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Hikvision mail



Hello everyone,


Since a while ago mails from Fibaro with a snapshot in it from the Hikvision camera did not come anymore (Fibarocam2.PNG). It has worked for a long time, sometimes I receive emails with nothing in it or an empty photo, sometimes I did receive a photo as you see in my inbox. But since last week no more mails anymore.


The strange in this is that the other type of notification mail do work. Only with the Hikvision camera snapshot(button) or sendphototouser won't work.


I did read a lot about this problem on this forum but noting what can help for solve the problem. Also, spook to the seller which also know that more people have the same problems, but the seller didn't know a solution for this problem.



I hope someone can help me out. To speed up this proces I posted photo's of my setup in Fibaro (Fibarocam1.PNG).




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5 answers to this question

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Could it be that your router has assigned a new ip-address to your camera?


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  • 21 minutes ago, Thomasn said:

    Could it be that your router has assigned a new ip-address to your camera?



    No, the camera has his own IP adres. If the router did assigned a new IP-address to the camera I should not see the camera in Fibaro self. Thanks for youre reaction.



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  • IT Has not yet been resolved. I cannot find anything else about this problem on this forum. The problem is not the camera. The camera works well. The problem has to do with the mail (notification).

    It seems that the problem is in Fibaro servers. If I create a different scene that is not specifically aimed at sending snapshots, I will not receive any mail when I start that specific (test) scene.


    I have also performed some tests myself. Among other things, resetting my HC2. At the time I also made a (test) scene, also not aimed at sending snapshot but a normal notification text, this worked then, I received an email. I have 33 modules, a time-consuming job to re-add them all. Scenes aside, because all IDs need to be adjusted there.


    I even added my email address in my colleague's HC2 with the same set up. I receive his emails with snapshots. But when we program his email address in my HC2, nothing is received. The problem is also not with the email provider.


    Does anyone know a solution for this problem?

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