber Live
  • Thanks @JcBorgs for testing all beta versions and great suggestion to improve the quickapp
  • Based on the Fibaro WebSockets/GraphQL demo by @petergebruers

Variables (mandatory and created automatically): 

  • token = Authorization token (see the Tibber website: https://developer.tibber.com)

  • homeId = Tibber Home ID (see the Tibber website: https://developer.tibber.com)

  • homeNr = Tibber home (nodes) number if you have more than one home (default = 1)

  • language = Preferred language (default = en) (supported languages are English (en), Swedisch (se), Norwegian (no) and Dutch (nl))

  • reconnect = Amount of re-connects after disconnect from Tibber server (default = 10)

  • timeout = Pause after maximum amount of re-connects (default = 300 seconds)

  • debugLevel = Number (1=some, 2=few, 3=all, 4=Offline Simulation Mode, 5=Live Test Mode) (default = 1)


Fibaro Firmware:

Minimal version 5.111.48 (beta)


Download the QuickApp here (download the file and un-zip):

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or from the Fibaro Marketplace:

Please login or register to see this link.

How to install: 

  1. Open the Configuration Interface
  2. Go to Settings > Devices
  3. Click  +
  4. Choose Other Device
  5. Choose Upload File
  6. Choose file from your computer with .fqa






Edited by SmartHomeEddy
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  • This looks more like a connection problem, than child devices not updating. 

    I send you a PM to investigate further. 

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    On 11/21/2022 at 2:55 PM, SmartHomeEddy said:

    JcBorgs had some issues with his API key, he made a new one, which is running now. 

    Had several issues, after a lot of testing the problem seem to be related to that the HC3 needed a reboot.


    Now running the new QA on the latest HC3 firmware (5.130.64) and it performs just as it should.

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  • Thanks for you testing @JcBorgs We had some strange things in the HC3. 


    Eventually, reboot is your friend :-) 


    So for everyone, on the save side, just do a reboot after installation. 

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    Working on the Tibber Live QuickApp and I have added the possibility for translation. I need your help to translate this to any language you need. I already have the NL, SV and NO translation. It should fit the labels, so no long sentences. 


    This is the English -  English version: 


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    Not 100% sure about the understanding/translation on these lines, but guess they have to do with solarpanels... and not sure about the correct terms there:)
    ["Reactive Consumption"] = "Reaktiv forbruk",
    ["Reactive Production"] = "Reaktiv produksjon",

    Edited by dorten75
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  • Thanks (Takk) ! 



    (Reactive energy is the amount of energy that instead of being consumed immediately by the user is stored for a fraction of a second and dropped into the power grid.)



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    After update to newest version it looks like something is not working as intended.
    Have noticed for some time that the "Live" Today and Hourly Consumption has been frozen for some time, but the Live usage is correct all the time.

    Any idea what to look for?


    Latest debug:

    [06.12.2022] [22:12:05] [DEBUG] [TIBBER LIVE ID:980]: getData() - Get the data from Tibber
    [06.12.2022] [22:12:05] [DEBUG] [TIBBER LIVE ID:980]: Connect: wss://websocket-api.tibber.com/v1-beta/gql/subscriptions {"Authorization":"xxxxxxxx","User-Agent":"Tibber_Live\/2.2 Fibaro\/HC3 Firmware\/5.130.64","Sec-WebSocket-Protocol":"graphql-transport-ws"}
    [06.12.2022] [22:12:05] [DEBUG] [TIBBER LIVE ID:980]: handleConnected() - Initialize the connection
    [06.12.2022] [22:12:05] [DEBUG] [TIBBER LIVE ID:980]: handleDisconnected() - The client or the server closed the socket
    [06.12.2022] [22:12:05] [DEBUG] [TIBBER LIVE ID:980]: Trying to reconnect ... (10)
    [06.12.2022] [22:12:05] [DEBUG] [TIBBER LIVE ID:980]: getData() - Get the data from Tibber
    [06.12.2022] [22:12:05] [DEBUG] [TIBBER LIVE ID:980]: Connect: wss://websocket-api.tibber.com/v1-beta/gql/subscriptions {"Authorization":"xxxxxxxx","User-Agent":"Tibber_Live\/2.2 Fibaro\/HC3 Firmware\/5.130.64","Sec-WebSocket-Protocol":"graphql-transport-ws"}
    [06.12.2022] [22:12:05] [DEBUG] [TIBBER LIVE ID:980]: handleConnected() - Initialize the connection
    [06.12.2022] [22:12:05] [DEBUG] [TIBBER LIVE ID:980]: handleDisconnected() - The client or the server closed the socket
    [06.12.2022] [22:12:05] [DEBUG] [TIBBER LIVE ID:980]: Trying to reconnect ... (9)
    [06.12.2022] [22:12:05] [DEBUG] [TIBBER LIVE ID:980]: getData() - Get the data from Tibber
    [06.12.2022] [22:12:05] [DEBUG] [TIBBER LIVE ID:980]: Connect: wss://websocket-api.tibber.com/v1-beta/gql/subscriptions {"Authorization":"xxxxxxxx","User-Agent":"Tibber_Live\/2.2 Fibaro\/HC3 Firmware\/5.130.64","Sec-WebSocket-Protocol":"graphql-transport-ws"}

