I have a huge request for the mobile app development team.
The problem:
The mobile app (I use Android) has a very limited ability to customize the user experience and it drives me mad.
I typically (many times a day) use 5 functions: open/unlock/close/lock doors (main door, garage door and the gate) and 2 scenes (activate night mode and activate day mode).
Some of them are typically run in a sequence (but not always, so it does not make sense to create a "macro scene"), like when I arrive home by car.
And this is a horrible experience with Fibaro mobile app, because I need to navigate multiple "rooms" to open the gate (yard "room"), then the garage door (garage "room") and then the main door.
It drives me mad.
I know, it is possible to create a homescreen widget in Android (which is pretty cool!), alas not all of the functions are supported (e.g. no secure lock widget is available, for good reasons probably!). Also, widgets are not always optimal - they consume a lot of space on the desktop and cannot be grouped in a folder.
The solution:
How about creating a new folder in the mobile app called "shortcuts" and allowing the user to create a "copy" of any chosen device widget there (in a chosen order)?
I guess it is a very simple solution to implement and would solve a lot of usability issues with the current app.
Thanks in advance!