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Alarm panic mode and RGB in HCL




my RGB is working correctly, but I dont see it in Alarm panel devices. So I cant add it for the panic mode. I would like it to start blinking red color after the allarm is trigged. Can anyone help me?

[ Added: 2014-10-30, 20:43 ]

As well, I find out I can not see RGB module in my tablet. I can control it in system, in my phone, but it doesnt exist in tablet.

And in the alarm panel it is not present eather...

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4 answers to this question

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RGBW will not be recognized in Alarm Panel, therefore you need to create additional scene and use it as custom action in Alarm Panel.

Regarding tablet issue: please refresh app data in configuration when in local access.

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  • Hi,

    Ok, but in scenes I can not change the collor of the RGB right? If i want it in case of allarm to start blinking in red, is there any way to do it?

    And about the tablet issue, I made a video where you can see I tried to refresh it as the first thing.

    Check the video here

    I posted it to support@fibaro. but I havent got answer till now, but I sent it only yesterday.

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    You can change colors in HCL, with virtual device, i attached an example. Change IP to and port to 11111.

    Now you need authorization. To do that enter

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    fill the field with your credentials in following manner: login:password (e.g. admin:admin). Now change credentials in virtual device.

    Colors are changed by adjusting arguments. Now you can create a variable that will be changed during alarm procedure, and it will set off one scene, that will click on button to change state of RGBW, and reset the variable, which will trigger another scene - kind of a loop.

    Support does not work during weekend, hence you will most probably get an answer today.

    Hope i helped, cheers.

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  • Thanks, I will try it if it works.

    I have my answer from support. For people with the tablet issue ... In the tablet the RGBW is not in the lighting but you can find it in the all room devices...

    Thanks again

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