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Smart Home Forum by FIBARO Team

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Global cache Itach WF2IR and Itach Flex WIFI



Hi guys,

I am still a learner (as i always will be true my hall life), but i have a solid electrical background. The only problem that i have using the products of Fibaro, ZIpato, AEON etc. is that there is no user friendly so to speak IR device! Remotec has one, but it is a stupid device with not enough memory to record more that 20 IR codes.... Not good for a TV,DVD, AC slpit system ect. So i saw a few clips on youtube where people are controlling their TV's, Receivers ect. using Global cache WF2IR device.. NIce, but not for long! In order to use it with HC2 or HCL you have to code.... I have two potential customers, very impressed by the way from the Fibaro products, they have a lot of money, but are not going to sped a single dollar unless they can control ALL, that includes TV,Receiver, AC ect. The AC is OK, it is centralized so perhaps NEST is a good idea...if it is compatible with HC2 that is... Does anybody knows is there an appropriate and easy to setup device that can control all that stuff? It is simply not smart at all to spend a lot of money on a controller and devices and to have to be an IT specialist to program them! What about those DIY clients?! They do not how to code, most of them know only how to install them! I am ready even to spend some money to company to make such a device that will be plug&play sort of equipment!

It has beena few years since Fibaro and all other companies are on the Z-wave market, so why they did not figure it out so far that people want easy to install thinks?

I will be very great full if someone provide me with some ideas and guidance how to do those projects.


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Work global cache it's not really coding. The thing is, that you can do this with new TV's trough TCP/IP but if you have old TV or old stereo... Then global cache is basically your only option (or use control 4 for multimedia) . but in my opinion, global cache is easy to set up. You only need to learn the codes from remote control. That means you only point the remote control to itach and press the button, then name it (for example ON). Do it for all buttons. Then only copy the code (that one you get after you press the button) to Fibaro virtual device. It's not that big deal, it only takes time but after that no problem.

And to be honest, if you want to do such device you "input" need to copy all the remote control codes available on market and integrate

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/emoticons/default_smile.png" alt=":)" srcset="https://forum.fibaro.com/uploads/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> new devices you can find online but I am using in showroom old aiwa and you really can't find this old codes online.

But really, you can do it with the installation as a service for them.

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  • Ok, i got it, but coding is not my thing...for now.... And i want with one device to control all - TV, DVD, AC unit, Receiver etc. so Global cache will be the best and the only

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    /emoticons/default_smile.png" alt=":)" srcset="https://forum.fibaro.com/uploads/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> way to do it.

    Please give me more info (even on private message if you like) how to do it with HCL or HC2 using Global cache itach. If it is that simple (to just paste the code), i will invest in buying HC2 (I own HCL only) and the not so cheap Itach. By the way, i saw a comparison between the Itach WF2IR and FLEX WIFI, and it seems the new version - Global cache itach FLEX WIFI is the better device! Stronger signal, small size (easy to hide) and much more. What is your oppinion?

    Thank once again!

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    Wifi to IR has a much stronger signal that Flex Wifi. We have used it in numerous installations in which LAN cable wasn't available. We have tested both devices in almost dead wifi zones where Flex failed but the Wifi to IR saved the day.


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    Mo I will do little how to do it video, i will post it here. But you do not need HC2 to use global cache. It is working with HCL. It does not need LUA.

    [ Added: 2015-02-02, 18:53 ]

    Hey guys,

    so as promissed, I made a video of how to set up, learn and integrate iTach WF2IR to Fibaro system. I went from the beginning, including setting up the Global Cache network, learning codes, integrating into Fibaro, testing, explaining the iR emitter vs iR blaster (hope I have this one right) and so on. It is in slovak laguage but I added english subtitles so I believe you can understand that.

    or you can find it on

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    Nice instructional video! GJ

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    Well i see that this is an old post but i thought ill share anyhow.


    I have some input in this also.

    I have used WF2IR devices for years with great success.


    Although i have had problems sending commands with V4.056 as text.

    Sometimes it just stops working for a period of time without any explanation and i have had this issue in multiple systems.

    This happen when sending multiple commands with short intervals to multiple devices in multiple rooms.

    And sometimes when sending just 1 command.

    So i have switched to LUA for sending commands and after that i have not had one single issue.

    This also gives back information and opens up multiple options for error checks etc.


    This might be daunting to look at, but its really more simple than adding commands as text.

    This way you just paste the command from iLearn and your done.

    Just copy the LUA code to every button.


    1. Setup IP and port in the VD.

    2. Collect a command with iLearn (iLearn auto copies your IR command to the clipboard when learning commands)

    3. Paste that in the lua code in: Command = "YOUR COMMAND GOES HERE"

    4. done.


    You now get feedback from your device and there is never any doubt what is happening with your device.

    As this was supposed to be used in a big system with many devices i think that this is the right way to go.

    The worst thing ever i think is implementing a solution and the customer calls saying "X thing is not working, why?"


    Extra features that i have implemented in my systems.

    1. If there is an error in a command then that error gets pushed directly to my phone so i can see if something is not working.

    2. Repeating of the command if the GC device is busy.

    3. Custom push messages in every command.



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    Scaled down code of VD. (Im not a programmer, i bet there are better ways of doing it but this works for me

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    * updates

    Added extended error code check, updated VD

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     By the way, i saw a comparison between the Itach WF2IR and FLEX WIFI, and it seems the new version - Global cache itach FLEX WIFI is the better device! Stronger signal, small size (easy to hide) and much more. What is your oppinion?


    Just my personal opinions, others might have different experiences.


    - The WF2IR has a massive antenna (never had problems with connection)

    - 3 ports directly in the device and that makes it easier to connect transmitters without having to use brake out cables etc like you have to for the FLEX.

    - I have extended IR signal with 10M 3,5mm cables (male - female) without issues so its got a strong output signal. (have not tried the flex with extentioncable yet)

    - Its bigger, that way it doesn't get "lost" in the installation as a FLEX can i the AV cabinet.

    - Buy the GC-IRL learner if you are a professional installer or will do multiple systems / remotes.

    That supports IR 500kHz so you can learn all codes inkl B&O codes (455 kHz is B&O standard i think)

    Its also much faster (connects directly to USB port) and reads codes like a champ.

    (WF2IR is somewhat troublesome in reading codes i think, its hard to fire the remote 100%perfect ever time in the minimal IR receiver)

    I use it with a Athen Serial-USB converter (drivers for OS X El Capitan exists on Athens homepage)

    This way you can install everything in you house and sit in the couch with the learner+remote and directly send the commands to the system to try all the commands as you learn them.

    Super easy way of learning a remote and testing at the same time instead of sending commands to the flex or other GC device.


    Good luck!

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    Just a VD I wrote one and a half year ago for testing reasons:

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    I don't know this helps but maybe you can use some code from it.

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