I create a pop-up notification, which works well, except the button does not trigger my scene.
I double and tripple checked the scene, add more or less buttons,
tried different scenes, but nothing works.
If I hit the button on the pop-up it only disappears, but no scene is triggered.
Is there anyone can help on it?
Do I need to set anything else in the HC2? or the pop-up scene?
My scene is as follows:
I also confirm that the scene for the button is working.
%% properties
%% events
%% globals
local imgUrl = ''
local currentDate = os.date("*t");
if (fibaro:countScenes() > 1) then
-- opening the pop-up window,
-- title – required field,
title = 'Laundry',
-- subtitle – optional field,
subtitle = string.format("%02d:%02d:%02d | April %02d, %04d", currentDate.hour, currentDate.min, currentDate.sec, currentDate.day, currentDate.year),
-- Title of the pop-up content (optional),
contentTitle = 'Laundry is ready',
-- Content of the pop-up – required field,
contentBody = 'Please confirm',
-- Image of the notification (acceptable formats - .jpg, .png, .bmp),
img = imgUrl,
-- Notification type: ('Info' – blue color, 'Success' – green color, 'Warning' – yellow color, 'Critical' – red color)
type = 'Info',
-- defying buttons – ‘caption’ – text of the button, sceneId – Id of scene that will be started after clicking on button (0 – no scene will be started), you can defy up to 3 buttons, in default there will be a button with ‘Ok’
buttons = {
{ caption = 'OK', sceneId = 285 }
thanks for helping