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Smart Home Forum by FIBARO Team

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MultiSensor 6 firmware 1.08 available again - who dares?



I was never fast enough to try 1.08 when it was released, it disappeared due to 'issues'.


It has been released again... This time with an explanation of what those issues are.


"There are a few changes that may lead to some surprise which is why the firmware was pulled down temporarily. The V1.08 firmware version should only be used if you do not plan on having the sensor reports too rapidly (<10 minutes intervals).

Battery Power
- If sensors are reporting around 4 minutes, it is possible that the sensor may send the signals 4 times in a row causing the battery to be used rapidly (users who have done this have seen battery drain within 2 weeks). (bug)
- Can be set to a minimum 240 seconds without the need to set the wakeup interval for faster reports (but is receptive to the bug above at reports <10 minute intervals)

USB Power
- Can no longer report sensors at a rate of 1 second, the minimum report is 240 seconds."


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I like the way they start their post: "(...) changes that may lead to some surprise". No. Never surprised with Aeotec.


What's your experience?

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Lost the courage to purge into new firmwares that are too new. Probably wait out 2 weeks or more before giving it a try.


Still affected by the 2-byte changed to 3-byte parameter in firmware v1.07.

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  • Thanks, chaicka, I'll probably going to wait a few weeks too. Or maybe, one day, forget about using this on batteries and just attach a USB power supply ;-)

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    I did upgrade mine about a few weeks ago. Although I hadn't reporting the sensors in around 4 minutes, the batteries were drained within a few weeks. So I upgraded it. It couldn't be worse ;-)

    As of now I don't have problems with the module. For me the sensors are reporting just fine, however the main functionality I use, is the motion sensor and it's working fine.

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  • Thanks! I've upgraded my sensor and included it. I'll use it with default settings and a rechargeable battery, so I can estimate battery usage. Unfortunately, the batteries are still in transit...

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    i have just update my sensor as well, but i get an issue with Fibaro Device Template. Parameter 41 are incredible high. i have tested around and found a solution. If i disable the device template and set the parameter 41 Datatype from 1d to 4d, then i get the right value from the device back. Did you have the same issue ?

    Edited by fhermes
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    Aeotec has changed parameter 41. It was wrong at the beginning.

    Fibaro is aware of this and will deliver a new template in one of their updates in the future.


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    Unfortunately, my battery drain isn't resolved. Not even with the firmware 1.08.

    I have replaced the unit by my supplier, but the drain is still there.

    Maybe it has to do with the incorrect template which causes the drains?


    I don't know what to do next.. Send the unit back to the supplier, or wait for Fibaro to replace the template (or disable the usage of the template) ?

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    How bad is the battery drain?


    I have two MS6 running on 1.06 and 1.07 firmware versions respectively. I have since (past posts on MS6) tweaked the parameters a fair bit to suit the scenes that depend on its values. Based on past few months of observations, one unit's last batt change was in last week of August and only alerted low batt shortly after I updated HC2 to 4.102 beta (probably a day or two). That means it lasted 3+ months. The other unit's prior batt change was sometime in 1st week of August and lasted till last week of October. This unit is at a high traffic zone and it has a shorter wake up interval of 1800s.


    Based on the behaviours, the conclusion I have arrived is that this MS6 will never last very long on batteries while configured to be useful. I have just embark on 1st set of rechargeable batteries to see how long it lasts and whether it makes sense to continue running on batteries. Pulling some wired usb power to the two MS6 I have is going to be a significant pain and mess which I hope to avoid. Yet the way I need them to operate does not make sense to replace with FGMS001s due to how FGMS001 lacks a false ceiling recess mount.

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    Well, the last battery lasted 4 days. Wakeup interval was default on 3600 seconds. It's placed in my bathroom, so no high traffic zone here.

    I'm thinking about placing it somewhere else so I can power it by USB.

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    1 hour ago, Cafun said:

    Well, the last battery lasted 4 days. Wakeup interval was default on 3600 seconds. It's placed in my bathroom, so no high traffic zone here.

    I'm thinking about placing it somewhere else so I can power it by USB.


    4 days is very short. Even before I tweaked parameters for mine, it did not last this short. If memory serves me well, it was on approx. 3 weeks cycle.


    Many factors affect the experience. In my experience, distance to HC (if included in secured mode) plays a big difference, especially if there is no other z-wave plus along its path to the HC. I suspect it is because secured z-wave traffic may not be routed through other non-zwaveplus nodes. But then, I am not able to prove it yet, just a suspect based on observation of how devices behaves.


    Like I said, I tweaked heavily the parameters, e.g. Para #40 is 0 (disabled) to the extend it only reports whatever I need at very specific interval, not every readings at wake up interval.

    Edited by chaicka
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    Thnx for your respone chaicka, With the first sensor it was indeed approx 3 weeks.

    I now have changed two motion sensor and powered the Aon Labs by USB, so my problem should have been "resolved" now :-)

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