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Smart Home Forum by FIBARO Team

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Zwave.me Keyfob





I have a zwave.me keyfob  KFOBSC.


I included it in the network and set parameters like this:

- parameters 1 and 2 to 0 - so independent button presses

- parameters 11 and 12 on 1 - so on/off/dim functions for the  remote 1 and 2 buttons

- parameters 13 and 14 on 4 - so send scenes function fot the remote buttons 3 and 4


What i want to achieve is the following : control 2 actuators (fibaro relays) with buttons 1 and 2, and 2 scenes from HC2 (lights on and lights off) with buttons 3 and 4


I went into the associations groups and set the relays in group 1 and 2. Saved, Woke up the remote, checked- the relays show up in the association groups 1 and 2. So at this stage I should be able to use buttons 1 and 2 on the remote to control those relays.


But pressing those buttons doesn't do anything - just a fast red blinking light on the remote.


Can you please tell me what am i doing wrong?

Also, how to set some scenes i have in HC2 to trigger when i press buttons 3 or 4 ?




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You can try this one:

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or here:

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  • Thank you but those do not help. My remote is already included and all parameters set as above.


    Also for scene activation i made the lua script that is supposed to give me the sceneactivation id, but whenever i run it i always get this result, no matter if i push a button on the remote or not.


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    If you have KFOB-C (Z-Wave Plus) unit so probably you can try "combinations" of this User Manual:

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    and this Fibaro HC2 Install guide:

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    I hope it will give you some idea...

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  • No i have the regular KFOB2_SC-EU. 

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    Anyway, I think you can not use KFOB2 both for "directly associations" and as en Scene Controller:


    "The Z-Wave.Me Key Fob is a Z-Wave device that can both control other Z-Wave devices and activate predefined scenes in an IP gateway. Although it is controlling other devices the KFOB can’t act as Z-Wave network controller (primary or secondary) and will always need a Z-Wave network controller to be included into a Z-Wave network. The KFOB can be used in five different modes that are picked by configuration commands:

    1. Direct Control of associated Devices with single Buttons association group 1 is controlled by button 1, group 2 by button 2 etc., Single Click = On, Double Click = Off, Hold = Dim up, Click and Hold = Dim down
    2. Direct Control of associated Devices with two Buttons, association group 1 is controlled by the two buttons #1 and #3, association group 2 is controlled by the two buttons #2 and #4. Click of the larger button = On, Click of the smaller button = off, hold the larger buttons = Dim up, Hold the smaller button = Dim down
    3. Scene Activation in IP Gateway Clicking a button activates a corresponding scene in a IP gateway if the IP gateway is configured accordingly.
    4. Direct Activation of preconfigured Scenes Associated devices in an association are controlled by individual commands defines by Z-Wave command class. This function enhances mode 1.
    5. Direct Control of Devices in proximity pushing button 1 or 2 turns on a device in short distance (50...100 cm) from the fob, button 3 or 4 turns of a device in proximity."
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  • please tell me you have a remote like this not just pasting stuff from google

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    /emoticons/default_smile.png" alt=":)" srcset="https://forum.fibaro.com/uploads/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />  I already gave my buttons config in the first post. Those are parameters 11 through 14.

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    I have this device and I cannot get it to work. I can include it, but that's it. Searched the internet but cannot find a solution.

    I have ordered a Aeon Labs KeyFob and that one is working OK with scene activation.

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  • at first i would be happy if i could make it turn on/off a relay..

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    Guest jmcloo

    I have the same problem. The device (KFOB2) is included in HC2. Only the device has only a master device, no slave device.

    I can set the parameters which are configured to the device when I wake it up.


    When I read the 'sceneActivation' property of the device in a LUA scene it always returns '0'. No matter which button on the remote I push.

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     solved my issue, which looked similar.



    SceneActivation works fine after configuring Group Association through button "Setting Association" under advanced parameters of the device.


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    Hi there


    I've got a KFOB (device label says ZME_KFOB, manual says ZME_KFOB_S version 1.0, box says ZME_KFOB2) and simply can't get it to work.


    - I tried to include it for 3 whole evenings now (more than a hundred tries), but keep getting

    [00:23:55] Home Center in learning mode
    [00:23:57] Device added
    [00:24:00] Learning mode error. Try again.
    [00:24:00] Adding devices complete


    - actually managed to include it once, but even if it was possible to wake it up, I couldn't set the parameters

    - after excluding it again, no more success to include it


    Please help, I even went into recovery and reverted back to 4.056, still no success.

    What can I do, as I need this to work?


    Thanks a lot 

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    Just to report my experience, I've bought the ZM keyfob at first, and as you i was just able to include it in the network, but not able to use it for scene activation.

    After some days of tries and re-tries, i returned it, and bought the aeon lab keyfob. That one worked at first shot.

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    Just to report my experience, I've bought the ZM keyfob at first, and as you i was just able to include it in the network, but not able to use it for scene activation.

    After some days of tries and re-tries, i returned it, and bought the aeon lab keyfob. That one worked at first shot.

    Thank you, I will try that as well...

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