I though I was going to try to integrate and use my wired PIR sensors from my extended PC1616 + TL260GS IP/GPRS alarm in my Fibaro HC2.
I opened the Fibaro DSC plugin and added the IP of the ethernet TL260 module, wrote in TCP port 3062 port and a pin I just created in the DSC alarm (no master code properties. But I have tested with a mastercode after that also). It immediately added zones and partitions (but is the naming conventions really correct in the plugin??).
If I after that create a simple scene where I with a few seconds loop print the "value" and "lastBreached" from some DSC PIR:s, the values of them all are 0 even though I am dancing around with my laptop in the whole house in front of the PIR sensors watching lua debug output I therefor conclude that the Fibaro plugin cannot see when the PIR sensors triggers....
After that I googled a bit saw a post regarding Vera that said that the sensors must be "armed" for vera to see them and be able to trigger. I then tried to click "arm" on partion 1 in the DSC plugin where all zones are located. Nothing happens.
More googling....
On the DSC 1616, the force arm function will only work if the zone attribute for the faulted zone(s) have force arm enabled.By default, only zone types 05 (Interior, Away/Stay), 06 (Delay,Away/Stay), 09 (24HR Supervisory), 22 (Momentary keyswitch), 23 (maintained keyswitch), 26 (24HR Non-Alarm), 31 (Day Zone) and 37 (Night) allow force arm, unless you specifically enable the option in zone programming.If any other zone type is faulted when trying to force arm the panel, the panel will not be armed.
I have however not changed anything in the DSC. But all sensors are located in the same partiton. If you arm a DSC partition I assume you either must allow force arm like the post above says or be very sure you try when you have had no motion at all for a while. But the latter wont work...
I really just want to see the triggers from the DSC PIR sensors and not change anything in the alarm. Any one that knows what is going on and what I need to to do solve it? Do I have to change any settings in the DSC? What am I missing here? How to I arm it? Do I need to arm? And wont the DSC alarm go of then??
Thanks in advance