    [06.12.2022] [22:12:06] [DEBUG] [TIBBER LIVE ID:980]: handleConnected() - Initialize the connection
    [06.12.2022] [22:12:06] [DEBUG] [TIBBER LIVE ID:980]: handleDisconnected() - The client or the server closed the socket
    [06.12.2022] [22:12:06] [DEBUG] [TIBBER LIVE ID:980]: Trying to reconnect ... (8)
    [06.12.2022] [22:12:06] [DEBUG] [TIBBER LIVE ID:980]: getData() - Get the data from Tibber
    [06.12.2022] [22:12:06] [DEBUG] [TIBBER LIVE ID:980]: Connect: wss://websocket-api.tibber.com/v1-beta/gql/subscriptions {"Authorization":"xxxxxxxx","User-Agent":"Tibber_Live\/2.2 Fibaro\/HC3 Firmware\/5.130.64","Sec-WebSocket-Protocol":"graphql-transport-ws"}
    [06.12.2022] [22:12:06] [DEBUG] [TIBBER LIVE ID:980]: handleConnected() - Initialize the connection
    [06.12.2022] [22:12:06] [DEBUG] [TIBBER LIVE ID:980]: handleDisconnected() - The client or the server closed the socket
    [06.12.2022] [22:12:06] [DEBUG] [TIBBER LIVE ID:980]: Trying to reconnect ... (7)
    [06.12.2022] [22:12:06] [DEBUG] [TIBBER LIVE ID:980]: getData() - Get the data from Tibber
    [06.12.2022] [22:12:06] [DEBUG] [TIBBER LIVE ID:980]: Connect: wss://websocket-api.tibber.com/v1-beta/gql/subscriptions {"Authorization":"xxxxxxxx","User-Agent":"Tibber_Live\/2.2 Fibaro\/HC3 Firmware\/5.130.64","Sec-WebSocket-Protocol":"graphql-transport-ws"}
    [06.12.2022] [22:12:06] [DEBUG] [TIBBER LIVE ID:980]: handleConnected() - Initialize the connection
    [06.12.2022] [22:12:06] [DEBUG] [TIBBER LIVE ID:980]: handleDisconnected() - The client or the server closed the socket
    [06.12.2022] [22:12:06] [DEBUG] [TIBBER LIVE ID:980]: Trying to reconnect ... (6)
    [06.12.2022] [22:12:06] [DEBUG] [TIBBER LIVE ID:980]: getData() - Get the data from Tibber
    [06.12.2022] [22:12:06] [DEBUG] [TIBBER LIVE ID:980]: Connect: wss://websocket-api.tibber.com/v1-beta/gql/subscriptions {"Authorization":"xxxxxxxx","User-Agent":"Tibber_Live\/2.2 Fibaro\/HC3 Firmware\/5.130.64","Sec-WebSocket-Protocol":"graphql-transport-ws"}

