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Smart Home Forum by FIBARO Team

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About This File

A virtual device to interface with the Nefit Easy thermostat. First credits where credits are due: this VD leverages  the cool stuff made by Robert Klep.So what you need is to

  1. Install the nefit-easy-http-server developed by robertklep (see https://github.com/robertklep/nefit-easy-http-server) on another device. I use a raspberry pi. Follow the instructions on the site and check if the server is working properly
  2. Install the virtual device you can download here
  3. Add the IP address of the device where you run the nefiteasy server in the advanced setting of the VD
  4. Same for the port (standard setting of the server is 3000)
  5. You can use the icon provided if you like :-)
  6. I use the two buttons at the bottom of the VD to lower the temperature when I am away (trigerred by a scene), and go back to the normal clock program when I'm back home
  7. By inspecting the code in the VD I guess you can see how you can read and write data to the server. There are many more info and settings you can extract or change from the server (see https://github.com/robertklep/nefit-easy-core/wiki/List-of-endpoints for the list of endpoints you can use). These are the ones I picked but I assume you understand how to change to your needs



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