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Smart Home Forum by FIBARO Team

Hola! / Hi from Argentina!


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Hello! I am Manuel, an Argentine entrepreneur, a fan of all things tech and developer, I have been a fibaro certified installer since 2020 when I first approached the brand (when the vice started... haha).
Since then we have dedicated ourselves to creating the most advanced intelligent installations in our city.
Very happy to be part of this growing community, and that we have to continue expanding since as an entrepreneur I see that our greatest enemy is only misinformation by people who do not know about home automation.

A pleasure and I hope I can help with my humble knowledge at some point ?


Hola! Soy Manuel un emprendedor Argentino, fanatico de todo lo tech  y desarrollador, soy instalador certificado fibaro desde 2020 cuando hice mi primer acercamiento a la marca (cuando empezo el vicio. .... jaja ). 
Desde ese entonces nos dedicamos a crear las instalaciones inteligentes mas avanzadas de nuestra ciudad.
Muy feliz de formar parte de esta comuninad cada vez mas grande, y que tenemos que seguir ampliando ya que como emprendedor veo que nuestro mayor enemigo es solo la des-informacion por parte de las personas que no concen acerca de domotica.

Un gusto y espero poder ayudar con mis humildes conocimientos en algun momento ?

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Hola @smarthouse.sa ?


19 hours ago, smarthouse.sa said:

I see that our greatest enemy is only misinformation by people who do not know about home automation.


Totally agree! Here in Croatia same enemy is on the run, so is difficult to do living doing only home automation.

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