    [06.12.2022] [22:12:07] [DEBUG] [TIBBER LIVE ID:980]: handleConnected() - Initialize the connection
    [06.12.2022] [22:12:07] [DEBUG] [TIBBER LIVE ID:980]: handleDisconnected() - The client or the server closed the socket
    [06.12.2022] [22:12:07] [DEBUG] [TIBBER LIVE ID:980]: Trying to reconnect ... (5)
    [06.12.2022] [22:12:07] [DEBUG] [TIBBER LIVE ID:980]: getData() - Get the data from Tibber
    [06.12.2022] [22:12:07] [DEBUG] [TIBBER LIVE ID:980]: Connect: wss://websocket-api.tibber.com/v1-beta/gql/subscriptions {"Authorization":"xxxxxxxx","User-Agent":"Tibber_Live\/2.2 Fibaro\/HC3 Firmware\/5.130.64","Sec-WebSocket-Protocol":"graphql-transport-ws"}
    [06.12.2022] [22:12:07] [DEBUG] [TIBBER LIVE ID:980]: handleConnected() - Initialize the connection
    [06.12.2022] [22:12:07] [DEBUG] [TIBBER LIVE ID:980]: handleDisconnected() - The client or the server closed the socket
    [06.12.2022] [22:12:07] [DEBUG] [TIBBER LIVE ID:980]: Trying to reconnect ... (4)
    [06.12.2022] [22:12:07] [DEBUG] [TIBBER LIVE ID:980]: getData() - Get the data from Tibber
    [06.12.2022] [22:12:07] [DEBUG] [TIBBER LIVE ID:980]: Connect: wss://websocket-api.tibber.com/v1-beta/gql/subscriptions {"Authorization":"xxxxxxxx","User-Agent":"Tibber_Live\/2.2 Fibaro\/HC3 Firmware\/5.130.64","Sec-WebSocket-Protocol":"graphql-transport-ws"}
    [06.12.2022] [22:12:07] [DEBUG] [TIBBER LIVE ID:980]: handleConnected() - Initialize the connection
    [06.12.2022] [22:12:07] [DEBUG] [TIBBER LIVE ID:980]: handleDisconnected() - The client or the server closed the socket
    [06.12.2022] [22:12:07] [DEBUG] [TIBBER LIVE ID:980]: Trying to reconnect ... (3)
    [06.12.2022] [22:12:07] [DEBUG] [TIBBER LIVE ID:980]: getData() - Get the data from Tibber
    [06.12.2022] [22:12:07] [DEBUG] [TIBBER LIVE ID:980]: Connect: wss://websocket-api.tibber.com/v1-beta/gql/subscriptions {"Authorization":"xxxxxxxx","User-Agent":"Tibber_Live\/2.2 Fibaro\/HC3 Firmware\/5.130.64","Sec-WebSocket-Protocol":"graphql-transport-ws"}

    [06.12.2022] [22:12:08] [DEBUG] [TIBBER LIVE ID:980]: handleConnected() - Initialize the connection
    [06.12.2022] [22:12:08] [DEBUG] [TIBBER LIVE ID:980]: handleDisconnected() - The client or the server closed the socket
    [06.12.2022] [22:12:08] [DEBUG] [TIBBER LIVE ID:980]: Trying to reconnect ... (2)
    [06.12.2022] [22:12:08] [DEBUG] [TIBBER LIVE ID:980]: getData() - Get the data from Tibber
    [06.12.2022] [22:12:08] [DEBUG] [TIBBER LIVE ID:980]: Connect: wss://websocket-api.tibber.com/v1-beta/gql/subscriptions {"Authorization":"xxxxxxxx","User-Agent":"Tibber_Live\/2.2 Fibaro\/HC3 Firmware\/5.130.64","Sec-WebSocket-Protocol":"graphql-transport-ws"}
    [06.12.2022] [22:12:08] [DEBUG] [TIBBER LIVE ID:980]: handleConnected() - Initialize the connection
    [06.12.2022] [22:12:08] [DEBUG] [TIBBER LIVE ID:980]: handleDisconnected() - The client or the server closed the socket
    [06.12.2022] [22:12:08] [DEBUG] [TIBBER LIVE ID:980]: Trying to reconnect ... (1)
    [06.12.2022] [22:12:08] [DEBUG] [TIBBER LIVE ID:980]: getData() - Get the data from Tibber
    [06.12.2022] [22:12:08] [DEBUG] [TIBBER LIVE ID:980]: Connect: wss://websocket-api.tibber.com/v1-beta/gql/subscriptions {"Authorization":"xxxxxxxx","User-Agent":"Tibber_Live\/2.2 Fibaro\/HC3 Firmware\/5.130.64","Sec-WebSocket-Protocol":"graphql-transport-ws"}
    [06.12.2022] [22:12:08] [DEBUG] [TIBBER LIVE ID:980]: handleConnected() - Initialize the connection
    [06.12.2022] [22:12:08] [DEBUG] [TIBBER LIVE ID:980]: handleDisconnected() - The client or the server closed the socket
    [06.12.2022] [22:12:08] [DEBUG] [TIBBER LIVE ID:980]: SetTimeout for re-connect at 300 seconds

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  • Earlier JcBorgs had some issues with his API key, he made a new one, did a reboot of the HC3 and all worked fine. Could you give that a try?



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    I had the same issue. It is only possible to have 2 connections on one token. I guess the server of Tibber counts 3 connections when you have Tibber Monitor, (Tibber Live, old) and Tibber Live, new . The server is probably too slow to detect that Tibber Live, old is disconnected.
    This is what I did to get it to work:
    1. Uninstall old Tibber Live
    2. Restart the hub
    3. Create new token on tibber developer
    4. install new Tibber Live
    5. enter token on Tibber Live and Tibber Monitor
    It works fine for me now.

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    49 minutes ago, Morten22 said:

    It is only possible to have 2 connections on one token

    Does this mean that my connection at my cabin also will struggle? Have a Pulse unit there as well, but connected to the same account as my home.

    Use my token both at home (Live and Monitor), cabin (pull hour prices) and mobile (widget)
    Do I then have 4 connection?

    I had changed my token after the new version, but that did not help.
    So will go through a reinstall as you suggested. 

