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About matt1981

  • Birthday 10/25/1981

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    Florence, Italy
  • Gateway/s
    Home Center 2
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    Home automation and whatever else sparks my interest.

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  1. you could create a seperate scene that checks the status of the door every one or two seconds, and when the door status changes to closed, it activates that seperate scene
  2. this is how you gain access to your HUE developer privileges. http://192.168.x.xx/debug/clip.html Login here: <hue bridge ip>/debug/clip.html 3a. in the URL: box just have /api 3b. in the Message Body box type: {"devicetype":"my_hue_app#iphone peter"} 3c. Press the link button on the bridge and 3d. Click "POST" back in the web browser. It should give you a long string for the new user you created. In URL box type: /api/(new user string you just created)/config/ About 13 lines down, you'll see the whitelist...all the apps that are authorized to access the bridge. Get that long alphanumeric string above the device you want to remove (it'll look like: f6SEmYj6FMGSq5aRqaP4jPO6YaHbbddAzhBjo2qnD) In the URL box type: /api/(user string)/config/whitelist/long_alphanumeric_hash_here Press DELETE. You should get a "success" message
  3. you need to use a network scanner on your phone or computer that is connected to your wifi network to discover your box's IP address. the latest update has randomized the IP address to something different prior to the update.
  4. matt1981

    Hi there

    you type in your Home Centers url and replace the x with the last three digits of your box's url: http://192.168.x.xx/docs/ the HCL is very limited, being you can only use block scenes and not LUA like with the HC2.
  5. this topic has been brought up numerous times, concerning the different languages with google home and fibaro. as of right now, only english works. this is something that fibaro has to fix on their end.
  6. you need to wake up the sensor by triple clicking the pair button, for it to accept any new changes
  7. @FIBARO has become quite synonymous with not helping out with some issues. Instead, they let the forum user just vent, get mad and then hope it just blows over... exactly like the Google assistant issue that plagued them for for over year without any response @FIBARO
  8. this must be an issue with the beta update. because too many users are having this issue, way to close to each other.. i would caution opening the box and removing any electronics without talking to tech support first. you may void any warranty or support from FIBARO
  9. Same thing happened to me, after I had to restart it during it freezing during an update. As long as you've updated to 4.5xx with the option to restore, either via cloud or local, you should be fine. You need to press the button with the plus sign next to power button on the back of the HC2. It will then load up to a recovery screen allowing you to restore to a previous saved restore.
  10. I had this exact same issue with mine, when i tried updating to the latest beta firmware. it froze at "stopping services". i attempted to restart the HC2 via the power button on the back and i had the exact issue with the lights and the HC2 wouldn't start up. i pushed the recovery button on the back, next to the power button. it loaded to the recovery page and it allowed me to reinstall a previous cloud backup. this solved the issue.
  11. https://www.netatmo.com/en-gb/helpcenter/energy/3/what-is-google-assistant-and-google-home/330 this communication is done between the google home and netatmo once you add the netatmo account to google assistant. heres a list of example questions and commands you can ask google with the netatmo indoor station.
  12. google home is a speaker with a mic. you can use a netatmo in each room and connect it with IFTTT. both Netatmo weather station and Google Home/Assistant both have ifttt support. https://ifttt.com/connect/google_assistant/netatmo this allows you to ask google home what the temp is in a specific room. here's what they say about google assistant/home https://www.netatmo.com/blog/en/energy/netatmos-smart-thermostat-integrates-with-the-google-assistant-on-google-home-to-enable-voice-controlled-heating/
  13. Hi Adrian, This is a limitation of the Google Home, while it seems to allow for devices with the same name, it does not work as intended. Yes, you can put each device into a room within the GH app, but this is only useful when instructing it to turn on 'room name'. There is no link to the GH and the room that it is actually in (which would be good) All I can suggest, and this is something I have had to do as well is rename them to be different. regards i could see where this could problem in that example. i know sometimes in my home where i say turn on the "master bedroom light" and instead it turns on another light in the guest room, which in the guest room, the light is named "bedroom light".
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