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Smart Home Forum by FIBARO Team

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TP-LINK Smart Plug VD





Let me start off by saying I've zero experience and knowledge with working with API's so I'm not sure if this is even going to be possible.


I'm trying to make a Virtual Device to turn on/off some TP-Link Smart Plugs I have.


The Controller I'm using is a HCL




I've scoured the Internet and found a way of controlling these plugs via a HTTP POST request. To turn on the plug you can use the following (and to turn off you can simply substitute the state value with a 0 to turn off)

curl --request POST "https://your_region_specific_url/?token=your_token_here HTTP/1.1" \
 --data '{"method":"passthrough", "params": {"deviceId": "your_device_id_here", "requestData": "{\"system\":{\"set_relay_state\":{\"state\":0}}}" }}' \
--header "Content-Type: application/json"




And to get the device state, you can use the following:


curl -s --request POST "https://your_region_specific_url/?token=your_token_here HTTP/1.1"\
 --data '{"method":"passthrough", "params": {"deviceId": "your_device_id_here", "requestData": "{\"system\":{\"get_sysinfo\":null},\"emeter\":{\"get_realtime\":null}}" }}'\
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" | grep -q '..relay_state..:1' && echo "ON" || echo "OFF"




How would I format this to make it compatible for buttons on a HCL compatible VD? I've spent a couple of hours trial and error but getting nowhere (mainly because I can't seem to find any error logs - does the HCL even have any?)


I'd be incredibly appreciative of some help!





I'm guessing this would be the correct format for the buttons however I still don't seem to be able to get this to work?


POST /?token=your_token_here HTTP/1.1
Host: your_regional_specific_url_here
Content-Type: application/json

{"method":"passthrough", "params": {"deviceId": "your_device_id_here", "requestData": "{\"system\":{\"set_relay_state\":{\"state\":0}}}" }}


Edited by Unified_io
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@Unified_io  (also @iceagescrat )


as Your post pointed me to the right direction I will try to help You. It looks like You have HC2. I am using HC3 so it is a bit different, but You should handle this on your own.

The source of my knowlede is

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Create a unique identifier for Your script (VD) - it should be valid UUID v4 - You can use

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So the first thing to do is to get the valid token (I don't know how long it is valid, but I assume we should re-generate it every time we call the set of actions).


Make a POST request to

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with the following body:


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where cloudUserName / cloudPassword are your KASA credentials, and terminalUUID is the one You generated in #1



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Make a POST request to

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with the following request body:


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The DeviceId from the response is static for Your device, so You can check it once and hardcode in Your script.



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Make a POST request to

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with the following request body:


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In the attachment I add my lua script (HC3) that I use for turning ON / OFF my HS100 TpLink smart plug.


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