    Come to think about it, but I never installed the new version, but just copy/pasted the LUA in the old one.

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    I was in contact with Tibber a few days ago. Then I got this message about generating a new token. How they count the number of connections I have only guessed. I use Tibber Monitor and Tibber Live. Possibly there were 3 connections when I also used Tibber's API explorer to find my homeID


    Message: Hi Morten!
    It may indicate that some connections are lagging (you can only have two active). Can you try to generate a new token and try again?

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  • 54 minutes ago, Morten22 said:

    Message: Hi Morten!
    It may indicate that some connections are lagging (you can only have two active). Can you try to generate a new token and try again?



    In the Tibber documentation: 

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    /monthly_2022_12/image.png.b127d1222c12359e7e7c7ce6f2baeb85.png" />


    So there are two webSocket connection, next to the http api call. That is how I read this documentation. 

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  • Inquirer
  • I have a new version for the Tibber Live QuickApp to give more stability with the Tibber Servers and added translations.


    These are the changes:

    • Added translation for English (en), Dutch (nl), Swedish (se), Norwegian (no)
    • Improved the 60 seconds interval child devices update, it now never skips a beat
    • Changed the json response for the debugLevel=4 Offline Simulation mode, the date/time format was wrong
    • Added random (jitter) reconnection handleDisconnected and handleError between 10 and 15 seconds
    • Added random (jitter) reconnection interval handleDisconnected and handleError plus between 1 and 10 seconds
    • Added exponential backoff (increasing delay) between each timeout. The increase is limited to 10 times the value in the quickapp reconnect variable.

    Please install a new quickapp (use the .fqa file) and disable or remove the old one. Don't forget the fill in your quickapp variables like the Token and homeID and of-course your preferred language. 


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    Hi SmartHomeEddy,


    I‘ve installed your QA and it looks great. I haven‘t received my Tibber Pulse yet, but I have three questions:


    - the meters show crazy values - will they reset to „normal“ as soon as I install the Pulse


    - can I delete the production child devices without impacting overall perfomance (I don‘t have any production devices)



    - the cost device shows cost in SEK - can this be changed to EUR?



    Cheers Alfons


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  • 10 hours ago, awlieser said:

    the meters show crazy values - will they reset to „normal“ as soon as I install the Pulse


    No worry, if you don't have the Pulse yet, you also don't have the token, homeID, etc. The QuickApp will go into simulation mode with simulation values from Tibber. I don't have Tibber either, so that is an easy way to check and test the QuickApp for me. 



    10 hours ago, awlieser said:

    - can I delete the production child devices without impacting overall perfomance (I don‘t have any production devices)


    Good question, don't delete child devices, you probably get crazy things, maybe not. Just hide them if you don't need them. 



    10 hours ago, awlieser said:

    - the cost device shows cost in SEK - can this be changed to EUR?


    The QuickApp will use the currency of your account. So if your account is in SEK, the QuickApp will work in SEK as soon as you setup your token, etc. 



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    Hi SmartHomeEddy,


    I love both the Tibber Live and Tibber monitor QA. Have been previously using P1 monitor.

    However the Tibber Monitor is providing a lot of information and most of it I do not use. For me it would be ideal to only use the Tibber Live with just one addition and that is the current price level. Is that possible.

    I prefer to keep my system as light as possible 😉.

    Kind regard.

    Edited by Langedijk
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  • 1 hour ago, Langedijk said:

    Tibber Live with just one addition and that is the current price level.


    No, Tibber doesn't provide price information in the Live-measurement. 


    The Tibber Monitor QuickApp enables Tibber users to use energy at the lowest price levels, because of the Tibber dynamic prices. That is why there is more information in the Tibber QuickApp than only the energy usage. 


    For details, see: 

    Please login or register to see this link.

     and look for "LiveMeasurement"





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    I'm a new user, so please excuse me if I have a stupid question.


    Downlaoded the QA, entered my Token and HomeID but it seems to not be able to connect for some reason.

    The Tiber Monitor QA works perfect, but not the Tiber Live QA.


    I can see that the timestamp from the Tiber Live QA is the time i installed the QA.

    Can also find something in the output related to the QA crashing.


    [21.07.2023] [08:55:20] [ERROR] [QUICKAPP130]: QuickApp crashed
    [21.07.2023] [08:55:20] [ERROR] [QUICKAPP130]: main.lua:97: attempt to index a nil value (field 'data')


    Any clue to what this means, and how i can fix it?




    Sorry but it seems i have managed to solve it somehow. (don't ask how... as i have just been testing some tings and i parallel worked in the tibber API explorer test some queries manually to understand how it all works)  

    Edited by Babben81
    Don't know how... but it seems to have resolved it self while i was fumbling around to figure out what was wrong
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