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Smart Home Forum by FIBARO Team


   (0 reviews)

About This File

This Virtual Device reads the information on the level of ionized 
 radiation from the http://radioactiveathome.org/map/ .
 There are sensors distributed all over Europe, some in US, 
 Japan and other countries.
 For the VD to be functional the following has to be adjusted:
 The global variable 'temprad" has to be created
 Icon of the slider has to be updated as ' yellow radiation with timer'

 The code has to be adjusted in USER CONFIG Section (Values marked with ENTER in comments).

 ThingSpeak API Key if one wants to push data to ThingSpeak
 IDs of the Icons (green, yellow, orange, red, yellow with timer)
 Coordiantes of the locaton of the sensor 

 How to know where are the sensors located and how to get their 
 coordinates :
 The map of the sensors is at: http://radioactiveathome.org/map/
 Click on the dot of the sensor you want to know the location ID
 You will see the popup with the information of the sensor. 
 Note 'Details Sensor' number
 You need to see the source of the http://radioactiveathome.org/map/
 Enter 'view-source:http://radioactiveathome.org/map/' 
 into the browser (eg. Chrome)
 Press Ctrl-F to find the sensor number you noted earlier
 Next to the number found you will see the coordinates
 Enter coordinates into the code below.

 What is new in version 0.67:
 - Multilangual support

What is new in version 1.67:
 - The VD is not anymore auto-refreshed 
   with the time interval set by slider, but 
   it is refreshed by pressing a button.
   This is to have it triggered by Main Timer Scene
What is new in version 1.68:
  - German translation added (by gobbli of forum.fibaro.com) 

What is new in version 1.69:

   - Dutch and Slovak translation added (by Bodyart of forum.fibaro.com) 

   - Italian and Croatian translation added (by Sankotronic of forum.fibaro.com) 


 Credits to:

 andre                    from forum.lic.pl -  author of the idea
 rusconidesigner   from forum.fibaro.com  - author of the multicolor radiation icons
 gucio1234            from forum.fibaro.com & forum.lic.pl  -  who make final version of the VD
 Sankotronic         from forum.fibaro.com - who make some changes + Croatian and Italian translation
 jompa68              from forum.fibaro.com - from whom I got multilangual concept
 gobbli                  from forum.fibaro.com - author of Deutsch translation
 Bodyart               from forum.fibaro.com - author of Dutch and Slovak translation



















What's New in Version 1.0.0.   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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