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Found 3 results

  1. Hello! I know this has already been posted in another thread, and been there for three years, but since there see to be no official response or solutions available, I am posting another thread. I have ~ 10 Fibaro Wall Plugs at home, connected to a Home Center 3. Regularly these wall plugs just seem to go dead. (Basically they stop responding to any commands.) I just have one that has done this, and I am testing to disconnect and reconnect it. The ring glows green for a sec and then goes white (on), so it seems it's still connected to Home Center (?) That said, sending commands to it just doesn't work. It's not being reported as disconnected in Home Center? See movie attached how one is currently "dead" (Device 314 is the dead plug, while showing how 318 still works fine) Also, I tried a soft reconfiguration on the plug, which seems to work.. (See image showing part of trace log) the device does still not respond after reconfiguration.. It's worth mentioning I have had similar problems with Telldus-plugs. I decided to buy Fibaro ones to hopefully solve the issue (even though they are 2x as expensive), but I get similar problems with these ones.. it's very disappointing.. It's worth mentioning I have ~30 other ZWave Devices working in my home. Only these plugs keep stopping to work.. I don't understand what is the problem? If I completely reset the plug and remove it and re-connect it to Home Center I am rather sure it will instantly work (for a while).. I'll wait doing that til I have had some response here.. FibaroWallPlugDead.mp4
  2. HI, I am looking to detect and report on any device that is dead on a daily basis I could probably write one using the api but was wondering of if anybody have canned code to detect the dead devices before I create one myself Thanks
  3. Guest

    HC2 Antenna

    I have a HC2 that it is inside of a metal rack, I would like to know if there is a problem using a cable rp-sma to put thehc2 antenna outside of this rack. Regards Eduardo
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