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Smart Home Forum by FIBARO Team

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How to detect cars at the house gate





Is there a way to detect a car waiting at my gate for say 10 seconds then send me an alarm? I do have a push-button, but that requires a person to get out of the car and press the button.


Also, is there an outdoor contact that can detect when the gate is open or closed?


much appreciated 




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Ja mam zastosowany iNode Care w połączeniu z FBGS 321 i jak pojadę samochodem pod bramę garażową to brama się automatycznie otwiera.

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right, iNode is really good solution. We wrote VD for that, Plugin will come next (for iNode LAN of course, so no FBGS321 in the middle).

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I think in described situation iNode is the wrong way. It could only work in cars that have the beacon. If it should react to all cars arriving you need a PIR or a switch installed in the pavement. I am using an Ipcam reacting to movement in a defined Area of the picture.

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  • Yes Julexmon you're correct. I need a reaction based on cars stopping in a specified location for over 10 seconds lets say (since some cars might be doing a turn there as it is a dead end road). so basically I need a way to detect a car stopped there for a period of time. can you do multiple pollings in the case of a PIR?

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    how about some beam detectors connected to a universal sensor. when the beam breaks it counts down a timer (or sleeps), for 10 secs and then checks again to see if beam is still broken. If it is then 'do' an action ie notify you. when checking after 10 secs the beam isnt broken then it does nothing..

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