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Smart Home Forum by FIBARO Team

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Widget on Android smartphone




Actually I have (connection)issues with an widget from outside the wifi area. The scene on YUBII works perfect (ist is opening a gate via smart implant). But the widget on my Homescreen is disabled. 

I delete the widget and create a new one. I trigger the widget, it works for one time but afterwards it is disabled. I open YUBII start the scene and some times the widget is enabled and works for one time then it disabled and so on.


Since it works within the wifi area I guess there is an access issue with the fibaro server. 

Which User is used by the widget to start the scene on my HC3 from remote?

How can I inspect what the widget does? As mentioned the scene called from YUBII works.




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@ggoetz56In my case, the Yubii scene wigets are working OK, when connect to my WLAN and from extern trough the mobile network. I have a galaxy handy. 


Which user account are you using on your Yubii handy App? I recommend to use a standard user account.


I've seen strange behavior, when I used the fibaro admin user on the handy. Therefore, I only use the admin user, when needed. 



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  • Thank you @Fabir for your support.


    The user account is one of the questions. How the widget works in an remote environment is not clear to me. I hope you  use the "Deutsche Oberfläche" as well.

    I think the widget its self does nothing than calling yubii with some parameters.

    So I need no credentials to start yubii on my Samsung S20 FE, the widget needs no credentials either.


    This is the configuration in Yubii:

    When starting Yubii It comes with my HomeScreen - Favoriten

    Mehr > Einstellungen >Benutzereinstellungen  Benutzerrname:  gives me  "Goetz" which is no valid user on HC3.

    The "ID" is the same  mailadress I use connecting to FibaroCloud.

    Using Konto "bearbeiten" Benutzer Email: (the same mailadress for connecting to FibaroCloud) Benutzername: admin  

    My S20 FE ist listed under Mobil devices.


    So that is what happend when pushing the WidgetButton (I guess 😀)

    The widget starts Yubii

    Yubii is in remote status. So it connects with fibaro-ID (the mailadress mentioned above) to FibaroCloud-Server. The server knows my MobilDevice, so it connects me to my HC3, which has to be connected to the Fibaro cloud either at that moment. Its starts the scene on HC3 which the widget has called.


    So Im really confused about the "Benutzer" Fibaro uses, especially the "Benutzername" in Benutzereinstellungen in Yubii.






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    There can be only one administrator and one or multiple users. 


    The Disticition between admin and user accounts is done with the e-mail adress. 

    With Fibaro ID every user has it's own Fibaro ID. 

    Therfore I reccomend:

    Setup the administrator with Mail Adress X

    Setup one or multiple user with Mail Adress Y


    In der Fibaro ID wird die Unterscheidung zwischen Administrator und den Benutzern basiered auf deren Mail Adresse gemacht. Der Administrator und der oder die Benutzer dürfen nicht dieselbe Mail Adresse haben. 

    Meiner Erfahrung nach, kann es sonst zu komischem Verhalten auf der Handy Yubii App kommen. 


    Interne Benutzer benötigen keine eigene Fibaro ID.


    Externe Benutzer zB fürs Handy, benötigen eine eigen Fibaro ID. 

    Gehe zu Fibaro ID > Pfeil nach rechts clicken bei deinem Homecenter > dann kannst Du weitere Benutzer eröffnen > von hier kannst Du gleich eine Mail Einladung zur Benutzung an den user verschicken.


    Auf der Yubii App meldest Du dich dann mit der oben vergebenen Fibaro ID für diesen Benutzer an. Nicht als admin.


    Danach kannst Du im Controller unter Zugriff, jedem Benutzer seine Berechtigungen für Module, Szenen usw zuteilen. 


    Betreffend Deiner Frage was macht die Yubii App und die Wigets?

    Wenn des ganze eingerichtet ist kannst Du im Controller >  Verlauf auf dem PC, jederzeit schauen was jetzt gerade passiert, auch wenn das Handy extern im Mobile Netz verbunden ist. Ich kann im Verlauf sehen, das auf dem Handy jetzt etwas Ein/Aus geschaltet wurde oder eine Szene über ein Widget gestart wurde.


    Weitere Info über die Fibaro ID sind in den FAQ 

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    Edited by Fabir
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  • Thanks for your advice. I have created a new user account for my Yubii-App. I have had already some users even for remote access  but they don't use widgets.  

    Regardless what "Benutzername" in Yubii says the User is binded to the mail-account that is listed under ID. 

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    @ggoetz56Not sure if I understand your answer correctly. The issue is solved now?


    I also recommend the Fibaro ID dedicated for the Smartphone to only using there. Don't have the same user in the LAN logged in to the homecenter on ac pc or tablet. 

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  • 1 hour ago, Fabir said:

    I also recommend the Fibaro ID dedicated for the Smartphone to only using there. Don't have the same user in the LAN logged in to the homecenter on ac pc or tablet. 

    So I did. One new created User only for the Yubii App. In "verlauf" I can see that is no longer "admin", it is the new created user "Gerhard" that starts the scene.  But unfortunately I have just recognized the issue is still there.  For any reason the widget-icon shows a cross and works no longer.

    I have access with the new user to my HC3 via WIFI and also remote and even the scene works proper and the reaction of the smart implant is fast.


    First I thought the issue is solved because I tried it with new user and the widget was still activated. I inspected it for 2 or 3 minutes. But now I opened the homescreen and the widget is inactive. Now I even had not touched the icon since the last test. I now will do two things:


    Use this newly created user on another mobile. Test the widget there.

    Delete the widget and create a new one and don't touch it, to see if it is deactivated by the phone (the android operatingsystem) its self on my phone.

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